Hodj Proved Salty: A Tranny's Victory Thread


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
No gods nor kings for me thanks. Facts matter. Your willful delusional flat earther like rejection of facts doesn't matter.

Democracy does not mean your willful hubristic ego driven ignorance is not equal to my justified true knowledge.


Buzzfeed Editor
See here's the thing, Lithose. I don't owe you answers you like. You can go read a fucking newspaper that isn't Gateway Pundit or some right wing conspiracy troll on twitter or just go watch the hearing replays on youtube for all I care.

I'm not here to expend labor educating you. I'm here to mock and ridicule and post stupid memes and I'm all out of memes

LOL. So fucking pathetic. I see you're picking up them SJW lines real quick Hodji, when you get stuck and humiliated on facts--say you don't "owe me your labor". How very Marxist of you comrade! Yes, you owe no one your labor.

I'll only use citations from NYT, WAPO, Beast and other left wing sources to beat your ass on any witness you can pick. No right wing source.
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Double negative but you get my fucking point.

Your willful denial of basic fucking facts, on the record testimony, audio recording, and several admissions of guilt on the part of the administration itself, as well as all available evidence, is literally nothing more to me than the assertions of people who think Jesus was real, vaccines cause autism and that the US didn't land on the moon.


Buzzfeed Editor
No gods nor kings for me thanks. Facts matter. Your willful delusional flat earther like rejection of facts doesn't matter.

Democracy does not mean your willful hubristic ego driven ignorance is not equal to my justified true knowledge.

You've offered no facts. You've just made vague allusions....much like a pathetic Christian arguing for intelligent design. How far you've fallen my friend. Time away has made you what you hate...So sad.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Fuck off don't care what you want to cry about what's pathetic is you actually being dishonest enough to ask stupid fucking questions that you can answer yourself, that you already know the answer to, and putting that blind stupid "So what" face on and actually defending this shit.

So fucking disingenuous.


Buzzfeed Editor
Double negative but you get my fucking point.

Your willful denial of basic fucking facts, on the record testimony, audio recording, and several admissions of guilt on the part of the administration itself, as well as all available evidence, is literally nothing more to me than the assertions of people who think Jesus was real, vaccines cause autism and that the US didn't land on the moon.

Name one. Name an admission of guilt pertaining to Trump working with Russia from within the Trump campaign. Blow me the fuck away, win this argument now Hodj. You got me right where you want me.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
"Why won't you seriously engage me, a member of a cult of personality who has decided that things like basic fucking ethics are worth abandoning for an orange moron who can barely string ten words together in a cogent sentence?"

Because you don't deserve it.

Shut the fuck up


Buzzfeed Editor
Fuck off don't care what you want to cry about what's pathetic is you actually being dishonest enough to ask stupid fucking questions that you can answer yourself, that you already know the answer to, and putting that blind stupid "So what" face on and actually defending this shit.

So fucking disingenuous.

I do know the answers, but I'd have to type a book out to explain it to you. Its easier to just see what you think you know and pull it apart, plus it will fit in your little threads format. So go on, you know this shit right? Give me a name.
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I'm literally not reading your posts by the way.

I'm just going to keep pointing out that to take the position you have is to be either maliciously stupid or maliciously dishonest or both, and I think you're both in equal measures.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Giuliani up to 9 potential federal charges. His two buddies arrested with one way tickets out of the country. They testify they were working with Trump and the top Congressman in charge of defending against the impeachment, and they got tape recordings of the shit that's already been entered into evidence.

You are a waste of breath and can fuck off


Buzzfeed Editor
"Why won't you seriously engage me, a member of a cult of personality who has decided that things like basic fucking ethics are worth abandoning for an orange moron who can barely string ten words together in a cogent sentence?"

Because you don't deserve it.

Shut the fuck up

How embarrassing. Who would have thought Hodj would be so taken in by something while knowing so little.

I'm literally not reading your posts by the way.

I'm just going to keep pointing out that to take the position you have is to be either maliciously stupid or maliciously dishonest or both, and I think you're both in equal measures.

LOL, yes, because you don't have to share your labor with me. How pathetic. PUTIN PUTIN PUTIN!!


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Its funny because he thinks he can actually like argue with me and I"m just going to ignore him and keep pointing out he's a traitor piece of shit moron liar and not worth the effort.


Buzzfeed Editor
Giuliani up to 9 potential federal charges. His two buddies arrested with one way tickets out of the country. They testify they were working with Trump and the top Congressman in charge of defending against the impeachment, and they got tape recordings of the shit that's already been entered into evidence.

You are a waste of breath and can fuck off

Ukraine, Russia. Same thing!

And I love that, potential federal charges! POTENTIAL!


Buzzfeed Editor
Its funny because he thinks he can actually like argue with me and I"m just going to ignore him and keep pointing out he's a traitor piece of shit moron liar and not worth the effort.

Oh no, Hodj, you don't have to post anything. This was fucking Beautiful. You regressing into the classic SJW line when you got caught talking about shit you know nothing about was just ICING on the cake. I'm going to share that, for fuck sake--I came here for some laughs, I never imagined you would deliver so well.

God damn.
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Its my party for over 20 years and they've sold out every fucking ethical value they once stood for to a nation they spent decades fighting against, for what?

I think money is behind a lot of it. Obviously Lindsey Graham has videos of him fucking a boy they're holding over his head but for the most part, these people sold us out for cash and as a hawk and a nationalist and someone who loves this country I am filled with an urge to regurgitate just thinking about it.



Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
He's so desperate for attention and a debate.

You aren't getting a debate here. We don't debate demonstrable facts, written into the legal record, and widely available for all to see bud.

Take your conspiracy theory laden horseshit defenses for your willfully ignorant traitorous behavior elsewhere.


Buzzfeed Editor
He's so desperate for attention and a debate.

You aren't getting a debate here. We don't debate demonstrable facts, written into the legal record, and widely available for all to see bud.

Take your conspiracy theory laden horseshit defenses for your willfully ignorant traitorous behavior elsewhere.

Hodj: Has not presented a fact.

Hodj: Claims he won't debate facts.

This is GOLD.
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