Heroes of the Storm


Toe Sucker
they're rebroadcasting the ESPN2 finals and shit on their twitch channel /blizzheroes

very... strange UI they went with, seems way, way, way too bare to really portray anything important going on besides 10 dudes hitting each other and blowing up buildings lol


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah, I posted on the news post and forum post they had about it being on espn2 saying they really needed to improve the ui, but nothing was done. Maybe they wanted to keep it simple so ppl who have no clue what they're watching aren't overwhelmed, but to anyone who has played the game you know you know nothing while watching the game in that ui.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
The broadcast was for ESPN hence directed at people not playing the game. Abstracting away any complexity (like it barely exists in Heroes) is good for that audience. Towers/forts/keeps are important if you're playing the game but somewhat awkward and difficult to explain in 15 seconds to someone. So removing the minimap somewhat eliminates the concept of lane pushing, what it means and why it is good. So they can focus completely on hero vs hero interaction.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah, they did apparently at least bitch slap trickslyr for me and told him to stop opening the damn "minimap" every 15s.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Map awareness is a massive issue. I keep having these beastly games only to be paired with troglodytes. I nearly carry the game by myself but people will then want to do something insurmountably stupid like go for "boss" at the worst possible time.

I really hope this matchmaking system is improved. Is league-play better, are people this fucking stupid when you leave the quick match scene?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Hero league is slightly better, its not necessarily every game you're matched with one, but there are still plenty of retards in hero league.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Man after about 6 weeks of finally not having blizzard issues with cox in the new orleans area it came back again last night. This time just HotS.


Confirmed Male
Hero League is better. But damn it is still unevenly retarded. Most of the time you have 1 guy who just does not want to listen, which can really make/break the game. I have also run into throwers, and they also encourage you to report them. This is most disturbing to me as it means Blizzard is doing nothing to curb this, and/or the user has nothing invested in his account (Bnet, not just HotS), and he/she will turn right around and create a new Bnet account. F2P peril I suppose.


Blackwing Lair Raider
A blue mentioned in a post that they are working on systems to punish those that get reported repeatedly.


A Man Chooses....
Couple of LOL buddies just got in and want me to play with them. It can be fun but man I have a hard time getting into it. Just feels like it has no strategic depth at all, and it's even more snowbally than other MOBAs. One team groups up, one doesn't, and once you get ahead it's hard to lose. Maybe ranked is better but grinding these quick games feels pointless. I'm only sticking with it because they like it and because I know normals aren't representative of the real game in LOL so I assume the same holds true here.


Blackwing Lair Raider
You may end up liking it more if you stick to it, I too didn't think there was much strategic depth and I had a friend come from LoL who felt the same way until he played a number of games. Don't agree with the snowballing though, well some maps more than others, but normally there are so many objectives on the map that if you're getting your shit pushed in, in team fights you can do other things to catch up(this is where some of that strategic depth comes in). I see comebacks all the time, both in game and even when I'm watching ppl play at rank 1 on twitch.


Haven't played for a couple months it seems and log back into 30k gold and a stimpack, haha. They threw out some rewards I guess?

Getting the itch again, so I'll prob be looking to do some team ranked. Added Dis - if we aren't friends add Proobs#1918


Blackwing Lair Raider
Proooooooobs! If you want to play, my bros and I usually play a couple games every evening around 9 cdt. I'll give you the mumble info next time we play together. Actually I may just start inviting more of you mother fuckers to our mumble channel because my friend who owns it keeps looking for more ppl to play with as of late so we constantly have a 5 man. Who knows what kind of creeper you're going to meet off battle.net, here we know exactly what kind of creeper.


A Man Chooses....
Are there any good technical analysts of this game out there? Or educational youtubers who explain optimal tactics in the current meta? Just trying to get a grasp of what is considered high level play at the moment and it's harder than I expected to find good content for a Blizzard competitive game. Lots of people trying to be Blakinola though.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I haven't really gone looking so I don't know if there is a website dedicated to it, but grubby has been putting out videos/guides, just search grubby on youtube.
I've read a couple of good guides in the small HotS section at teamliquid/liquidhearth.Heroes of the Storm
Oh there is a thread there too that grubby links his guidesOne-Stop Hero Map Guides


Lord Nagafen Raider
Grubby is pretty good, Fan as well, for educational vids. Khaldor has a few up for beginners as well that are informative, but geared more toward EU meta (still good info imo).