

Avatar of War Slayer
The card description says that it should set his hp to 15 but somehow it counted as a heal

Eh? When the Lightspawn was silenced it loses its ability to set its attack equal to its hp
innerfire. I was a bit confused for a moment as well. But preists have a card that applys that same effect(similar. its one time effect, not persistantlike lightspawn) to anything.

Inner Fire - Hearthstone Cards

1 mana. seriously. 1 mana.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Arena is just actively fucking me at this point. Just played against a priest withthreeshadow forms. I mean come on, how does that happen.


I got tired of shitty draws on my favorite classes the other day in arena so I decided to win free with priest. 1st match I hit someone with questing adventurer for 22-23 damage on turn 6?



Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Priest is pretty fucking stupid right now for sure. Northshire cleric is gonna get kicked in the dick next patch I'd wager, and I wouldn't be surprised to see Lightspawn lose a health. Inner Fire to 3 mana is also very possible.


Avatar of War Slayer
yeap. just played a preist.
turn one pass.
I pull troll.
turn 2. cleric.
I had to kill with charge. and hero melee (playing rogue.)
turn 4. lightspawn.
I pull out ooze, and raid leader. since I have no taunt.
Turn 5. pw:shield. 7/7 Divine spirit. 14/14 Divine spirit. 28/28


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
It takes a bit of luck to line up your Divine Spirits and lightspawns (or alternatively Divine Spirit + Inner Fire). Any time I see a light spawn, even if I can't clear it, I knock it down as low as possible assuming the dude is sitting on an inner fire.

As pointed out above, silence doesn't guarantee it's worthless so you're best served taking it out as soon as convenient, even if it's silenced.

The Master

Bronze Squire
Since the max number of a given card you can have in a deck is 2, should I just disenchant the extras I end up with so I can craft the cards I want?


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Yes. I would also recommend specifically finding your golden cards and disenchanting those over any extra normals you might have.

When you go to My Collection, in the upper right corner (but to the left of your custom decks) there will be a shaking dust jar and a DISENCHANT button if you have some extras. Clicking that will take you to a screen that allows you to automatically disenchant any and all extras you already have. However it differentiates between golden and normal so you'll have to find any golden cards manually.

The Master

Bronze Squire
I found them manually, though I kept the golden ones. Whoops. Ah well, I only have 3 (Blizzard, Savagery, and something else). So as soon as I get another Blizzard I'll nuke that. Also just got a Ysera, which I am looking forward to playing with. I ran up against it in Arena today and got stomped by it.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I got extremely lucky and got a golden legendary (Cenarius) in one of my first few packs. I was able to disenchant it for 1600 dust and craft Ysera.


Molten Core Raider
Ragnaros, The Black Knight, Bloodmage Thalnos, Slyvannas are amazing.

Rag is an answer or die and silence doesn't stop him from being awesome.
The Black Knight is a great 2 for 1 card.
Bloodmage is the best tempo legendary.
Sylvannas is almost a guaranteed 2 for 1 unless they have no minions on the board.


Blackwing Lair Raider
After having some pretty good drafts last weekend finishing 9-x a few times, I got some pretty shitty drafts this weekend and all ended 3-7 wins. By now I can tell about how many wins I'll get just from the draft. My best draft this past weekend ended at 7 wins because I played a mage with 4 flamestrikes, played around flamestrike holding minions in my hand, but wtf 4 flamestrikes, and a priest with 2 mind controls, I was so far ahead against the priest the 2 mind controls just took away my card advantage, but then he had the better topdecks. My latest run I just started was a priest and even though I started 2-0, I know I'll only wind up with 3-5 wins because 0 mind controls, 0 pw:s, 0 ns clerics, 0 sw: p, 1 sw:d.


I think the easiest thing to draft for arenas is probably a weenie pally deck. Draft a lot of 2-3 cost minions, redemption, truesilver champion, etc. Get early board control (like turn 1 or 2) and attack him outright, try not to trade (unless it's a taunt) and let him trade into you. Playing this way, you should be able to finish the game before 8 mana, usually around 6-7 mana.

If you look at Day9's Blizzcon deck (below), you'll see the general feel of it. He doesn't do very well with it in constructed, but it's really strong in arena. Like I said, it's all about early momentum and making the opponent answer to your plays. Again, like all decks, if you get a shitty opening hand, you'll be boned for momentum, and likely boned for the entire game (which happens to Day9 in the videos below).

Another trick that's Day9 didn't do, but is pretty clutch, is to put blessing of wisdom on your opponent's minion. Preferably something with low attack and high hp.



Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Over the half dozen or ao Paladin drafts I've done (not a huge fan of it really) I've never once seen a truesilver champion. 2 Ashbringers, but no champions ever.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I hope they make changes to the draft system, like a card can't show up again if you have 2 and maybe every x you get 3 class cards to pick from. Class cards are so important for every champion, you can really get hosed if you don't get some staples.

The Master

Bronze Squire
Grinding out access to all the basic cards is really boring.

Anyone else have an affection for theme decks? I remember screwing around with friends playing MTG I'd have terrible decks like an all Goblin deck and I'm getting that itch again. Hoping I can work out an all beast deck for the hunter and an all pirate deck for... some class. Haven't figured out what'd be the best base yet. It'll take a while to get all the cards though.