Heroes of the Storm

Pretty sure LoL Pros are bound by contract to not stream during the official tournaments, so you're never going to see a high pro stream during LCS streams. Out of the weekends though when it's less often that there's a LCS stream, you'll see people like Nightblue and Bjorgsen(spelling) getting 20k+ viewers.
they currently have this "super week" going on where EU LCS was on Tuesday - Thursday and the NA LCS matches are on the weekend


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Holy shit this game is almost unplayable right now. They must have released the flood gates to every moron on the planet. It isn't uncommon for half the team to abandon if the first 5 minutes of the game you're losing. This is hell.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Play with us tonight tenks. You only need beer. Its a prereq.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
What time are you starting up? I need to level my wiz in D3 tonight as well!


<Silver Donator>
they currently have this "super week" going on where EU LCS was on Tuesday - Thursday and the NA LCS matches are on the weekend
Right that's why I said less often, I have been watching some lol stuff so I know they play during the week too but they don't always play all day or every day and when they don't you'll see the high viewer count streams from pro players, but if there's a tournament going on no one streams.

And they don't have any penalties for leaving. They replace the leaver by a bot, which is both bad and good(good cause it's not entirely 4vs5 but bad because bots just feed like shit). Game does seem to suck atm if you don't 5man queue cause you either face a 5man or you have leavers on your team if anything goes wrong(and even if it goes well), based on what I've seen. They need more people, soft penalties for leaving like dota has(you leave, you end up in a separate queue with leavers only) and probably separate queues for solo and group matchmaking. But first they need more people.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
What time are you starting up? I need to level my wiz in D3 tonight as well!
Around 7:30 central. ! We should all be hammered by 10. That's when it gets fun!

Add Utnayan#1147


Molten Core Raider
Holy shit this game is almost unplayable right now. They must have released the flood gates to every moron on the planet. It isn't uncommon for half the team to abandon if the first 5 minutes of the game you're losing. This is hell.
nah bro I never got my invite they missed 1 moron.


Tranny Chaser
Blizzard's schtick is similar to Apple, take something and make it as completely user friendly as possible and thereby guarantee marketshare. I think they have their work cut out for them with this game simply because the nature of MOBAs have not at all been casual friendly to date.

Sure LoL and DOTA are incredibly popular with millions of players already, but I'd wager there is a huge segment of the gaming populace that just is turned away by the barrier to entry for these games and which are ripe for picking.


Molten Core Raider
What do you guys think is an acceptable amount of heroes at launch? I'm thinking 40 but I don't remember what LoL had at launch, and what did dota2 have at "launch"?


<Silver Donator>
What do you guys think is an acceptable amount of heroes at launch? I'm thinking 40 but I don't remember what LoL had at launch, and what did dota2 have at "launch"?
LoL didn't have much more than that iirc but they were adding heroes every 2weeks for a long time. Dota had more but they did the soft launch thing where it was in more or less open beta for many months before it actually launched.

I think 40 would be an acceptable amount, maybe even 30, depends on how much they work on talents and shit. Currently has 22 in base game and they're showing 4 more at PAX so 26, not too bad. They have some more files in the game that have been datamined so there might be more in preparation, and they did a sneak peek of 3 more at PAX(chen, kaelthas and sylvanas).


Trakanon Raider
What do you mean by launch? As in TI1 time when it was all invitations, or around TI3 when it was opened without an an invite?


Molten Core Raider
iYeah, that's what I mean by dota2 "launch" since it's not really clear when it first launched. I guess around TI1?


Game is intended to be deceptively shallow right? Easy entrance, low barrier to entry, high monetization? Start with 15-30 heros. Release new heros every 2 weeks or a month and offer advanced release play periods. Everyone wins.

Get to around 80 heros and start revamping heros and start throwing in delux reskins and "skill challenge" maps.