Heroes of the Storm

The Master

Bronze Squire
You can do the smurfs in training games. The AI will win 4v5, so you can just afk grind xp. Come back every 25min or so.

The Master

Bronze Squire
Lunara feels pretty bad. She is about as fragile as Falstad, without an instant escape or the mobility advantage. Her damage is over time instead of bursty. Combined with an average range it means you aren't winning duels except by kiting (bad on Dragon Shire, as an example), and in team fights you can't help just get rid of a target.


Molten Core Raider
Lunara feels pretty bad. She is about as fragile as Falstad, without an instant escape or the mobility advantage. Her damage is over time instead of bursty. Combined with an average range it means you aren't winning duels except by kiting (bad on Dragon Shire, as an example), and in team fights you can't help just get rid of a target.
Yeah, she seems shit from the ground up.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I think she is pretty good. I find her pretty fun to play. I've played over 10 games with her and I've had top damage in most of them.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Dots usually bring you top dammage. If i can near top charts with Chen in hero dammage, am not suprised Lunara does. Then again, am a gosu chen.


Molten Core Raider
I hate this new queue system...I've had some LOSER teams since it was put into place.


That seems really weird. Were they all in a party? My experience has been pretty positive with the new matchmaker. I actually seem to be making progress in HL now.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I love lunara, took her to 10 already. She is absolutely a pub-stomper. With no organised focus on her, and her spore talent for clearing waves, her poke, range and crit talents just make her a beast. Combined with QMs lack of awareness/general picking ability, she is god like. She really punishes poor positioning too (both on you and your opponents) because obviously she's made of glass but if you catch an opponent without a team member then there is absolutely no running from her. It feels really nice.

HL seems like it would be pretty rough for her since she is so squishy and its quite heavily stun orientated at the minute. Also I think frontloaded burst like Jaina or just KT's insane aoe would be more useful than her dots, so I can never see her being a first pick in her current state.

Absolute amazing fun in QM though, probably one of my favourite heroes atm


2 Minutes Hate
Has this game changed much in the last 8 months or so? I know there is some queuing and rank changes, new heroes and maps etc. But have there been any core mechanic changes small or large to the game?


<Bronze Donator>
The only thing that comes to mind is I believe they did some scaling changes to look at things from levels 1-10 and smooth it out or make it more meaningful or something. I honestly never noticed a difference, but i'm sure some people did.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah, I wasn't playing all that much when they made the changes to early game and just started playing more again recently and don't really notice the changes.

I don't understand what compels ppl to load up hots, queue for ranked, and then play w/e the fuck they feel like. Lost several games over the weekend just from team comp. IE, 3 tanks, and another game where someone was showing nova AFTER the enemy team already picked Brightwing. I say please don't go nova, bw will just take the giant reveal talent. Person ignores, and of course is completely ineffective the entire game and we lose.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
The best part is it seems like first pick Nova players aren't even competent on the hero. Nova CAN be good given some specific circumstances but you still need to be outstanding about positioning and choosing your targets. But most Novas I run into aren't even competent on the basics of playing the character.


<Bronze Donator>
The best part is it seems like first pick Nova players aren't even competent on the hero. Nova CAN be good given some specific circumstances but you still need to be outstanding about positioning and choosing your targets. But most Novas I run into aren't even competent on the basics of playing the character.
and you can't miss Snipe.

I'm terrible at landing Snipe specifically out of skillshots for some reason. It's the only hero that I just forever miss one


I played a crap ton of Nova yesterday and kept missing my Snipes. Part of my issue though is that I try to W then Q as quickly as I can. But there's a casting time / delay between how fast you can use the two abilities. I found being deliberate between casting the two makes your Snipes land more consistently.

The Master

Bronze Squire
The scaling changes were essentially each hero had a certain bump to each skill at every level, and some levels were inconsistent, which resulted in pretty wild swings when say you were fighting 7 vs 8, where 8 vs 9 was pretty even. They decided they were happy with the numbers @20, so the put every heroes level 20 numbers as the default and reduced them by 80% to get level 1 numbers. So you get exactly 4% bump per level, to everything. Only exception is Zagara, who is 3%, to maintain her early game dominance in lane (so she starts out a little stronger, just like before).

This has had substantial changes on certain heroes and the meta overall. Time-to-die is shorter for most heroes. Burst and hard CC is much more popular, which is why Tyrande is the highest win rate hero right now. She offers a stun, vulnerability for ganks/pick offs in a fight, and a fairly massive AE heal on a short CD. A lot of tanks are on the bench in high level play and/or require you to run a double tank comp. Which is pretty bad, because if you can pick up either Tass or Tyrande you'd really rather run double support.

The scaling changes really changed quite a lot of things. I play about 30 of the heroes consistently and I noticed a ton of little things that changed.