Heroes of the Storm


Things we have the same amount in HotS: Zerg, Protoss, Pandas

Makes sense
Nope. You have 3 Zerg (Kerrigan, Zagara, Abathur). Soon you'll have 5 elves to match the roster. Though if you want to break it down more, 3 Night Elves (Malfurion, Tyrande, Illidan), and 1 Undead Blood Elf (Sylvanas), and 1 living Blood Elf (Kael'Thas).

Hell, there are even 4 dwarves. Needs more orcs / goblins



Confirmed Male
They are buffing Diablo/ETC. No changes to Chen, Illi, Murky, or Sylv. Sylv's ultimate is being looked at, which it needs to be, as possession is pretty useless. Still, being looked at, but not changed this upcoming patch.

Diablo is getting a life leech ability, and ETC is getting some kind of Mosh Pit on death mechanic. I can see ETC selections going through the roof with that talent or ability (however the implement it).


Blackwing Lair Raider
Really glad that they like where sylv is at considering she has taken over as my numero uno.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I was glad to hear that as well, also no Illidan changes is right imo. Kind of curious to see what other changes are coming to Dibbles and ETC as they certainly don't need buffs as is.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I wonder if their internal data has some bias. Illidan is pretty much inarguabally overpowered in the right team composition. Just look at any high level game and he's there. Either picked or banned. This isn't some meta shift he is just that good. But you get every joe retard hearing Illidan is OP and will Hero league him despite being objectively terrible as Illidan and forcing him into a sub-standard composition.


It's pretty scary what a good Illidan can do with support. Of course he has Rehgar and Tassadar for ancestral + shields, but the opposing team has Brightwing and Tyrande for poly/stun/hunter's mark, yet Fan still tears them apart

(crappy audio)



Toe Sucker
Looks like Kael's heroics are Phoenix and Pyroblast.. phoenix was a given but wasn't sure of what his 2nd would be. I guess pyroblast makes sense lol


Molten Core Raider
coming back to this after a stint of WoW now that im basically down to raiding 2 nights a week gonna get back into this, what was the website early on that had builds and strats for each hero?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I just go to hotslog, select a hero and filter the build by Diamond and Master. That is generally more accurate and up to date.


A Man Chooses....
This game is even more maddening than league. No bans, so every match has Illidan/Diablo/Sylvanas and you just better get used to it because it's going to stay that way forever. Instead of gently trying to coerce 5 teammates to group for 2 objectives(dragon, baron) and most people knowing generally speaking their place and responsibilities, this game requires 5 people to consistently understand what the priorities on the map are, where people are, etc, all without any sort of realistic vision control via wards. Playing solo queue in this is 1000x worse, and one person can and will consistently cost you objectives(dragon knight, etc) by doing dumb shit. Oh we both have two curses and the third one is spawning? Guess I better split push top as Malfurion while you guys 4v5, but don't worry guys I'm soaking exp so we're getting an advantage!!

Like seriously, how do you deal with this shit? Every game basically boils down to which team groups as 5 better, or which team picks the better comp. What, they have Illidan/Diablo/Rehgar and we have 3 ranged assassins and two supports? Cool!!! This will be a fun use of my 20 minutes.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I actually don't see Illidan very often in hero league. Half the time the Illidan player seems god trash also and we collect the win from his feed.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah, thats what I hate about them not nerfing illidan, they are looking at overall win rates and think he's fine. But in a pre-made team with the right composition he is damn near unstoppable. So many ppl see this in recorded vods and think they can replicate in solo que and get trashed. Illidan/aba going to be even stronger next patch with the buff to abathur's spikes.

@gilgamel Can't really argue with that, team comp can make it difficult to win and usually the team who works better as 5 wins. They call it a team brawler so usually you need to team up. I think it does get better as your mmr improves though, its not too often I have someone on my team yolo pushing these days. But unfortunately it does still happen sometimes and that shouldn't be the case, hopefully they can improve matchmaking.