Put an Angry Chicken in my Priest deck for shits and giggles. Turns out it's pretty fucking good lol. You can enrage it easily yourself, and obviously buff the health enough to make it happen. It's good times.
Really enjoying Warlock now that I have a few cards (have only opened like 10-12 packs or so, whatever casual gold has allowed me. Have a Doomguard (5Mana, 5/7: Charge, Discard 2 Randomly and a Twisting Nether (8) Destroy all Minions, an Abomination (5) 4/4 Taunt, Deathrattle: Deal 2 damage to all minions and a Baron Geddon (7) 5/7: At the end of your turn, do 2 damage to ALL minions. I just play these cards + all the Warlock base set AoE's and it's pretty fun times.
Total AoE Cards:
x2 Dread Infernal (1)
x2 Hellfire (3)
x1 Abomination (2)
x1 Baron Geddon (2+2+2+2+2...)
x1 Twisting Nether (Destroy)
So much fun. Geddon doing damage the same turn you drop him is amazing. Combine that with cheap removal like Soulfire/Shadow Bolt/Demon Fire/Mortal Coil/Drain Life, which essentially all have +2 damage and it makes for such an easy time controlling the board. Just played a Priest in 2 Star Diamond game that was pretty tight but with me having the better tempo. I summoned Geddon on turn 7 and immediately he says "Thank You" 3 times, obviously being cocky about a next turn mind control. Then I just used Twisted Nether & lul'd. The best part is Geddon only being 7, and Voidwalkers 1, so you can summon both of them on the same turn, aoe everything, and the Voidwalker survives just enough to prevent Geddon from taking too much damage.
Only problem is learning when to stop with the crack that is the Warlock ability. Ran into fatigue for the first time today, ouch. Anyone else been doing any strange or unique decks for fun? It's difficult to do so without buying packs :O Never been so excited about opening commons in a card game before... Curious about a Geddon with a Rogue deck and Conceal? Would be very interesting. What's everyone's top 5-10 must have commons/rares all around to craft, usable in all decks? Crafted a Defender of Argus so far and Dire Wolf Alphas cos they are universally godly. What else?