Heroes of the Storm


<Medals Crew>
I played about 2 LoL games in my life but my Bro in law is an avid LoL player, yet I get in really early to this and he just gnashes his teeth at me...


<Silver Donator>
I got in, performance is spotty as hell though. Seems to be a common issue, blue answered they're on it, but basically I get stutters/freezes extremely frequently, more or less everytime someone uses an ability that hasn't been used yet on my screen(loading assets issue). Game's installed on my SSD, even D3 doesn't stutter so yeah weird stuff. Also they still only have US west servers it seems cause I'm also getting pretty bad lag, I hoped they would have US east servers opened too. Maybe there are some and they're randomly selected and I've been unlucky, but US west ping is pretty shit for this type of game. Still nice I'll probably grind some levels and try to unlock some heroes that might not be too lag sensitive.

Edit: And apparently lost my first 2k gold to a bug, nice. Unlocked hero, hero didn't unlock, relogged, now isn't unlocked and no gold refunded.


That guy
Got in as well. Definitely a casualized version of the moba genre but still fun. Lag issues need fixing bad.


Unelected Mod
Really having fun in this game, but I am pretty bad at shit. Been playing mainly Diablo since I figured it would be beneficial to learn the game as a tank. Btw, is it just me, or is Zerutal completely OP? Seems many games I see one of them having some ridiculous takedown ratio.

Main complaint atm is I wish there was more info at the end of the game so I could figure out what I should improve on.
Games fun, but I don't really see it replacing League/DoTA for me. Not enough meat as it stands from a technical skill perspective. Probably will have a little bit of legs as a break from the other two or as a quicky when I don't have the time to do play for more then half an hour.


Molten Core Raider
I like this game -- the very very frequent lag issues make it frustrating to play but it definitely has potential. I understand tech alpha so I'm not holding it against them, I just hope that performance is a priority because its hard to work up the interest in playing when I feel like my ping rubberbands between 50 and 500.

Really having fun in this game, but I am pretty bad at shit. Been playing mainly Diablo since I figured it would be beneficial to learn the game as a tank. Btw, is it just me, or is Zerutal completely OP? Seems many games I see one of them having some ridiculous takedown ratio.

Main complaint atm is I wish there was more info at the end of the game so I could figure out what I should improve on.
A good MOBA player on an assassin is going to wreck face in a lot of games; the counter isn't obvious (roam with team to grab mercs, force teamfights and siege) to a lot of players new to this genre. Especially because the logical thought process for a new MOBA player is "practice against AI, then try players" and that doesn't prepare them whatsoever for a vicious roaming stealther. I suspect we'll see HOTS assassins rotate between OP and useless every so often as Bliz tries to balance, but stealth/mobility has always been a tough puzzle for balance.

From my own HOTS newbie perspective, I'd suggest stats to look for is how often you die -- most new player deaths in a game like this are going to be absolutely preventable. New MOBA players like to chase the enemy way way way too far to try and get a kill. Especially in the early game, an enemy kill is rarely worth the risk. If you focus on staying in your lane and cooperating with your team, you'll provide EXP and support in any impromptu teamfights. Learning how to teamfight will come with time, watching streamers (once more come in and start streaming) will help with that.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
It's hard to imagine Blizzard failing at the one thing they do well: engine. The technical issues will get ironed out, you can count on that.

I'd be paying more attention to any casualization or retarding of the genre that's taking place, and whether or not it will have FUCKING DAILY QUESTS and other such bullshit that they fist-fuck into all their games now.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I like this game -- the very very frequent lag issues make it frustrating to play but it definitely has potential. I understand tech alpha so I'm not holding it against them, I just hope that performance is a priority because its hard to work up the interest in playing when I feel like my ping rubberbands between 50 and 500.
You do realize d3 is still lagging like a bitch, is 2 or 3 years later? I'm sure they'll get the issues ironed out, but its pretty fucking ridiculous that with all the lag and connection issues they had at release that they would have the same problems with RoS.