

Trakanon Raider
Secret Paladin is very strong but at Rank 5ish everyone is ready for it. Since it's considered "the deck to beat" everyone else plays decks that can go 50% against it or as close to it as possible. I'm being stubborn with it though because I'm about 150 wins from a Golden Paladin and want to get there before Standard hits. Blizzard has to know that Standard is going to decimate Paladins. Shielded Minibot, Mustard, Avenge, Sredder, Belcher, Creeper, Loatheb, Cog Hammer and Boom are all staples of various Paladin decks and all are going away. One would hope that Blizzard would take all of that into account when they do their round of Balancing and when designing cards for the expansion but this is Blizzard after all...

Also Weekends are Zoo Days. I see SO many ZooLocks over the weekend.

General Antony

Vyemm Raider
Anyfin loses only healbot and belcher. If any good new early-mid defensive options come up then those can take that role, otherwise there are some decent options in the classic sets like tazdingo, farseer, holy light that won't be so bad when the Naxx and GVG sticky shit rotates out.


Mr. Poopybutthole
lol I first read that as 'Anyfin loses only to healbot and belcher' and was like wtf?

Yeah anyfin should be sitting pretty in standard. Losing healbot isn't as big a deal with all the sticky shit from naxx and gvg rotating out, so I think the first thing I'll try in that spot will be Refreshment Vendor since it has a respectable body and most of the time you don't care about giving your opponent the 4 health, which I think I'd prefer over holy light, even if holy light works with pyro. As for Belcher, my list only runs 1, so losing it is no big deal. I'll replace it with either Harrison, Tirion, or maybe get greedy and add another cycle card. Doubt the xpac will have anything better for the slot.


Mr. Poopybutthole
yeah aggro shaman is the matchup where you'll really notice the absence of healbot. But I'd almost rather have a 5th heal rather than Harrison in that situation.


Trakanon Raider
Well just crafted the last murloc I needed to get Murk (so I can have him for fun) since I never seem to open one in a pack.....fucking coldlight seer.


<Bronze Donator>
I don't get the bitching about the meta tbh. I've played a ton of Tempo Mage and Mid-range Paladin this month, both decks I really enjoy, and completely crushed with both. I'm rank 3 purely on accident and barely playing


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm gonna be seriously pissed off if they don't refund the dust I spent crafting warleaders. And since I know they won't do that, I'm seriously pissed off.

The Ancient_sl

I'm gonna be seriously pissed off if they don't refund the dust I spent crafting warleaders. And since I know they won't do that, I'm seriously pissed off.
D/Eing Murkeye will give you 400 dust back. Now you are bitching about 400 dust in a deck you've been using for a month and a half.


Mr. Poopybutthole
At this point, unless they are offering full value I'm not disenchanting Murkeye. My anger stems from the fact that Murkeye is a basic/classic card, so arbitrarily moving it to wild is fucking retarded.


Trakanon Raider
So yeah. Unless Paladin gets a card that summons unicorns that poop rainbows they are seriously fucked come Standard. I guess you could make an old style Mid Range Paladin deck if you just want to grind some wins but it's not going to be pretty.