Hodj Proved Salty: A Tranny's Victory Thread


Buzzfeed Editor
I believe US intelligence over a thrice married adulterer with a several serial child molesters as close personal friends, whose entire upper echelon of his campaign staff is now serving in prison for a variety of crimes, whose closest personal lawyers are in prison and headed there, who has been shown to lie multiple times a day, often multiple times a sentence, and I believe them over some dipshit personality cult member moron on an internet message board

Because the real world exists and facts matter and your blatantly dishonest opinion doesn't

It wasn't so much the Clinton campaign, per se, but a Democratic operative working with the Democratic National Committee did reach out to the Ukrainian government in an attempt to get damaging information about the Trump campaign.
That operative's name is Alexandra Chalupa, a Ukrainian-American former Clinton White House aide who was tasked with ethnic outreach on behalf of the Democratic Party. As Vogel reported, she knew about Paul Manafort's extensive connections to the pro-Russian regime of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, and decided to dig deeper into possible connections between Moscow and the Trump campaign. As part of that effort, she discussed Manafort with the high-ranking officials at the Ukrainian embassy in Washington, D.C.

Stories are from 2017. CBS and Politico part of that vast right wing conspiracy Hodji?

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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”

Your boys won't even testify. The two or three they sent to testify confirmed the narrative given by the whistleblower. The faces on your own counsel said it all during the trial.

I've spent DECADES OF MY LIFE learning to review evidence and parse fact from fiction and I believe in hard truths over comforting lies and I will not compromise those values for anyone or anything, especially not a marmalade shitgibbon.

You have nothing and nothing you have to say will merit anything but my derision.
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
"Hey these editorials written by authors probably on Putin's payroll will totally convince you to dismiss the testimony of soldiers who were wounded on the battlefields and passed background checks my personal cult leader's children couldn't fucking pass and have sworn oaths to this nation my personality cult leader would never willingly swear, much less hold himself to"

And this is why you're a fucking retard
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Weird how all the people who could refute any of this perhaps marginally credibly are refusing to testify while senators and congressmen defending it are running away from reporters rather than answer tough questions about it but I'm the SJW for not ignoring all these blaring red fucking sirens and buying into the latest conspiritard meme being circled through the gutters of /pol/ and twitter

You are so fucking stupid it probably causes you pain
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
This is how every decent person should be reacting to you absolute clowns

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Buzzfeed Editor
“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”

Your boys won't even testify. The two or three they sent to testify confirmed the narrative given by the whistleblower. The faces on your own counsel said it all during the trial.

I've spent DECADES OF MY LIFE learning to review evidence and parse fact from fiction and I believe in hard truths over comforting lies and I will not compromise those values for anyone or anything, especially not a marmalade shitgibbon.

You have nothing and nothing you have to say will merit anything but my derision.


Your advanced training to be a super sleuth doesn't mean anything LOL

So when you were talking about being a Putin bootlicker, you were not talking about Russian collusion, but rather because you feel Trump is working against Ukraine and that helps Russia! Even though Trump has provided more military aid, more lethal weapons and has done far more to block the Russian pipelines which would cut Ukraine out from transport to West Europe?

Interesting. It almost sounds like you don't know what's going on and are hoping to keep this shit as vague as possible to distract from that.
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>

You can see the guilt right in his fucking eyes but who should I believe, some idiot personality cult retard on the internet, or my lying eyes right?

Fuck me? Fuck you. You have no credibility with me whatsoever. Every response you make isn't even worth my time to read. I don't care what you think. I can read, think and draw conclusions myself and I conclude you are either stupid or a liar and I think its both in spades.
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<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
This is completely out of character for this thread. I never would have imagined this would happen.
  • 4Worf
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
He still thinks we're having a conversation

Its so cute how I haven't read a single one of his posts and won't

Because nothing a member of a personality cult surrounding a kleptocrat imbecile has to say to me is relevant.
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I mean you literally had the White House send a guy who paid a million dollars to become an ambassador to testify and they literally were so stupid they thought, despite him revising his testimony before he even got there, he was going to testify in their favor.

And the best part is he's the least credible witness and we can throw his testimony straight out and we still have 15 or so credible witnesses who heard the phone call directly confirm the story
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
And the White House released a "transcript" that wasn't really, THAT ALSO CONFIRMED THE WHISTLEBLOWER and then their chief of staff went on television and ALSO CONFIRMED IT and told us to just DEAL WITH IT

But there's nothing to see here. No what matters is the Ukraine and Joe Biden's son working for a company half a decade earlier and blah blah blah

Y'all retarded to buy that fucking shit I really mean that get your heads examined

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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
And while y'all crying about Biden's son, which what he did wasn't good and I'm against nepotism and people getting cushy jobs based on their familial connections, but Ivanka sitting here with like 37 fucking patents and agreements with China making her rich as shit while you ignore it and oh yeah she's a top white house advisor but we're not gonna mention that, or Don Jr or his brother Beavis and Giuliani's kid, all of whom having paying gigs in this administration

You fucking stupid if you actually think I'm gonna buy the shit you're shoveling. Absolutely fucking sub 75 fucking IQ
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Buzzfeed Editor
I mean you literally had the White House send a guy who paid a million dollars to become an ambassador to testify and they literally were so stupid they thought, despite him revising his testimony before he even got there, he was going to testify in their favor.

And the best part is he's the least credible witness and we can throw his testimony straight out and we still have 15 or so credible witnesses who heard the phone call directly confirm the story

Hodj: Watched Trayvon Martin and realized the media lies.

Hodj: Believes the media's characterization of testimony without question.

Time stamped an important part for you buddy.
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
"Sir do you know what bribery to gain political favors means"

"Yes I bought my ambassadorship for a million dollars in donations to Trump's inauguration party"

But I should worry about the Ukraine, a long time US ally and a bulwark against Russian expansion and not the orange idiot and his former KGB handler

You must think everyone else is as stupid as you have to be to buy this crap to be trying to sell it
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Buzzfeed Editor
And while y'all crying about Biden's son, which what he did wasn't good and I'm against nepotism and people getting cushy jobs based on their familial connections, but Ivanka sitting here with like 37 fucking patents and agreements with China making her rich as shit while you ignore it and oh yeah she's a top white house advisor but we're not gonna mention that, or Don Jr or his brother Beavis and Giuliani's kid, all of whom having paying gigs in this administration

You fucking stupid if you actually think I'm gonna buy the shit you're shoveling. Absolutely fucking sub 75 fucking IQ

Biden's son wasn't the issue. Hid Daddy threatening to block A BILLION dollars in loan aid if the prosecutor looking into his son was the issue.

Its so sad how little you know about this.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
He still thinks this is a debate or he can rebut or refute anything or that anything he thinks matters.

It doesn't.



Buzzfeed Editor
"Sir do you know what bribery to gain political favors means"

"Yes I bought my ambassadorship for a million dollars in donations to Trump's inauguration party"

But I should worry about the Ukraine, a long time US ally and a bulwark against Russian expansion and not the orange idiot and his former KGB handler

You must think everyone else is as stupid as you have to be to buy this crap to be trying to sell it

Derp, every president sells Ambassadorial positions.


Buzzfeed Editor
He still thinks this is a debate or he can rebut or refute anything or that anything he thinks matters.

It doesn't.

Mhmm. Trying very hard for a man that doesn't care. I would if I were you too! So embarrassing. I thought so much better of you Hodj.