Hodj Proved Salty: A Tranny's Victory Thread


Buzzfeed Editor
QUOTE="Lithose, post: 3026068, member: 109"]
Naa, I don't want to explain why court ordered castrations of prepubescent boys are bad. Its not something I should need to explain.

It IS bad. It also didnt happen.

The fact that it was debated until the scrutiny began by the AG is horrifying. And that's a product of the same propaganda that attempts to deny objective reality. When you can say a man is a woman with no perceptible differences in sex characteristics, then what else can you 'make true'. If our society can't agree on such simplistic, objectively observable realities--its going to cause issues like this where we're arguing over horrifying breaks in reality.

You laughed when I said stuff like this would happen. Now you laugh because the only truly boy's with psychotic parents who truly volunteer are being castrated, but the court ordered one was prevented by another branch of government exerting pressure--so its okay.

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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Anyone who votes on culture war issues over issues of national security and the economy are full blown retarded

And get the shit out of my thread you fucking faggot no one gives a fuck about you or your retarded culture war bullshit here


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
"I sold out my nation to Putin, allowing him to undermine elections and our entire democratic process but at least that 6 year old didn't get his balls cut off or whatever. Libs pwned"

Fucking stupid. Culture war issues are for when we aren't at obvious war with another nation.


Buzzfeed Editor
Anyone who votes on culture war issues over issues of national security and the economy are full blown retarded

And get the shit out of my thread you fucking faggot no one gives a fuck about you or your retarded culture war bullshit here

Good thing placing Tariffs on China, decoupling from Russia to array against China and drawing down to just productive stable states in the middle east to force Europe off the tit are also huge bonuses for me. I just get everything in one package.

But in this case, if you would rather vote for...some vague national security rhetoric that lets you sound reasonable, in order to ignore children being pumped full of hormones, that's on you buddy.


Buzzfeed Editor
"I sold out my nation to Putin, allowing him to undermine elections and our entire democratic process but at least that 6 year old didn't get his balls cut off or whatever. Libs pwned"

Fucking stupid. Culture war issues are for when we aren't at obvious war with another nation.


Hodj believes in the Putin stuff?

That fucking explains so much.

LOL. What evidence do you have of this great conspiracy Hodji?
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
You don't tear yourselves apart inside the fortress when your enemy is at the gates with battering rams forcing their way in. Stupid stupid stupid.

Total disconnect from reality

Don't bother I don't give a fuck what a member of a cult of personality for whom facts no longer matter thinks about shit.


Buzzfeed Editor
You laughed when I said stuff like this would happen.
No I didn't. Stop trying to be just a hodjstrodamus.

Oh is that why you've spent years spouting the same line as if its not pertinent? Don't pull back just because you feel sheepish now, Scream. Its okay to say you were wrong and this trend is fucked and you didn't think about the larger implications of half of society literally not seeing reality the same way.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Yeah I'm pretty sure I'm going to take the testimony of 15 or 16 credible witnesses who've sworn oaths and passed background checks and been wounded in combat for this country over the words of a bunch of kleptocrat morons with bone spurs who have lied over 18000 times in 4 years surrounded by con men and literally every single one of which has been credibly tried and found guilty of copious crimes.

This is why you aren't relevant or important at all here. Nothing you can say is going to change these facts. Shut the fuck up and get out of my thread.


Buzzfeed Editor
You don't tear yourselves apart inside the fortress when your enemy is at the gates with battering rams forcing their way in. Stupid stupid stupid.

Total disconnect from reality

Don't bother I don't give a fuck what a member of a cult of personality for whom facts no longer matter thinks about shit.

So you have no facts. Vague hand waving just like "national security".

Damn Hodj, of all things, I never thought you'd be so ignorant as to believe the Putin angle. =-/ How sad. Enemy at the gates even LOL, with an economy smaller than Italy.

Womp womp. Pathetic.
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Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah I'm pretty sure I'm going to take the testimony of 15 or 16 credible witnesses who've sworn oaths and passed background checks and been wounded in combat for this country over the words of a bunch of kleptocrat morons with bone spurs who have lied over 18000 times in 4 years surrounded by con men and literally every single one of which has been credibly tried and found guilty of copious crimes.

This is why you aren't relevant or important at all here. Nothing you can say is going to change these facts. Shut the fuck up and get out of my thread.

What witnesses? Name one. Stop being vague Hodji. Get specific.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Anyone who argues for autocracy over democracy and that Putin has America's interests at heart is either stupid or a liar and I don't have time for either get the fuck out

I didn't vote for Obama not a single time so I dont care what he has to say about anything


Buzzfeed Editor
Stupid liar it is then

So you can't name one of these 15 or 16 witnesses?

Anyone who argues for autocracy over democracy and that Putin has America's interests at heart is either stupid or a liar and I don't have time for either get the fuck out

I didn't vote for Obama not a single time so I dont care what he has to say about anything

Keep it vague. That's safe!


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
See here's the thing, Lithose. I don't owe you answers you like. You can go read a fucking newspaper that isn't Gateway Pundit or some right wing conspiracy troll on twitter or just go watch the hearing replays on youtube for all I care.

I'm not here to expend labor educating you. I'm here to mock and ridicule and post stupid memes and I'm all out of memes
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