

Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
could lower the risk of stealing by allowing only trades of extras like the 3rd of a non-legend or the 2nd copy of a legend. Could still be stealing, sure, but a whole lot less risk probably

The Ancient_sl

So? That Hearthstone's cost of entry is cheaper(yet still increasing) than other CCGs is irrelevant. The cost of entry exists and it is preventing a non-insignificant portion of players from ponying up money. Don't you think Blizzard would want their money? And that the health of the game would be better with a larger player base with higher turnover?
Yeah no. If you are calling Naxx the "cost of entry" and people won't pony up for that, then they aren't going to pony up more than that either.


Molten Core Raider
Honestly I think there are a lot of reasons for them not allowing trading or selling. For one thing, the Diablo III debacle has probably scared them off from allowing that. Secondly, since there are no limited "prints" of cards, the prices would just drop so hard that even the good legendary cards would become worthless after a short amount of time. This would mean that you could buy whatever you needed for a deck for pennies, and would have no need for booster packs. Also, account hacking would become much more frequent since they now have monetary value.

I do think they need to lower the bar of entry. They should allow for more than one daily every day at very least. That would help tremendously. I'd say they could also lower the dust requirements a little bit, as they're kind of fucking nuts with how much dust they want for a legendary.


<Bronze Donator>
1600 dust for X legend is pretty insane when they offer you 5 for a common and not much more for rares etc.


Well, if you haven't tried out the Oil Rogue deck, I can only say that it is worth a spin. It plays a bit oddly (sort of a stop-and-go) but seriously, much fun in the present meta I think. You have control elements, rush elements and still some scary burst. The synergy between Blade Flurry, Assassin's, Oil and so on is really scary late and the rest is draw, control, AE and combo deliciousness.

I haven't taken it out for a long drive but so far I'm very impressed and it definitely should do well in a meta dominated by BGHs or tempo. Incoming Rogue nerf in a month or two.


<Bronze Donator>
Yeah no. If you are calling Naxx the "cost of entry" and people won't pony up for that, then they aren't going to pony up more than that either.
I'm sorry if I inferred that, but that was not my intention. Naxx is an example of a good cost. You know what you're getting and how much it will cost. It's the rest of the collection that's problematic. I honestly forget about Naxx during most of these conversations since it's such an assumption and you get a good amount of still useful cards.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Just playing casual with a Echo of Medhiv+Molten Giants for fun.

Bad game, but in the end I have 1 Life with a Ice Block Secret already played. In my hand 2 Molten Giants, and 1 Echo of Medhiv....I draw my second Echo of Medhiv.

I play 2 Molten Giants at zero cost, 1 Echo of Medhiv at 4 mana, get back my 2 giants, play them at 0 again, then play 2nd echo for 4 mana, get back 4 giants, play them to fill the board with Molten Giants.

I laugh, not a great deck but that came out nicely...Ice Block will make it so he can't kill me his next round...and he has to deal with all the giants.

Of course he had a Lightbomb to ruin my fun, I die the next turn.

Life is not fair.


Trakanon Raider
I'm not sure if it's a result of streamers showboating or the inherent human nature that we are all dicks, but there is an attitude that if you can BM than you must BM in this game. Personally I prefer to end it quick and move on to my next game.


<Bronze Donator>
People that emote needlessly or don't concede when it's obvious they have lost will get BMs. Otherwise, kill them quickly and "well played" if it was a good match.


Trakanon Raider
Haha! That is awesome. I bet that guy won't ever get cocky like that again.

I learned a long time ago, kill them while you can.
You have a lot of faith in gamers if you think one instance of BMing backfiring will stop people from being cocky. If anything it'll make them even worse the next time around.


Molten Core Raider
People that emote needlessly or don't concede when it's obvious they have lost will get BMs. Otherwise, kill them quickly and "well played" if it was a good match.
I prefer it when my opponent lets me finish them off instead of conceding in most cases. I'll only BM if there's been a lot of emoting and needless ropes.


I can't remember when I haven't squelched a player from the start. I would love to have that option available as a global command.

It's habit for me at this point, hit squelch as soon as my cards go away


Lord Nagafen Raider
I can't remember when I haven't squelched a player from the start. I would love to have that option available as a global command.

It's habit for me at this point, hit squelch as soon as my cards go away
Same here, it's bad enough I have to deal with shitheads roping pretty regularly I'm not going to listen to these idiots spam emotes while they do it.