Heroes of the Storm


<Silver Donator>
Is there a cooldown on symbiote btw, and like a cooldown after you exit? Or can you just symbiote around the map without restrictions(other than your symbiote skills cooldowns like spine and shit). Only streamers I've seen seem to suck in general but it looked like a fun hero, by far the most interesting one they have since it's a pretty unique concept(even dota and lol don't have something like that, while most other heroes can be explained as a combination of abilities from either games).


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Is there a cooldown on symbiote btw, and like a cooldown after you exit? Or can you just symbiote around the map without restrictions(other than your symbiote skills cooldowns like spine and shit). Only streamers I've seen seem to suck in general but it looked like a fun hero, by far the most interesting one they have since it's a pretty unique concept(even dota and lol don't have something like that, while most other heroes can be explained as a combination of abilities from either games).
A 4 second CD on exit. So generally you'll want to Symbiote someone doing something important for a bit, exit out, drop your nests then Symbiote someone again. Running a rotation like that generally means you'll never encounter the CD. The one thing I haven't tested fully is if you Symbiote someone does it fully clear all the ability cooldowns (stab, spikes, shield) and if you shield someone then cancel Symbiote does the shield remain or does it dissappear?

Abathur is pretty vanilla until you unlock the additional talent tree stuff at whatever profile level that is. His build options open up immensely with the additional talents.


<Silver Donator>
Oh I watched the end of that game, chat was spammed with the salt icon and yeah there was a lot of whining. Hero seems to work alright to me, typical assassin char. Wins 1vs1 all the time(or close to) but dies in seconds to focus fire.


Golden Squire
Oh I watched the end of that game, chat was spammed with the salt icon and yeah there was a lot of whining. Hero seems to work alright to me, typical assassin char. Wins 1vs1 all the time(or close to) but dies in seconds to focus fire.
It definitely has its weaknesses. Nova and Uther counter Zeratul for free if they have their ults up. That being said, there's probably some potential in running Uther + Zeratul in the current meta. Uther's Divine Shield lasts 3 seconds (4 at 20), which means Zeratul gets to full yolo dps into a full team and kill 1-2 people for the duration of the ult. Need to try it in an actual game to see if it goes beyond just theory though.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I wonder if on the Raven map you could game the system by just ignoring the first two tributes. It is natural for the tribute spawn to have all 5man zerg the tribute spawn. What if you didn't? What if you just stayed in lane, grabbed merc camps and let your opponent go 2-0 for the first two tributes. You would, ideally, the up on levels and pushed. Then the other team will be forced to contest the tributes because they only need one more to get the curse. But now you're over their level so you should, ideally, win team fights at the tribute spawn. Getting even more of an XP lead.

Possibly just send one person to harass the tribute to delay their snatching of it but not really putting himself in harm's way too much.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I had no idea they rotated the free to play heroes. Also seems retarded they need to take the service down to rotate said heroes.


Seems they can rotate w/o taking the service down but they're doing a minor patch with it as well.


Molten Core Raider


Bronze Knight of the Realm
The tears were delicious. How does Abathur work? The hero looks pretty interesting but I never see him on the battlefield. Does he just work through global abilities?
Abathur has a few skills to be aware. First he spawns a locust on a cooldown (45s maybe?) in the lane he is nearest. Next is that he can spawn toxic nests. At level 1 these nests have a decent range but really you need to be near the lane you're spawning them. You can build up three charges on these nests by default. You plant it down and then after maybe 3-5 seconds it "activates" and if anything walks over it it fires. Basically a proxy mine. Later on he gets a talent to allow him to spawn these nests anywhere on the map. I find that always worth it to take. There are other talents to increase the damage outright and also apply a slow effect.

The next is his Symbiote ability. Basically you "attach" to an allied hero. While attached you gain three abilities. All are fired from the hero. The first is Stab which is basically a straight line single target bullet skill shot. The next is Spikes which is a small area PBAOE. The third is a shield which will absorb a certain amount of damage. All these skills can be enhanced depending on how you spend your talents. Stab can get it's range increased which I always take. Spikes can get it's PBAOE range increased which I never take since it conflicts with global toxic nests. Shield can be given the ability to increase hero MS by 30% (?) for 2 seconds upon activation that I really like taking.

His ultimate is basically he makes a clone of an allied hero but with a bunch of HP and their ultimate at a 15 second cooldown.

He has no attack, terrible movespeed and terrible HP.

The Master

Bronze Squire
Got into today. Have literally never played a moba type game. Seems all right, it is hard to know if you're being effective or not. Some heroes seem to suck pretty hard, but I can't tell if that is because I'm picking bad abilities or not.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
What the fuck Blizzard, way to invite about 0 people that knows how mobas work. And here I am mooching an account off a friend like a scrub.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Knowing how moba's work has very little to do with this game. Knowing how WoW BGs work is much more valuable.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Apparently there's no keys. They are manually activating accounts. So if you get an e mail about using a key, be cautious