Hodj Proved Salty: A Tranny's Victory Thread


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
He really thinks this is a debate lol

Its not.

Just like with every other subject I've studied, I pay attention. I've paid attention to US politics since Reagan. Ive paid very close attention to this. You're a moron barking up the wrong tree. Go fuck yourself
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Look at that desperation flailing


"And Ill look down and whisper 'No.'"

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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
We dont have a difference in opinion. We have a difference in values. You have none.

I love my country.

Go fuck yourself
  • 1Salty
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Buzzfeed Editor
He really thinks this is a debate lol

Its not.

Just like with every other subject I've studied, I pay attention. I've paid attention to US politics since Reagan. Ive paid very close attention to this. You're a moron barking up the wrong tree. Go fuck yourself

He's paid attention. That settled it!

Gosh, I'm sure you know more than me, I only work in politics. Nothing compared to your PAYING ATTENTION. Clearly though not enough to watch the actual testimony, or you'd have seen Sondland admitted there was no quid pro quo for the military aid, and his opening statement was he understood there was quid pro quo for the meeting itself after the fact, which he explained in testimony. But I guess CNN left those soundbytes out little buddy.

Keep paying attention though slugger!
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Unlike so many, I know right from wrong when I see it and I know whose the enemy and who isn't on the geopolitical stage.

We want the Ukraine safely in the EU. We want to stop Russia from taking hold of it. If you don't, you're directly working against US national security interests and therefore, if you are a US citizen, you are a traitor. Period. Full stop. And I ain't got time for it. And your desperate cries about sjws and trying to cast doubt on the witnesses, all of whom minus one were highly credible I watched them thats MY JUDGEMENT and also my FINAL CONCLUSION ON THAT MATTER based on the weight of the evidence.

Its good to have an open mind but not so open your brain falls out and if you think Putin has America's best interests at heart ever, your brain didn't just fall out, it escaped and is on the run and you should ashamed and embarrassed but we're in a post shame and embarrassment world now so you won't.
  • 1Salty
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Buzzfeed Editor
Unlike so many, I know right from wrong when I see it and I know whose the enemy and who isn't on the geopolitical stage.

We want the Ukraine safely in the EU. We want to stop Russia from taking hold of it. If you don't, you're directly working against US national security interests and therefore, if you are a US citizen, you are a traitor. Period. Full stop. And I ain't got time for it. And your desperate cries about sjws and trying to cast doubt on the witnesses, all of whom minus one were highly credible I watched them thats MY JUDGEMENT and also my FINAL CONCLUSION ON THAT MATTER based on the weight of the evidence.

Its good to have an open mind but not so open your brain falls out and if you think Putin has America's best interests at heart ever, your brain didn't just fall out, it escaped and is on the run and you should ashamed and embarrassed but we're in a post shame and embarrassment world now so you won't.

Good boy.

He knows this guys! That's why he thinks the only man to arm Ukraine with offensive weapons against Russia and oppose the Nord Stream 2 which would bypass Ukraine is somehow, for Russia!

This he knows.
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
If you think quid pro quos for your personal poltiical benefit aren't illegal then you can go have that discussion with Rod Blagoivich in prison.

Because you will not find the discussion you want here.
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
This idiot really thinks he can say anything that Ill read or even care about.

Its sad, low energy, and pathetic.
  • 1Salty
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Buzzfeed Editor
If you think quid pro quos for your personal poltiical benefit aren't illegal then you can go have that discussion with Rod Blagoivich in prison.

Because you will not find the discussion you want here.
This idiot really thinks he can say anything that Ill read or even care about.

Its sad, low energy, and pathetic.

Continues to respond to me, asserts he's not.

That's out Hodji.

Hah, who would have know though. I figured after Trayvon Hodj would be more careful. So sad.

Anyway everyone, welcome to Politics 2.0. Hodj, keeping talking about Quid Pro Quo and impeachment while asserting you don't care! GO!
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>

"I don't know him well he just paid me a million dollars so I made him ambassador to the EU"

I always wonder if the people who try to peddle snake oil this blatantly and fraudulently really think we're all as stupid as they are.

I know a lie and a con when I see one and I call a spade a spade i dont give a fuck about your political party or the culture war when we hit national security issues I am 'Murica all the way and Putin is not our ally and never will be and once you accept that Trump and the entire GOP at this point are sold out puppets to Putin, all this makes sense and that is anathema to a war hawk and should be to every red blooded american

You're an embarrassment to yourself you pathetic traitor piece of shit
  • 1Salty
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Yeah Travyon's a great example of me putting fact over opinion. Too bad you couldn't learn the actual lesson of that, which is that facts fucking matter more than feelings and the facts here are you're an idiot whose bought a Russian propaganda campaign peddling a cult of personality built around a moron sociopath and I'm not.

Die mad about it.
  • 1Salty
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Buzzfeed Editor

"I don't know him well he just paid me a million dollars so I made him ambassador to the EU"

I always wonder if the people who try to peddle snake oil this blatantly and fraudulently really think we're all as stupid as they are.

I know a lie and a con when I see one and I call a spade a spade i dont give a fuck about your political party or the culture war when we hit national security issues I am 'Murica all the way and Putin is not our ally and never will be and once you accept that Trump and the entire GOP at this point are sold out puppets to Putin, all this makes sense and that is anathema to a war hawk and should be to every red blooded american

You're an embarrassment to yourself you pathetic traitor piece of shit

He can tell the liars guys.

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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
This is the man, the moron, the hill you're going to die on and I"m not

I am America first. Not party first. Not politics first. Not culture war first. And definitely not Russia first.

And you are. And that's why you're a traitor and a moron and I don't give a flying fuck what you think about anything. Period. Nothing you have to say is of relevance to me. This isn't a debate. This is me, telling you, that you are retarded and a member of a personality cult and I reject that whole hog.

That goes 100% against my values. I voted Trump because it was funny and because the two party system is broken. The selling out of the GOP is proof its broken permanently, though, and it isn't so funny any more.

Fuck you if you disagree, you're the traitor and I"m not

  • 1Salty
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Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah Travyon's a great example of me putting fact over opinion. Too bad you couldn't learn the actual lesson of that, which is that facts fucking matter more than feelings and the facts here are you're an idiot whose bought a Russian propaganda campaign peddling a cult of personality built around a moron sociopath and I'm not.

Die mad about it.

Looks like he's back to reading and caring about my posts again.

Oh, you.

Yes Hodji, when you were debating and forced to confront the facts in a debate--you saw the truth. But after crawling up your own asshole in Salt-ville, you don't. Poor Hodj.
  • 1Worf
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Its funny because he's quoting Sondland when I've already stated he's the LEAST CREDIBLE of the witnesses, but that it doesn't matter because 15 other CREDIBLE WITNESSES have confirmed the testimony, so we can throw Sondland's testimony straight out.

Hodjstradamus again. I already knew he'd go that route. Because he's an idiot, who didn't watch the trial, or doesn't care about honesty or truth and wants to pretend that Sondland is the only witness
  • 1Salty
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Easily predictable crap. I couldn't give a fuck about Sondland's testimony. He's obviously corrupt too.

But Vindman, Hill, and multiple other witnesses are credible, theyve shed blood that Trump would never shed for this nation, on foreign soil no less, and I believe them over Sondland and I believe them over you Lithose Lithose because you aren't credible and they are
  • 1Salty
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
“I don’t know him very well. I have not spoken to him much. This is not a man I know well. He seems like a nice guy though,” Trump said.

  • 1Salty
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Buzzfeed Editor
This is the man, the moron, the hill you're going to die on and I"m not

I am America first. Not party first. Not politics first. Not culture war first. And definitely not Russia first.

And you are. And that's why you're a traitor and a moron and I don't give a flying fuck what you think about anything. Period. Nothing you have to say is of relevance to me. This isn't a debate. This is me, telling you, that you are retarded and a member of a personality cult and I reject that whole hog.

That goes 100% against my values. I voted Trump because it was funny and because the two party system is broken. The selling out of the GOP is proof its broken permanently, though, and it isn't so funny any more.

Fuck you if you disagree, you're the traitor and I"m not

View attachment 233669

Funny how you linked a comic somehow saying the Democrats accusation is simple, and then make fun of Trump for his simplistic defense which trashes them. =-/ So weird. Almost like...you don't know what you're talking about and will use your bias to conform various aspects to support your view.

Strange. If you support America, then miring us in Ukraine so more sons of Politicoes can get rich, rather than confronting China--is probably not the best way. But since you're placated with false patriotism, you don't really care about checking the self interest if the IC. You should ask for more yellow cake so they can start another pointless while our real enemies rape us.
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