Hodj Proved Salty: A Tranny's Victory Thread


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
See, unlike so many people in this world today, I have a value, which is that the truth matters and I want to know the truth, even if it isn't convenient to my fucking world view.

And the truth is Trump is a shit show and a puppet for Putin and his cult of personality is the death of the GOP and its pathetic.
  • 1Salty
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Ukraine's defense is our defense and anyone who doesn't see that doesn't understand geopolitics and their opinion is absolutely worthless

America exists in a geopolitical sphere that is international in scope. A draw down in the Ukraine is a step backwards for our empire and a step forwards for our opponents empire and only idiots willing cede that.
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Buzzfeed Editor
Easily predictable crap. I couldn't give a fuck about Sondland's testimony. He's obviously corrupt too.

But Vindman, Hill, and multiple other witnesses are credible, theyve shed blood that Trump would never shed for this nation, on foreign soil no less, and I believe them over Sondland and I believe them over you Lithose Lithose because you aren't credible and they are

"My argument got shit on...quick, retreat to these guys I've also never seen give actual testimony!"

Hah. Gosh, for someone not arguing with me, you're arguing with me a lot.

Can you give an example of some show stopped testimony from Hill or Vindman? I can give you some.

Ooo, when you actual watch their Testimony, they agree its within his right. Awkward. Almost like the news....Distorts things. But you know this right? You "Pay attention". Right? LOL
  • 1Picard
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
“The impact of the successful 2016 Russian campaign remains evident today,” she said, wearing black and speaking in an accent from north-east England (a feature she highlighted elsewhere in her testimony, in speaking of her roots). “Our nation is being torn apart. Truth is questioned. Our highly professional and expert career foreign service is being undermined. US support for Ukraine – which continues to face armed Russian aggression – has been politicised.”

She added: “Right now, Russia’s security services and their proxies have geared up to repeat their interference in the 2020 election. We are running out of time to stop them. In the course of this investigation, I would ask that you please not promote politically driven falsehoods that so clearly advance Russian interests.”

This testimony is more credible than your pathetic isolationist arguments that serve only other nation's interests and not our own.

Suck my dick if you disagree I don't care.

The remarks echoed a public warning by the former special counsel Robert Mueller, whose investigation demonstrated concerted efforts by Russia in the 2016 election to hurt Democrat Hillary Clinton and help Trump. It also came one day after Putin himself told an event in Moscow: “Thank God, no one is accusing us of interfering in the US elections any more. Now they’re accusing Ukraine.”

The Ukraine is a bulwark that helps prevent Russian control of the Baltic oil fields, and helps to curb its expansion into Europe proper. If you understood the history of World War 2, you'd understand how crucial those oil fields are, when the Soviets cut off access to them from Germany, that was the end of the Third Reich's ability to fight the war essentially.

You're not going to make a case that can refute this to my satisfaction, because you are just some dipshit on the internet blathering and have no relevance to me
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Buzzfeed Editor
Ukraine's defense is our defense and anyone who doesn't see that doesn't understand geopolitics and their opinion is absolutely worthless

America exists in a geopolitical sphere that is international in scope. A draw down in the Ukraine is a step backwards for our empire and a step forwards for our opponents empire and only idiots willing cede that.

Administration officials confirmed that the State Department this month approved a commercial license authorizing the export of Model M107A1 Sniper Systems, ammunition, and associated parts and accessories to Ukraine, a sale valued at $41.5 million. These weapons address a specific vulnerability of Ukrainian forces fighting a Russian-backed separatist movement in two eastern provinces. There has been no approval to export the heavier weapons the Ukrainian government is asking for, such as Javelin antitank missiles.

Congress authorized such sales in 2014 in the Ukraine Freedom Support Act, but the Obama administration never authorized large commercial or government sales, a move widely seen as a de facto decision not to provide lethal weapons to the Ukraine military. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), who co-sponsored the law, praised the Trump administration’s move.

So weird how the "Putin Bootlicker" is supply weapons to kill Russians while "Red Line" Obama, who was NOT a Putin Boot Licker, apparently, did not. Nor did he block the Pipeline.

  • 1Picard
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I haven't read a single line of a single post you've made. I scroll right past you and if my eyes cross something that's how I see it. That's how I'm responding to your retarded assumption that you could own an argument when I didn't read your response to begin with because, again, your opinion is irrelevant here.

You are not credible. Hill and Vindman and the others who testified, under oath, are. The people who refuse to testify under oath are also not credible.

People with nothing to hide answer subpoenas and testify honestly. You have nothing. Not a single thing you can say will refute them as a result.

I know that makes you angsty. Someone doesn't think you or your ill educated imbecilic traitorous opinion is relevant and that hurts your little fee fees but I couldn't give a flying fuck less. Go fuck yourself. I'm going to bed.
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Buzzfeed Editor
“The impact of the successful 2016 Russian campaign remains evident today,” she said, wearing black and speaking in an accent from north-east England (a feature she highlighted elsewhere in her testimony, in speaking of her roots). “Our nation is being torn apart. Truth is questioned. Our highly professional and expert career foreign service is being undermined. US support for Ukraine – which continues to face armed Russian aggression – has been politicised.”

She added: “Right now, Russia’s security services and their proxies have geared up to repeat their interference in the 2020 election. We are running out of time to stop them. In the course of this investigation, I would ask that you please not promote politically driven falsehoods that so clearly advance Russian interests.”

This testimony is more credible than your pathetic isolationist arguments that serve only other nation's interests and not our own.

Suck my dick if you disagree I don't care.

The remarks echoed a public warning by the former special counsel Robert Mueller, whose investigation demonstrated concerted efforts by Russia in the 2016 election to hurt Democrat Hillary Clinton and help Trump. It also came one day after Putin himself told an event in Moscow: “Thank God, no one is accusing us of interfering in the US elections any more. Now they’re accusing Ukraine.”

The Ukraine is a bulwark that helps prevent Russian control of the Baltic oil fields, and helps to curb its expansion into Europe proper. If you understood the history of World War 2, you'd understand how crucial those oil fields are, when the Soviets cut off access to them from Germany, that was the end of the Third Reich's ability to fight the war essentially.

You're not going to make a case that can refute this to my satisfaction, because you are just some dipshit on the internet blathering and have no relevance to me

From that brave and credible witness.

The United States is on a dangerous trajectory in its relations with Russia, a nuclear superpower that believes itself to be under direct threat. Several former U.S. officials and top think-tank experts released a report calling on the West to provide military support to Ukraine. (Two of them, our colleagues at the Brookings Institution, expanded on the report a week ago on this page [“Ukraine needs the West’s help now”].) The logic of sending weapons to Ukraine seems straightforward and is the same as the logic for economic sanctions: to change Vladimir Putin’s “calculus.” Increasing the Ukrainian army’s fighting capacity, the thinking goes, would allow it to kill more rebels and Russian soldiers, generating a backlash in Russia and ultimately forcing the Russian president to the negotiating table.
We strongly disagree. The evidence points in a different direction. If we follow the recommendations of this report, the Ukrainians won’t be the only ones caught in an escalating military conflict with Russia.

What was that about isolationist again? Almost looks like your number 1 girl doesn't want us to be involved in Ukraine. So odd how she changed her mind just when the beurcratic state needed her to say Trump was wrong. (I told you I could crush you using only WAPO and NYT and left wing publications. Absolutely pathetic so far. Give me a challenge Hodj!)
  • 1Picard
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Buzzfeed Editor
I haven't read a single line of a single post you've made. I scroll right past you and if my eyes cross something that's how I see it. That's how I'm responding to your retarded assumption that you could own an argument when I didn't read your response to begin with because, again, your opinion is irrelevant here.

You are not credible. Hill and Vindman and the others who testified, under oath, are. The people who refuse to testify under oath are also not credible.

People with nothing to hide answer subpoenas and testify honestly. You have nothing. Not a single thing you can say will refute them as a result.

I know that makes you angsty. Someone doesn't think you or your ill educated imbecilic traitorous opinion is relevant and that hurts your little fee fees but I couldn't give a flying fuck less. Go fuck yourself. I'm going to bed.

We're back to not reading now. Can't wait for you to accurately respond to my points while claiming to not read them again! That doesn't make you look stupid at all.
  • 1Picard
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Buzzfeed Editor
Really enjoyed how Googled who was a witness and decided to go with Fiona Hill to illustrate how important it was to support Ukraine and how any view otherwise was "isolationist bullshit". , Only to be faced with the fact that literally up until the inquiry she was an outspoken critic of arming Ukraine...LULZ.

So much for "paying attention".

Okay, have had enough fun making your thread into my bitch, and politics 2.0 for me to post what I want and watch as you follow suit. Done here for tonight. Thanks for posting so much about what I wanted to discuss, Hodji!


You know the Saltitarium works when all the ramblers reduce themselves to posting pics and one-liners.

In mother Russia, Thread does not break Lithose, Lithose breaks thread.
  • 1Picard
  • 1Worf
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The Dirtbag
Yo hodj

Just tell Lithose that if he keeps calling you a SJW you will go full SJW and blame him when you vote in a blue haired latinx trans zer and how he deserved it. Then we can have our own cult of personality and slavishly defend a moron.

It worked for him.
  • 2Worf
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Uncle Tanya
Someone wore someone else's pussy as a fashion statement up in here. Fucking Gold.

I'll let the broken ego of the pussy reveal themselves when they decide to post; it'll be revealed by their words... since you know... nobody has a clue who I'm talking about, amirite?

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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
The best part of having all the facts on my side is that i am certain that my beliefs stand on the solid foundation of truth.

All 6.99 billion of you dumb fuck idiots could tell me the sky is fucking green and ill stand there and laugh in all 6.99 billion of your stupid fucking faces because youre wrong.

Ive expunged all religious thinking from my life. I follow evidence where it leads and i trust my judgement more than some random dipshits who fell for the worlds dumbest pyramid scheme

You literally cant touch this.

Now get the fuck out of my thread so we can laugh at stupid memes instead of your absolutely shit tier conspiracy theory personality cult nonsense.
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Yo hodj

Just tell Lithose that if he keeps calling you a SJW you will go full SJW and blame him when you vote in a blue haired latinx trans zer and how he deserved it. Then we can have our own cult of personality and slavishly defend a moron.

It worked for him.

I'm sure the tranny bashing alt righter is an SJW.

No, no, I just think for myself. That's why I could post on /pol/ and argue with race realists but still agree with them politically on a variety of issues, despite disagreeing with their racist stances. That's why I am an atheist, and why I've been a GOP member for decades, because I'm not an ideological purist. I'm a ethical purist. There's a huge difference.

People without ethics, or an ability to discern fact from fiction wouldn't understand. Its a having a brain and using it properly thing. They don't get that.
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
That includes your cult of personality built on mindless worship of a dime store dipshit dictator and he coven of mouth breathing degenerates

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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I'm not so stupid I fall for lies this blatant on a daily basis out of my desire to own the libs or whatever.

SJWs are retarded.
Putin is a threat to world stability.

Your culture war is not important in these sorts of contexts. Culture wars are for when we aren't under aggressive assault from foreign entities. Like the 90s, when we tried to impeach a president for lying under oath about a blowjob during a civil trial about a real estate deal gone bad, wherein we subpoenaed white house staff and they got jailed when they didn't respond to the subpoena, where half the people today declaring you can't impeach a president for blatant, gross, national security endangering conduct, but you can over a blowjob.

Not sorry at all I don't buy that shit. You'd have to be a trisomy 21 patient to do so.

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Pathetic Reaction Bot
Lol this is some next level cowardice. Guess he needed more echo for his cause in here.


Explains why salt-daddy Khorum suddenly started dropping salts and likes.
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Rule of law is what this nation was built upon, and Ill be damned if I support an overgrown orange oompah loompah throwing rule of law into the gutter and defecating on 250 years of this nation's glorious history because he's too goddamn stupid to understand any of it, and I'll gladly stand on the side of patriots and people who've served this country with honor and distinction before I start worshiping a ruling class of dipshit kleptocrats

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