Home buying thread


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Well there is one street in our neighborhood that connects two very busy streets - people use it as a pass through and go 40+. Last year during a snowstorm I was walking my dog and almost legitimately got killed. I had to jump into someones yard because some douche was going 40 and lost control.
Our house backs up to a road like that. The city refuses to put in stop signs or anything to slow traffic down. Its the largest subdivision in the county and on my street alone there are about 20 kids under the age of 5. Its going to take a kid getting hit and the city sued before they do anything about the speeding.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Speed bumps are no Bueno where it snows and they also generate noise. In my engineering opinion noodle should move out of his rwandian shanty shit town and into a respectable community like vinens, if he values his family's lives.


Trakanon Raider
Yea, the one I was looking at the other day for my doctor brother in law was $3M and the HOA was like 2800/mo. So it would be ~30k/yr. Somehow I retarded into that being 10% not 1%. Derp gonna derp
haha, that makes more sense. And yeah, I'd say that 1% is actually pretty typical for a condo. 10% like I said seems absolutely bonkers.

Tenks_sl said:
Well I'm glad to know inconsiderate assholes are not localized to my neighborhood and are instead a nation wide epidemic
It's international. Same thing in Canada. Whether it's new neighborhoods or old, I'd say 75% of people who have a 2 car garage don't park a single vehicle in it here. And that's in a climate where it's fucking cold 4-6 months a year and getting in to a nice warm car is a treat. I guess that's what car starters are for. The new neighborhoods are worse if only because the houses and driveways are so much closer together that per lot you can only maybe fit 1 or 2 vehicles. So a new subdivision out in the fucking boondocks that has only half the houses built or occupied is wall to wall vehicles on the street. Fun times ensue when snow starts piling up in the winter.

People have too much shit they don't need, and they just cram it in to their unfinished basements and attached garages. One of the nice things about being in a condo with next to no storage is that I have every incentive to get rid of shit I don't need. I could probably fit damn near all my worldly possessions in the back of a 16' cube van with room to spare. Less if I didn't worry about the bed/frame and large sectional couch. Not counting those I'd basically have a couple dressers, a couple Ikea Pax closets, and not much else other than clothes and electronics.


Bronze Squire
Yeah, my neighbors have a big enough driveway that they could probably park 10 cars in it without blocking any of the cars in but instead they park their 4 Honda Accords in the street. We live in a cul de sac so it doesn't block much in the way of traffic but my wife constantly bitches that they park on the curb right outside our house. Even though we never ever are in the room that has the window that looks out into the street it still rustles her jimmies.


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
Yeah, my neighbors have a big enough driveway that they could probably park 10 cars in it without blocking any of the cars in but instead they park their 4 Honda Accords in the street. We live in a cul de sac so it doesn't block much in the way of traffic but my wife constantly bitches that they park on the curb right outside our house. Even though we never ever are in the room that has the window that looks out into the street it still rustles her jimmies.
I clear snow for an elderly couple friends of mine, and they live in a cul de sac. The neighbours have about 6 cars, and they park them stupidly in the cul de sac so the county plow can't get in and do it's job. I use my snow blower to clear my friends' driveway and a path through the cul de sac. It gives me very great pleasure to blow snow on top of the idiot neighbours cars. Every single time. All they have to do is park in the driveway, and all 6 houses in the cul de sac benefit from a plowed road. They seem not to care. So they get snow blown on their cars. I love waving at them while I'm doing it.


Trakanon Raider
I clear snow for an elderly couple friends of mine, and they live in a cul de sac. The neighbours have about 6 cars, and they park them stupidly in the cul de sac so the county plow can't get in and do it's job. I use my snow blower to clear my friends' driveway and a path through the cul de sac. It gives me very great pleasure to blow snow on top of the idiot neighbours cars. Every single time. All they have to do is park in the driveway, and all 6 houses in the cul de sac benefit from a plowed road. They seem not to care. So they get snow blown on their cars. I love waving at them while I'm doing it.
Start throwing some gravel down before you blow the snow.

I think the thing that both rustles my jimmies and tickles my pickle the most about single family residential neighborhood parking is the fucking morons who think that they can dictate who parks in front of their house.

"Hey! Are you planning on parking there?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You can't just park in front of my house like that! My daughter will be home soon and she needs to park there."


The best part is, if your car gets keyed, you don't even really need to do much investigation to know whose house to burn down.


Bronze Squire
I live in a hilly neighborhood, just about every driveway slopes up or down towards their respective houses. If even a hint of snow is in the forecast every car is out of their garages/driveways and parked in the streets because I guess they are worried about their driveways or more specifically are probably just trying to avoid having to shovel them. If we do manage to get a significant amount of snow all the idiots then complain that the roads in our neighborhoods never get plowed. I always tell them "it's because those idiots with the 4 Honda Accords next door to me always park in the street so they can't plow" hoping they get the hint about their own stupid cars but no dice.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Start throwing some gravel down before you blow the snow.

I think the thing that both rustles my jimmies and tickles my pickle the most about single family residential neighborhood parking is the fucking morons who think that they can dictate who parks in front of their house.

"Hey! Are you planning on parking there?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You can't just park in front of my house like that! My daughter will be home soon and she needs to park there."


The best part is, if your car gets keyed, you don't even really need to do much investigation to know whose house to burn down.
Depends. If its in a subdivion cracker jack box then yeah theres not much street space. In older neighborhoods though like the one im buying in it would make me go wtf is this guy doing? Most houses here have more than enough space for 3 cars in the street in front of them on top of the usual 2 car garage+driveway. So there shouldnt really be a reason for your neighbor to be parking in front of your house.


Karazhan Raider
Start throwing some gravel down before you blow the snow.

I think the thing that both rustles my jimmies and tickles my pickle the most about single family residential neighborhood parking is the fucking morons who think that they can dictate who parks in front of their house.

"Hey! Are you planning on parking there?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You can't just park in front of my house like that! My daughter will be home soon and she needs to park there."


The best part is, if your car gets keyed, you don't even really need to do much investigation to know whose house to burn down.
One of my coworkers told almost exactly a story like this. Apparently he has a crazy ass neighbor across the street, and like 3 times in the 6 months he has lived there he has had enough company that some people parked on the other side of the street in front of this lady's house. In every instance they were parked there for like 3 hours and she not only complained to him but also called his landlord. His landlord is a former coworker so he just called and they laughed about it, but I just don't get shit like this.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
We have ladies on our subdivision Facebook page that complain about people parking in the street. One of them even posted pictures complaining about people parked in their driveway instead of their garage. That bittie was laughed off the page.


what Suineg set it to
Luckily pretty much everyone where I live has a 6 car driveway + 2 car garage + 3-5 cars in the street just for their own property. People still park in a street a bit but it's pretty much only temporary or work trucks with trailers and stuff like that.