Home buying thread


A Mod Real Quick
Luckily, besides boxes, all we're moving is 2 couches, bed, one dresser, tv/center, washer/dryer and some book shelves.

I also have to drive the UHaul another 75 miles to pick up an entire bedroom set, which will suck dick.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I'm sure our move from Phoenix to San Antonio will be much more expensive. I guess we just don't have that much stuff. Takes 3 guys, 3 hours tops, and that's including transit time. We usually have everything boxed up. They come in, load it all up, drive it, and unload and it's done.


Signed paperwork and gave escrow a great big check today. Nothing left but our final pre-closing walk through and then get keys next Wednesday.

Oh and a ton more packing. Never ending packing.


Shit man, reading this thread is depressing.

I'm in LA, make 160k/y and a nice home starts at 600k, unless I go to the Valley and fuck that commute. Hearing about 1800sqft homes for 180k makes me nauseous


A Mod Real Quick
Makes me nauseous too. We went $260k for 1500 sqft and 0.25 acres. When I read about housing costs in other places I get so jealous, then again I work in tech and finding a job there would be tough.

We're still packing too! I hate it!

We're on track to close next Thursday. Pretty crazy.. excited/nervous. We have to buy a mailbox, wire cable, buy a dryer, buy a lawnmower, and hopefully good to go.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Been packing the last 3 months, while also getting the house clean and pretty to sell. It's made everything a lot easier spreading it over that length of time. So many trips to the garbage or Goodwill to donate stuff we no longer need.

Some people in my office that are also relocating are getting some crazy quotes from the movers that are moving us to San Antonio. Like 2 bedroom, 1 bath, $4800 if we pack, $8k + if they pack... wtf. Company is paying up to $7500, but damn, I didn't think it would be so expensive.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Shit man, reading this thread is depressing.

I'm in LA, make 160k/y and a nice home starts at 600k, unless I go to the Valley and fuck that commute. Hearing about 1800sqft homes for 180k makes me nauseous
There's good reasons real estate in LA is expensive. Lots of people with money want to live there, driving demand.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I'm thankful we moved from Long Island. Real estate there at the time was insanely priced. We just closed on a 3700 sq ft house outside Raleigh NC for around 365k. Good thing too because we found out the wife was accidentally pregnant a few weeks before closing lol. Only thing that sucked was selling our old townhouse we took a huge hit because we bought right before the crash.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Never seen a housing market as insane as the sf/Bay Area is now. Homes in downtown Palo Alto selling for 1400$/sq ft.. Just saw a 1900 sq foot craftsman (orig built in 1906) sell for $2.4million...500k over asking. I'd give anything to have Malibu or Orange County pricing instead, that shit seems downright cheap compared to what's going on over here.


Molten Core Raider
That's just crazy, I honestly don't see how hardly anyone affords to live there. Homes around here sell for about $100 a square foot on average(some areas might be double at most, some areas are as low as $50 per sq ft). I know wages and salaries are higher in the bay area, but the average salary/income isn't 14 times higher, that's for sure.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I had heard SF/Bay area was absolutely nuts. Lack of housing apparently, and mega demand due to a lot of tech start ups popping up there. Read about a few people that owned property there for a long time, and they are set for life just from renting out their place for a while. lol


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Now finally being on the other side of the equation, having bought our home 1.5 years ago, I'm digging it. If I were to sell now, I could easily see about a 30-35% profit, potentially even more. Course we're in this for the long haul, so who the hell knows what'll happen in the future.


Trakanon Raider
I had heard SF/Bay area was absolutely nuts. Lack of housing apparently, and mega demand due to a lot of tech start ups popping up there. Read about a few people that owned property there for a long time, and they are set for life just from renting out their place for a while. lol
At least some of it stems from attempts by local governments to force property owners to keep rents etc low. That might keep costs down in the short term, but in the long term it's a surefire way to ensure that developers run screaming from the market, leading to shortages down the road.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
At least some of it stems from attempts by local governments to force property owners to keep rents etc low. That might keep costs down in the short term, but in the long term it's a surefire way to ensure that developers run screaming from the market, leading to shortages down the road.
That's not entirely true, Santa Monica has pretty draconian rent control laws and one of the biggest condo projects in years is going to come online this summer there. Rent control laws only affect a developer if they are intending to eventually convert their rental units into for sale condo units. The real issue is the cost of land in SF which then affects the density you need to build at and then finally the pricing which for most pro formas would look unrealistic until recently. Its why West Hollywood passed a small lot ordnance so you can sell SFR's instead of condos even though the common walls are only seperated by 6 inches between units but you can at least claim its a single family and justify the cost along with no HOA fee.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
If by "some" you mean, negligible to statistically insignificant, than I agree. SFHs and condos aren't rent controlled in CA. Even apartments, which are in many local cities, don't have to face rent control if they are new structures.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Never seen a housing market as insane as the sf/Bay Area is now. Homes in downtown Palo Alto selling for 1400$/sq ft.. Just saw a 1900 sq foot craftsman (orig built in 1906) sell for $2.4million...500k over asking. I'd give anything to have Malibu or Orange County pricing instead, that shit seems downright cheap compared to what's going on over here.
I was just today having lunch with a friend and he talked about a friend who had bought a 2 BR ~1400 sqft. condo in PA. Bought it for 700k a year or two ago. 700k- wow, that's pretty fucking pricey for a 2 BR condo right, and it's not even in a city?! They just sold it for 1.1M.

My grandparent's old house in Mountain View which was built around ~1950 was valued a year ago on Zillow at around 1.1M. Not a big house by any means, 1600 sqft. with a decent yard. That price was pretty crazy itself and there was a bubble forming which had to burst. It's now valued on Zillow at 1.6M. 50% increase in one year when prices were already crazy high to begin with.

There's just way too much money coming into Silicon Valley, and it's only increasing. You see other places trying to become tech hubs, but really nothing else is close and I think the gap is only widening. Every year it seems like there's a new tech juggernaut arising here - every time one of these companies goes IPO how many new instant millionaires are made? And this is just in addition to the higher and higher salaries being paid to many by the valley stalwarts. Meanwhile, there's like zero housing inventory and development has not caught up. Not that there's any space to build.


Blackwing Lair Raider
The area's just so friggin small compared to how many companies and jobs are out here. If not for the awesome public transit the highways would be some of the worst in the nation from all the congestion.

One option( I guess?) for people with 'normal' salaries around here is cubix-sf, if they want to own - stuff in the 200s-400s. Of course, you get about a dormsized room for that.

Well I just went all in around here not long ago so here's hoping it's not a big bubble waiting to burst. I don't think it is because there's a lot of real money and jobs behind it. I'm either gonna hit it big or end up broke .


Trakanon Raider
If by "some" you mean, negligible to statistically insignificant, than I agree. SFHs and condos aren't rent controlled in CA. Even apartments, which are in many local cities, don't have to face rent control if they are new structures.
I thought I read somewhere that SF has some of the most onerous rent controls and tenancy rights of any city in the US?

This came up with a quick Google search:San Francisco Rent Control and Unintended Consequences - NYTimes.com

Mr. Karnilowicz estimated that 5 percent of the city's 212,000 rental units (about 10,600) are kept vacant by landlords who would rather not deal with rent control (others estimate the number is higher, about 25,000 units). He said that many owners would rent those homes if there were reforms, like requiring the rich to pay full market value.
It does mention it only applies to buildings from before 1979 though, so I guess that wouldn't necessarily deter developers from building new projects. I dunno what else is limiting construction of new housing there, but there must be some reason.