Home buying thread

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
It's amusing to me that people in real estate think that multitasking is an excuse for being worthless. I hate to break it to you, but most people juggle significantly larger amounts of projects and don't get to just use excuses of "Oh, I'm so busy." No, instead you just get fired for being worthless.
Do you know what the people doing your closing are juggling? Do you have any concept of what it is they do all day? You most likely have no idea and yet seem to think all they need to do is be better at multitasking so you can get what you want and nothing else matters to you.

I wonder. Do you show up to your doctor without an appointement? Your accountant? Yet you showed up at this office and started demanding shit. You have no respect and then are shocked when you are treated like shit. Your experience is miserable because you made it so. Grats.


Lord Nagafen Raider
You are right collectively all of us going through this experience at the same time having the same results are special snowflakes. OR it could be a fault in the system. I think the problem is more that they have way to many people on their plate at once.

If you went out to eat and the server had 40 tables and only got back to you once a day. You'd be up in arms. There's no special snowflake there. That's just a broken system.

Tell me how I'm a special snowflake when a lender couldn't get my mortgage done in 45 days. And the next one with great yelp reviews got it done in 20 days. There was never a time where when they asked me for something it wasn't returned within 6 hours with most times being in under 1 hour.

The second lender would call me on a Saturday and say here is what we'll be needing on Monday to keep the process moving swiftly. The first lender would wait till I called on Tuesday to say oh , we are going to need it.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Do you know what the people doing your closing are juggling? Do you have any concept of what it is they do all day? You most likely have no idea and yet seem to think all they need to do is be better at multitasking so you can get what you want and nothing else matters to you.

I wonder. Do you show up to your doctor without an appointement? Your accountant? Yet you showed up at this office and started demanding shit. You have no respect and then are shocked when you are treated like shit. Your experience is miserable because you made it so. Grats.
So you think it's acceptable to not return someone's phone call for an entire day? I didn't start demanding anything, I asked if I could talk with the person who wasn't returning my phone callsto set up an appointment in person.

I can't think of anywhere I've EVER worked where it'd be acceptable to just blow people off.


Got something right about marriage
Wormie is the only one here who thinks he's a special snowflake. He doesn't seem to realize that people will want to be able to get a person on the phone when making the single biggest purchase they will probably make in their entire lives. One that can drastically change the outcome of their financial future.

But no he's right, I bet you guys get pissed when your food is cold at a restaurant too. Whiney cunts.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
You guys paying thousands of dollars for my service should expect shitty service because my job requires like, work and stuff.



Mr. Poopybutthole
The funny part, to me at least, is that my actual agent has been awesome (although, worth whatever cut she's getting of the commission I'm not sure about). She's available damn near 24 hours a day, 7 days week. She's handled all sorts of shit that I wouldn't want to have to deal with. It's everyone else, and the entire process, that pisses me off.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
Most people go through this process without having any issues. But there are always a few who bitch and moan over things they know very little about. This almost always makes things worse for them. Showing up without an appointement is disrespectful. Thinking people arent doing anything because you believe people arent multitasking is disrespectful. Treat people like shit, get treated like shit. Dont treat people like shit, get through the process like most others do.


what Suineg set it to
Most people go through this process without having any issues. But there are always a few who bitch and moan over things they know very little about. This almost always makes things worse for them. Showing up without an appointement is disrespectful. Thinking people arent doing anything because you believe people arent multitasking is disrespectful. Treat people like shit, get treated like shit. Dont treat people like shit, get through the process like most others do.
I guess I am disrespectful then because once you are 3 days late, I will show up 'sans appointment' as well. Was I disrespectful for threatening a charge back when the appraisal company, whom I had paid 2 weeks prior, had yet to deliver after repeated inquiries by all parties? What about when I found the home inspector's cell phone number to ask where he was after I had taken time away from the office and it was 90 minutes past the appointment?

If I pay money for a service delivered on time, that includes the 'on time' part.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
I guess I am disrespectful then because once you are 3 days late, I will show up 'sans appointment' as well. Was I disrespectful for threatening a charge back when the appraisal company, whom I had paid 2 weeks prior, had yet to deliver after repeated inquiries by all parties? What about when I found the home inspector's cell phone number to ask where he was after I had taken time away from the office and it was 90 minutes past the appointment?

If I pay money for a service delivered on time, that includes the 'on time' part.
How nice for you. Yesterday the delivery guy forgot to bring me my soup and i sent him back to get it. That story totally relates to this since its about me.


A Mod Real Quick
Showing up without an appointment isn't disrespectful, that confuses me. They could easily say "the person is in meetings, you can either wait or schedule something." That's how it works. If they're willing to see him I fail to see the disrespect. If he then sat in the middle of the floor indian style demanding to be seen or else they would face the wrath of his sit-in, then sure, that's disrespectful.

My lending rep that I was in contact with was very easy to deal with because I was able to email her instead of calling. Sometimes it took hours for a response, but it allowed her to respond on her own time. If I had to play phone tag with her I'd probably go insane. The worst thing she did was just surprise me with shit I needed even after I would ask for a list of items I needed to prepare.

These people are going through a shitty process, and it's a result of people having too much on the plate at whatever banks/companies they're dealing with. Buying a home is super stressful and I don't blame them for venting about it.

I'm starting to think wormie will argue anything.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Wormie probably gets yelled at a lot and has formed an emotional support group with his coworkers that they're not the problem it's the people.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
Showing up without an appointment isn't disrespectful, that confuses me. They could easily say "the person is in meetings, you can either wait or schedule something." That's how it works. If they're willing to see him I fail to see the disrespect. If he then sat in the middle of the floor indian style demanding to be seen or else they would face the wrath of his sit-in, then sure, that's disrespectful.

My lending rep that I was in contact with was very easy to deal with because I was able to email her instead of calling. Sometimes it took hours for a response, but it allowed her to respond on her own time. If I had to play phone tag with her I'd probably go insane. The worst thing she did was just surprise me with shit I needed even after I would ask for a list of items I needed to prepare.

These people are going through a shitty process, and it's a result of people having too much on the plate at whatever banks/companies they're dealing with. Buying a home is super stressful and I don't blame them for venting about it.

I'm starting to think wormie will argue anything.
Imagine if instead of allowing your lending rep time you showed up unannounced and demanded answers right then and there. There would be a large chance that she would not be happy about it and would treat you and your issues with a lot less care. Like I said before, people dont show up at other professional's offices without appointements, why are these people different?

Just because the process is shitty doesnt mean one should be an asshole to people working on putting the deal together. Thinking people arent multitasking hard enough or not showing any regard for people's schedules is not endearing anyone and just makes the process worse.


Got something right about marriage
You seem to be discounting the fact that the people in question here who are complaining are close to their deadlines and aren't hearing anything back. Meaning if they don't call and complain there is a good chance their rate lock will expire which just lengthens the process.

The loan officers not returning calls is not acceptable. It's not acceptable in any other industry either, and when you're talking about hundreds of thousands of dollars and a lot of excitement and stress surrounding that they have every right to show up and demand answers when nobody is taking the time to answer their questions.

When the loan officers need paperwork it's always at the 11th hour, they never say "Oh I need that in a week" they say "I need that in a few hours otherwise we may not get this in on time". That's horse shit and you have no leg to stand on here wormie.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
You seem to be discounting the fact that the people in question here who are complaining are close to their deadlines and aren't hearing anything back. Meaning if they don't call and complain there is a good chance their rate lock will expire which just lengthens the process.

The loan officers not returning calls is not acceptable. It's not acceptable in any other industry either, and when you're talking about hundreds of thousands of dollars and a lot of excitement and stress surrounding that they have every right to show up and demand answers when nobody is taking the time to answer their questions.

When the loan officers need paperwork it's always at the 11th hour, they never say "Oh I need that in a week" they say "I need that in a few hours otherwise we may not get this in on time". That's horse shit and you have no leg to stand on here wormie.
I am not saying that someone shouldnt stay on top of their closing. Most people in this thread do just that and get through the process just fine. A few people here seem to think that everyone involved with the process is a lazy, useless shit and treat them as such and then are shocked when they get treated like shit back.

The guy showed up to the escrow company. A company who he is not even a client of. Its a company hired by the bank to put together the closing. They have to coordinate with the bank and make sure all documents and all moneys are correct (they usually arent), they have to coordinate with the sellers and make sure the paperwork is correct and there is also the title company. All paperwork has to be reviewed, checked and corrected. All this has to be done for every closing that happens and closings happen a few times a day. The guy also talks down to the people at the escrow company because they are lazy and useless and where he works they would be fired since multitasking is hard! Such strong opinions with zero clue what is actually involved in the process. These type of prima donna clients always end up with a bad impressions because a) no one wants to help these cunts and b) they cant be satisfied anyway so why bother.

You guys can sit back and arm chair general this all you want but, since I actually am a co owner of two of companies similar to an escrow company (here in NY we dont have escrow companies but I and my partners do own a pair of title agencies and we employ a number of people including attorneys who deal strictly with real estate), I see this shit go on all day, every day. People buying and selling real estate have two options: a) act like a fucking dick bag and get treated as such or b) dont be a douche and get treated like a human being.


Got something right about marriage
I am not saying that someone shouldnt stay on top of their closing. Most people in this thread do just that and get through the process just fine. A few people here seem to think that everyone involved with the process is a lazy, useless shit and treat them as such and then are shocked when they get treated like shit back.

The guy showed up to the escrow company. A company who he is not even a client of. Its a company hired by the bank to put together the closing. They have to coordinate with the bank and make sure all documents and all moneys are correct (they usually arent), they have to coordinate with the sellers and make sure the paperwork is correct and there is also the title company. All paperwork has to be reviewed, checked and corrected. All this has to be done for every closing that happens and closings happen a few times a day. The guy also talks down to the people at the escrow company because they are lazy and useless and where he works they would be fired since multitasking is hard! Such strong opinions with zero clue what is actually involved in the process. These type of prima donna clients always end up with a bad impressions because a) no one wants to help these cunts and b) they cant be satisfied anyway so why bother.

You guys can sit back and arm chair general this all you want but, since I actually am a co owner of two of companies similar to an escrow company (here in NY we dont have escrow companies but I and my partners do own a pair of title agencies and we employ a number of people including attorneys who deal strictly with real estate), I see this shit go on all day, every day. People buying and selling real estate have two options: a) act like a fucking dick bag and get treated as such or b) dont be a douche and get treated like a human being.
Wow.... you really think your industry is infallible don't you?

More like b) don't be a douche and have your closing moved back and your rate locks expire, then get charged by the shitheads who caused your rate lock issues so they can extend said rate lock.

I've bought and then refinanced twice over the years. All three times the process was a nightmare much like Corndog and Elurin's experience. I very rarely hear stories about the process going smooth and being reasonable. You're delusional.

I did exactly as you said and just let things happen the first time. My closing had to be moved back almost 2 months because the loan docs kept getting lost or people were always out of the office.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
Wow.... you really think your industry is infallible don't you?

More like b) don't be a douche and have your closing moved back and your rate locks expire, then get charged by the shitheads who caused your rate lock issues so they can extend said rate lock.

I've bought and then refinanced twice over the years. All three times the process was a nightmare much like Corndog and Elurin's experience. I very rarely hear stories about the process going smooth and being reasonable. You're delusional.

I did exactly as you said and just let things happen the first time. My closing had to be moved back almost 2 months because the loan docs kept getting lost or people were always out of the office.
You do understand that the people doing your closing and the loan officers/bank are not the same people right? Of course you dont.


Got something right about marriage
Yes, there are underwriters, title search companies, attorneys, etc etc etc. The loan officer is in charge of managing all that shit for you, it's why you're paying them, and they are the ones who delayed shit by losing my documents, asking me to re-submit, waiting until the 11th hour etc etc etc.

They are the worst project managers on planet earth.

You don't seem to understand that it doesn't matter who's responsible behind the scenes, they are the front facing company. The company we as home buyers are dealing with. They are responsible for managing the process and getting us this shit on time. Like every other goddamn project manager in every other industry. And instead of being transparent and actually answering the phone, they dodge or are constantly out and never get back to us. Not sure why you think that's A-OK.

Especially since you literally cannot get a mortgage if you try to manage that stuff on your own. Let me deal with all that shit and I assure you I'll hit my closing date. And that's what Elurin and Corndog are having to try to do, because the person who is supposed to be doing it, isn't.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Because of my last post it got me interested in looking back on our process and kind of re-educating myself on what went down. Here's the timeline in spoiler just because. As best I can put together based on gmail:

- 6/15/12: Agent sent a list of houses for us to view
- 6/17: We went to view houses (I think it was 8, we didn't look at all the ones on her list)
- 6/19: Signed offer for house
- 6/19: Signed contract
- 6/20: Earnest money and Home Inspection
- 6/25: List of requested repairs

about a week lapses here

- 7/6: Delayed Occupancy
- 7/9: Repairs and Concessions signed
- 7/12: Home Appraisal
- 7/13: Home Insurance
- 7/24: Property Survey
- 7/30: Closing Prelim and Document Review
- 7/31: Closing

And 90% of that was all electronic signature up until the actual day of closing and accomplished through gmail.


what Suineg set it to
I am not saying that someone shouldnt stay on top of their closing. Most people in this thread do just that and get through the process just fine. A few people here seem to think that everyone involved with the process is a lazy, useless shit and treat them as such and then are shocked when they get treated like shit back.

The guy showed up to the escrow company. A company who he is not even a client of.Its a company hired by the bank to put together the closing. They have to coordinate with the bank and make sure all documents and all moneys are correct (they usually arent), they have to coordinate with the sellers and make sure the paperwork is correct and there is also the title company. All paperwork has to be reviewed, checked and corrected. All this has to be done for every closing that happens and closings happen a few times a day. The guy also talks down to the people at the escrow company because they are lazy and useless and where he works they would be fired since multitasking is hard! Such strong opinions with zero clue what is actually involved in the process. These type of prima donna clients always end up with a bad impressions because a) no one wants to help these cunts and b) they cant be satisfied anyway so why bother.

You guys can sit back and arm chair general this all you want but, since I actually am a co owner of two of companies similar to an escrow company (here in NY we dont have escrow companies but I and my partners do own a pair of title agencies and we employ a number of people including attorneys who deal strictly with real estate), I see this shit go on all day, every day. People buying and selling real estate have two options: a) act like a fucking dick bag and get treated as such or b) dont be a douche and get treated like a human being.
I pay them fees for their services, ergo if they want my money, they can provide the services that were agreed in the manner and time frame they were agreed upon. It's really just that simple. Do you think anyone would waste their time if the process went well harassing middlemen? It's because you HAVE TO DO THE JOBS of everyone involved (that you still pay for) to actually complete the process.


A Mod Real Quick
wormie what companies do you own? I don't want to give them my business.

It's mostly an empty threat, as I would never move to the shit stain of america, but I can pretend it pains you.