Hodj Proved Salty: A Tranny's Victory Thread


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
"Puh puh please take me seriously"

Sorry I dont take members of Jim Jones' Kool Aid Fan Club seriously.


Buzzfeed Editor
See here's the thing, Lithose. I don't owe you answers you like. You can go read a fucking newspaper that isn't Gateway Pundit or some right wing conspiracy troll on twitter or just go watch the hearing replays on youtube for all I care.

I'm not here to expend labor educating you. I'm here to mock and ridicule and post stupid memes and I'm all out of memes

Hodj...Current year.

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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
And for all that ranting about wanting to protect kids from sexual predators like trannies and people that want to cut their dicks off you're still on the side of this idiot

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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Look at that desperate attempt to call the most alt right conservative member of this forum, someone whose voted reliably Republican straight party ticket for 20 years, as an SJW

Such fucking pathetic, predictable nonsense.

No I"m a patriot, unlike you.
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
"If you don't think my president should be able to be a dictator even though he's a drooling retard and you don't think selling out your country to the highest bidder is okay you're an SJW"

And this is why you're a fucking joke and wrong and why I don't respect you
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
"I know, Ill take the testimony of the guy who stole from military and children's charities and who had a doctor write him a note for bone spurs to get him out of war over the guy who voluntarily signed up, got wounded in war, and has won awards for transparency and holding his government accountable" said the dumbest people on the planet


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I'm a patriot and I believe in rule of law. If you think that makes someone an SJW, you are as retarded as I've stated from the beginning, have proven my point, and self destructed your entire position.

Fuck you. Fuck off.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
America has never been a dictatorship. Presidents are not kings. High crimes and misdemeanours are exactly that, and bribing foreign officials with US taxpayer dollars for personal POLITICAL BENEFIT not reasons of national security and concern, is impeachable and Ill be damned if I let any traitor piece of shit personality cult member who turned their ethics and their brains off when they signed up for a fucking presidential candidate vote tell me different and take that person seriously ever again.
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Buzzfeed Editor
Look at that desperate attempt to call the most alt right conservative member of this forum, someone whose voted reliably Republican straight party ticket for 20 years, as an SJW

Such fucking pathetic, predictable nonsense.

No I"m a patriot, unlike you.

The Republicans are terrible.

Hodj, stop trying to use your identity in place of facts. I linked that guy because in the video when someone called him on not being able to state a fact he does a snort as if his retarded views are self evident LOL.
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
The Ukraine is our ally and a critical lynchpin in protecting the EU and Nato allies from Russian expansion, which they are very eager to do. To take the side of Russia in any context is to take the side of autocracy and the return of the Russian federation of nations, a direct threat to our national security and our allies.

And Ill be damned if I let a personality cult moron tell me different and me not laugh in their face forever over it.

Your culture war be damned this is a real actual threat to our national security and I take that seriously. I'm a fucking hawk and a patriot first, a conservative second and a member of the GOP a distant third.
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Buzzfeed Editor
America has never been a dictatorship. Presidents are not kings. High crimes and misdemeanours are exactly that, and bribing foreign officials with US taxpayer dollars for personal POLITICAL BENEFIT not reasons of national security and concern, is impeachable and Ill be damned if I let any traitor piece of shit personality cult member who turned their ethics and their brains off when they signed up for a fucking presidential candidate vote tell me different and take that person seriously ever again.

Still doesn't know Ukraine is different from Russia and Putin...So awkward.
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Lithose still thinking this is a debate or anything a traitor piece of shit whose abandoned his reason and his ethics for a personality cult matters to me.

If you don't like it get the fuck out of my thread you fucking Russian bootlicking piece of shit traitor
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I believe US intelligence over a thrice married adulterer with a several serial child molesters as close personal friends, whose entire upper echelon of his campaign staff is now serving in prison for a variety of crimes, whose closest personal lawyers are in prison and headed there, who has been shown to lie multiple times a day, often multiple times a sentence, and I believe them over some dipshit personality cult member moron on an internet message board

Because the real world exists and facts matter and your blatantly dishonest opinion doesn't

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Buzzfeed Editor
The Ukraine is our ally and a critical lynchpin in protecting the EU and Nato allies from Russian expansion, which they are very eager to do. To take the side of Russia in any context is to take the side of autocracy and the return of the Russian federation of nations, a direct threat to our national security and our allies.

And Ill be damned if I let a personality cult moron tell me different and me not laugh in their face forever over it.

Your culture war be damned this is a real actual threat to our national security and I take that seriously. I'm a fucking hawk and a patriot first, a conservative second and a member of the GOP a distant third.

Oh, so Trump was asking Ukraine to investigate corruption to help Russia?

Who actually helped Ukraine with lethal military hardware..Obama...Or Trump?

Womp womp.
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I believe credible life long government employees who can pass background checks and have sworn multiple oaths to serve this nation faithfully over a morbidly obese idiot who can barely spell a sentence, never reads, and invents fictions like a storyteller with down syndrome

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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
He still thinks I care what he thinks but I don't.

Go join the Trumpstown Massacre Cult and hopefully the kool aid tastes great when it comes around and I hope it was worth it.

I won't sell out my soul for your Russian invented fictions and the fact you did is why I don't respect you
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Sic Semper Tyrannis

Thus to tyrants and thus to their willful useful idiot stooges
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