Heroes of the Storm


Blackwing Lair Raider
You may end up liking it more if you stick to it, I too didn't think there was much strategic depth and I had a friend come from LoL who felt the same way until he played a number of games. Don't agree with the snowballing though, well some maps more than others, but normally there are so many objectives on the map that if you're getting your shit pushed in, in team fights you can do other things to catch up(this is where some of that strategic depth comes in). I see comebacks all the time, both in game and even when I'm watching ppl play at rank 1 on twitch.
QFT. I have comebacks in this game all the time. You can kill buildings really fast so all it ever really takes is one good push/split.


Toe Sucker
I've decided HOTS needs a single lane map, just one gigantic clusterfuck of 5v5 constant push the entire time


Blackwing Lair Raider
Ended up spending the 10k for Sylvanas last night. After all my bitching about her I actually ended up really enjoying her. Her design allows her to do a lot of things and it's very fun. Lookin forward to work ending so I can get in some matches.


A nice asshole.
Played for the first time last night since initial beta release 6 or so months ago, Blizzard sure loves the fun to play but frustrating as fuck to PUG. I like how PvE effects PvP and dislike the fact you are essentially forced to PvE if you want to win. This is prominent on some maps more than others but still for the most part you are to Kill the NPCs ASAP and only kill PCs if convenient. Also towers may as well not be there if you force them to attack NPCs AND have them run out of ammo, they barely slow anything down but that may be the point.


Also towers may as well not be there if you force them to attack NPCs AND have them run out of ammo, they barely slow anything down but that may be the point.
This is the biggest complaint me and my friends have really. They also don't grant see invis so a Nova on some of the maps can literally walk inside of your base with 3 towers around you and splat you and just leave. If the towers are going to have ammo they have to hit like trucks or if you are going to have them hit like wet noodles passed the first 2mins of the game remove the ammo mechanic.


A Man Chooses....
Man this game has a monstrous memory leak or something. Performance just gets progressively worse the more I play until I restart the client.


Potato del Grande
Same here. And sometimes I get in a disconnect loop and can't play for an entire match.


Confirmed Male
No mem leaks on my end, I generally stay logged on for multiple days.

Finally was able to tally up some wins on Hero, I swear to god I have been a retard magnet. I hit my peak at rank 22, then I just got a mix of throwers, people losing conn, or just plain retards (people who are new to Hero, and played Coop/QM) not having an ounce of map awareness, hero select for certain maps, knowing when to soak/when to stay together, and people who basically give up after a first failed objective. I dropped back to 27, now I am back to 23 after grouping with some non-RL friends from some prior Hero play. They have a lot of work to do on match making. I generally know I am screwed when everyone on my team is no higher than 49. Waste of time, and rank basically.

Been playing DPS Malf as a second support in our team play, he does really well. I love playing that build, which you can kind of do all things. Plus nothing like blowing up an assassin with root + twilight, while still being able to throw out a regrowth to your team as a secondary healer.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I've had it blow up a GPU but I think that it was because my machine severely needed cleaning and the GPU was pretty old/prone to overheating without my knowledge. Everything is hunky dory now aside from the occasional brutal lag (which might be due to my ISP shitting the bed). I do really want to see improvements to their matchmaking system, though. I'll take longer ques if it means more reasonable composition.


A Man Chooses....
First hero I bought was vikings. I fucking love the playstyle. Erik just runs around soaking exp, the other two take every objective and team fight.

Quick match is the worst shit ever though. Worst than LOL normals while leveling. Every gave has 2 people DCing constantly and two people who have apparently never played their champs before. Can't wait til I hit 30 and I can play the actual game.


Toe Sucker
They really... really need to make a god damn diablo support character.

I love me some KT, but god damn enough with the WC characters


Blackwing Lair Raider
They really... really need to make a god damn diablo support character.

I love me some KT, but god damn enough with the WC characters
Paladin perhaps?

Actually, considering how much smaller and less recognizable the Diablo cast is, they've added a fair number of heroes from that game. Diablo, Tyrael, Valla, Nazeebo, Sonya, Azmodan. I can't deny that WC has a lot of heroes in the game but it also has a much bigger universe with a lot more defined characters.


A Man Chooses....
We need fucking Deckard Cain. He could be a support, I'm sure they could come up with something. Hell just play the Diablo 1 town music when you play him and I'd pick him off that alone.