Home buying thread


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
250k is closer to the home I'm in now. I'm looking for a bit more expensive than that now. I'd love to get a 15 year but I may just get a 30 and pay more against the principal when I can which is basically what I did with those home and now I have ~70k equity in it after 4 years.
The nice thing about a 15 vs. paying extra on a 30 is that the 15's have lower interest rates so your extra payment goes to more principal. It's not dramatic but every % helps.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
The nice thing about a 15 vs. paying extra on a 30 is that the 15's have lower interest rates so your extra payment goes to more principal. It's not dramatic but every % helps.
Yeah its nice but I may be willing to pay a bit for the flexibility like Picasso was saying. Its nice to have my cushion cash in my account and then once I get a few grand above my comfort level I just put it into the home's principal. I'm also fully aware it is not the best use of excess cash but it makes me feel good doing it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The nice thing about a 15 vs. paying extra on a 30 is that the 15's have lower interest rates so your extra payment goes to more principal. It's not dramatic but every % helps.
If you are referring to extra payments (on top of regular mortgage schedule), those extra payments should be going to principle only regardless of 15 or 30 yr mortgages.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
It was crazy because our rent included electricity/heat/water/ac, all for free, and in a semi-nice area.

We DID end up getting pregnant like 4 months after buying the house, so I guess there's that.
"Included" is not free.

And closing cost shouldn't be a factor for selling unless you elect to give the buyer some help.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
If you are referring to extra payments (on top of regular mortgage schedule), those extra payments should be going to principle only regardless of 15 or 30 yr mortgages.
Obviously but since the interest rate is lower on a 15 more of your total money expended will be going to principal than with a 30, all else being equal.


Bronze Squire
In today's low-interest environment, even if you can afford the 15 year payment it is worth looking into getting the 30 year and rather than paying extra towards principal, invest the extra payment.

Obviously paying extra towards principal is a "guaranteed return" but even a risk-averse investment strategy can probably yield better returns plus you have more liquidity in your cash should you need it.


Bronze Knight of the Realm


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Finally have my preconstruction meeting on Thursday.
My coworker sold his house without really knowing where to move to next. He's now looking into building a home and I don't think he understands how long the process takes. He's going to be staying with another coworker with himself, his wife and his 2 year old daughter. They move out of their home at the end of this month and haven't even committed to a builder, where to build or anything.


Molten Core Raider
if I'm that coworker they are staying with, I'm telling them to go get an apartment. I've never had a coworker I've liked enough to let them stay with me for a year


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X

I literally have found the perfect house for my family. Well within the price range I was looking for. (My mother is old and has moved in, need a larger place). BUT I would be doing an extra 30-40 minutes on my commute, which is currently 20 minutes. Would you do this?


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I did 1-1/2 hour commute for a while. It didn't bother me but some people hate it. It was all at 80mph, traffic but it was all going wide open at work times on the interstate. I like it actually. I got to get my head clear and took care of a lot of business on the phone allowing me less time in the office. If it had been stop and go traffic I wouldn't have put up with it.

Nobody in our shop or office lived within an hour. Some guys couldn't put up with it no matter the pay and didn't last long.

I like no matter how bad the commute or work was when I got home I was where I wanted to be.


<Bronze Donator>
An hour+ in Boston traffic? Might as well kill yourself.

That's hyperbolic, but I really detest stop and go traffic. My commute is only 3 stop lights, under 15 minutes, and I still manage to be pissed off by the time I'm home due to how retarded the NE is with their traffic lights(NOTHING TALKS TO EACH OTHER) and you almost always run into some idiot/slow person.


My coworker sold his house without really knowing where to move to next. He's now looking into building a home and I don't think he understands how long the process takes. He's going to be staying with another coworker with himself, his wife and his 2 year old daughter. They move out of their home at the end of this month and haven't even committed to a builder, where to build or anything.
Yeah it took us 6 months just to decide on an area and builder. It is going to be July or August by the time it is built and we started the process in February.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
if I'm that coworker they are staying with, I'm telling them to go get an apartment. I've never had a coworker I've liked enough to let them stay with me for a year
The co-worker offered first. I was a bit surprised because even though the dude is a nice guy and they hang out outside of work living with someone is a whole new animal. Four adults and a child under the same roof is no joke.


Golden Knight of the Realm
There are people who I consider close friends who I wouldn't let live with me for more than a week or two.... I like my space and I know some people's lifestyles don't jive with mine.

I hope that works out but more often than not I've seen friendships ruined over situations like this.