

Easy to do the math, all cards from original set at gold. All cards in the game. Almost all heroes are golden. 4 time legend. Every card back including the cards you got from every Blizzcon. You're looking at around 1000 dollars in packs just to buy classic and gvg as a complete set.

Easily one of of the oldest actively played Hearthstone accounts out there right now since I got in on the first Alpha wave.

You would be surprised how little 3k is too alot of people. I have 2 people on my friends list already offered to buy it many times.


I haven't had any problems, other than my shredders shitting out Doomsayers and losing me games I was winning

Edit: Also there is nothing Tempo Storm could put on their site that would make it worth giving them money for it.
I just noticed this today over at Tempo Storm. Seems the newer decks are going behind the paywall

To me that is a mistake. They could easily be the top hearthstone site out there, but if they keep making people pay it will be over very quickly.

Their forums don't have many posts as it is.

Shame because it is a site I would suggest to beginners because unlike the other hearthstone sites they tell you exactly why certain cards should be played and their value. Versus just giving someone a list of a certain deck.

Also their interface is very clean.


Blackwing Lair Raider
After playing face hunter some more again I've found out it actually matches up pretty well against mech mage now. It used to be horrible against mech mage, but this latest iteration of mech mage is minion heavy(with no taunts outside of annoyo) relying on tempo/playing out a curve to outrace their opponent. This often leads to mages often trying to out race you as hunter, which usually ends very poorly for them. Also, its pretty easy to ensure their mirror entity(s) get terrible value, even better when you use animal companion buying another turn.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I just noticed this today over at Tempo Storm. Seems the newer decks are going behind the paywall

To me that is a mistake. They could easily be the top hearthstone site out there, but if they keep making people pay it will be over very quickly.

Their forums don't have many posts as it is.

Shame because it is a site I would suggest to beginners because unlike the other hearthstone sites they tell you exactly why certain cards should be played and their value. Versus just giving someone a list of a certain deck.

Also their interface is very clean.
Hearthpwn seems to be fairly up to date, and free, as it should be.


Hearthpwn is a mess, especially for a new player. There is so much garbage on there, and none of it gets moderated because of their shitty rating system


Blackwing Lair Raider
Oh I forgot when I mentioned mirror entity speaking of animations. They really do need to do something about these animations, it maybe isn't always an issue, but it seems they have been having some server problems which, if it wasn't an issue before, it is now. It shouldn't take 8s to get through a belcher, and with mentioning mirror entity, just earlier I played two minions and attacked before mirror entity triggered and that wasn't the first time that has happened to me, play a minion, wait a second to see it mirror entity triggers, nope, attack with another minion, boom mirror entity triggers.


Mr. Poopybutthole
What exactly is being hidden behind the tempo storm pay wall? Is it random decks, or decks that are tied to premium articles?


Looks like newer decks. I.E. if you look at Reynads Blingtron deck he posted on the 3rd it is behind the pay wall.

Theirs not many right now tho, and not sure what they are going by to dictate certain decks be only premium.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I thought when the site first launched the idea was putting the best decks behind the wall (the ones they were using currently, or very recently) idea being you had access first and would get it before the masses got ahold of it and could use that to your advantage. I didn't think they updated enough to pull that off. I have no idea what's actually behind the paywall, they did have a pretty solid bit of information out not behind one when I was checking their site out regularly.


Lord Nagafen Raider
haha, holy shit, I did not realize that an ogre missing and swinging into a stealth mob would unstealth that mob. Totally just won me a game.


Still a Music Elitist
haha, holy shit, I did not realize that an ogre missing and swinging into a stealth mob would unstealth that mob. Totally just won me a game.
Attacking a stealth minion qualifies as "dealing damage" so it unstealths them.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Well, its semi unintuitive that it could hit a stealthed minion in the first place, but so can randomized shit like Arcane Missles or Mad Bomber and so do AE's so it does stand to reason. Good to know though. Its also nice to RNG past taunt sometimes.

The Master

Bronze Squire
Well, its semi unintuitive that it could hit a stealthed minion in the first place, but so can randomized shit like Arcane Missles or Mad Bomber and so do AE's so it does stand to reason. Good to know though. Its also nice to RNG past taunt sometimes.
Doing just about anything unstealths. Geddon's end of turn thing unstealths. A Knife Juggler juggling unstealths (I've won multiple games where my opponent didn't know that, killed a Harvest Golem/Shredder/Etc to force a juggle, Juggler unstealths and I can kill it) Rag's end of turn attack unstealths, etc. The list of what doesn't unstealth is way shorter.


Playing my f2p euro decks.
YOLO a 10/10 Frostwolf Warlord with my implosion against a pay2warrior.
FW wins brawl.


Trakanon Raider
Please Morrow keep the negs coming , I love them on this board. Path to 100 demands it!

And before you claim it wasn't you keep in mind they time stamp the negs.

Your response to my neg proves my neg. You are hilarious.

Here, I'll even copy paste it:

"You are such a retard. I think you have borderline personality disorder with a splash of narcissism and delusions of grandeur."

Why would I deny giving the board's biggest retard a neg after claiming his HS account was worth $3,000? Haha.

P.S. The path to zero works by giving people + or - rep to bring them to 0. All you ever get are negs, so for you, it's more like the path to negative infinite.


Trakanon Raider
Edit: Double post. Column is such a retard, the board wanted to reiterate the point and posted it twice.