Home buying thread

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
The escrow company knows next to nothing about a deal until they receive the bank documents. Just because someone else fucked up the process and delayed it does not give a person a right to abuse people at this escrow company since they have done nothing to cause the delay. Once again, being ignorant about the process is not an excuse for being a massive dick to people who do not deserve it. Not sure what is so difficult to understand here.


<Bronze Donator>
So, wormie. What advice would you give to all of us, who have long delays and unresponsive parties?

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
So, wormie. What advice would you give to all of us, who have long delays and unresponsive parties?
Understand the process enough to know who fucked up and dont make the process worse on yourself by attacking people that did nothing wrong. You know, the basic rules of human interaction.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
so be mad at the people you can't interact with and be nice to the person overseeing the process that you can interact with.


Got something right about marriage
How does one do that when nobody answers the phone when we call with a question? Better yet how does one do that when we call the loan officer and they say "Still waiting to hear back from the escrow company, can't do anything until we get the paperwork back from them".

You really do think you're infallible and above customer service. You're literally saying that we should be clairvoyant.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
How does one do that when nobody answers the phone when we call with a question? Better yet how does one do that when we call the loan officer and they say "Still waiting to hear back from the escrow company, can't do anything until we get the paperwork back from them".

You really do think you're infallible and above customer service. You're literally saying that we should be clairvoyant.
I dont know what you should do in any one particular situation. I do know that if you are mad at your loan officer, taking it out on an unrelated party will only cause more delays for you at worst or do nothing for you at best.


Mr. Poopybutthole
You've got some serious issues. I'm not sure why you're getting so worked up about my situation.

My entire point was it's ridiculous not to return someone's phone calls. And yes, "We have your paperwork but haven't had a chance to look at it yet. We'll get back with you later today (or tomorrow)" is common fucking courtesy. I'm not sure why you think that's a waste of time? Keeping people informed means they won't be bothering you. Ignoring them makes them feel like they don't matter and that you may not even be aware that you're supposed to be doing something for the other party.

As far as my comment ("I'm so sick of anyone involved in this process. Real estate seems to harbor the worst kinds of people") that was directed at everyone involved in this, not necessarily just about the other day. I figured that was clear from the "anyone" qualifier. It sucks that you're offended by that comment, but from looking around the internet it seems like 90% of people agree.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
You've got some serious issues. I'm not sure why you're getting so worked up about my situation.

My entire point was it's ridiculous not to return someone's phone calls. And yes, "We have your paperwork but haven't had a chance to look at it yet. We'll get back with you later today (or tomorrow)" is common fucking courtesy. I'm not sure why you think that's a waste of time? Keeping people informed means they won't be bothering you. Ignoring them makes them feel like they don't matter and that you may not even be aware that you're supposed to be doing something for the other party.

As far as my comment ("I'm so sick of anyone involved in this process. Real estate seems to harbor the worst kinds of people") that was directed at everyone involved in this, not necessarily just about the other day. I figured that was clear from the "anyone" qualifier. It sucks that you're offended by that comment, but from looking around the internet it seems like 90% of people agree.
How much time did you give the escrow company to call you back?

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
Elurin can you please stop raging at wormie, you don't know anything about this process
So much butt hurt. Do you like treating people, who did nothing wrong, like shit? Does it make your tiny dick feel big? Its ok, we all need a way to compliment ourselves.


A Mod Real Quick
Bro I don't treat anyone like shit in the real world. I was always cordial with my lending agent even when shit was pissing me off. If someone wasn't returning my phone calls and I was in a panic you're goddamn right I'd be showing up at someone's doorstep. Thankfully my agent was able to calm me down a bit most of the time but not all are like that.

Being left in the dark during this process is extremely stressful. I don't think it's rude to show up and ask what's going on, but that's where we all seem to be disagreeing with you.

My penis has been posted on FOH and is probably in the screenshot archive if you want to check it out. You can compare to it much like goblincock did

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
Bro I don't treat anyone like shit in the real world. I was always cordial with my lending agent even when shit was pissing me off. If someone wasn't returning my phone calls and I was in a panic you're goddamn right I'd be showing up at someone's doorstep. Thankfully my agent was able to calm me down a bit most of the time but not all are like that.

Being left in the dark during this process is extremely stressful. I don't think it's rude to show up and ask what's going on, but that's where we all seem to be disagreeing with you.

My penis has been posted on FOH and is probably in the screenshot archive if you want to check it out. You can compare to it much like goblincock did
What you are missing is that the company he showed up to was not responsible for whatever the issues were. And at the point of the process when the escrow company got involved, the process is mostly over, the docs were sent and just had to be reviewed. But the review does not happen instantly, it takes time. Showing up there just adds more possible delays to things as people who are trying to do their job are forced to deal with some random dude that just showed up at their door step. I get that he was frustrated but the escrow company didnt cause the issues, expecting them to drop everything that second and do his case is ridiculous.


Got something right about marriage
What you are missing is that the company he showed up to was not responsible for whatever the issues were. And at the point of the process when the escrow company got involved, the process is mostly over, the docs were sent and just had to be reviewed. But the review does not happen instantly, it takes time. Showing up there just adds more possible delays to things as people who are trying to do their job are forced to deal with some random dude that just showed up at their door step. I get that he was frustrated but the escrow company didnt cause the issues, expecting them to drop everything that second and do his case is ridiculous.
What you seem to be missing is that they are a business, with an office, where people can show up to ask questions. Which is completely normal. If they don't want to answer their phone or have people walk into their place of business they shouldn't have an office or a phone number. In fact, they probably shouldn't even be in business. It's like you grew up on some distant planet where people don't ask questions or seek answers and it's rude to question authority... like Japan or something. And you believe he just showed up ranting and raving when in reality he probably just showed up and asked some questions in a completely normal manner.


what Suineg set it to
I don't always wire large sums of money to an escrow company, but when I do I expect little to no communication.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
How did you get the escrow companies information to wire them the money? Usually you cut a check for your earnest money unless you deal directly with escrow to get the wire information.

Anyway, I'm not backing up what wormie says but I will say that in a purchase the lender has nothing to do with escrow and title. Those are selected as part of your purchase agreement between your agent and the sellers agent. It's only going to get worse come August 1st with the new TILA/RESPA rules as well. So if you're getting little to no response from your escrow office, or in states with no escrow your title agent or attorney, then please contact your real estate agent for agreeing to have such pieces of shit be part of the transaction. Trust me it drives me up the wall as well.


what Suineg set it to
How did you get the escrow companies information to wire them the money? Usually you cut a check for your earnest money unless you deal directly with escrow to get the wire information.

Anyway, I'm not backing up what wormie says but I will say that in a purchase the lender has nothing to do with escrow and title. Those are selected as part of your purchase agreement between your agent and the sellers agent. It's only going to get worse come August 1st with the new TILA/RESPA rules as well. So if you're getting little to no response from your escrow office, or in states with no escrow your title agent or attorney, then please contact your real estate agent for agreeing to have such pieces of shit be part of the transaction. Trust me it drives me up the wall as well.
I had a title and escrow company, maybe that's not common or illegal in other states? Dunno. Once lender prepared paperwork approving the loan and prepped disbursement, I received information from the title & escrow company for payment. I had my bank wire the money.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I had a title and escrow company, maybe that's not common or illegal in other states? Dunno. Once lender prepared paperwork approving the loan and prepped disbursement, I received information from the title & escrow company for payment. I had my bank wire the money.
I had the same thing. Wire transfer directly working with the escrow company.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
My point being is you did have to have communication in order to get the wire information. Not all states have escrow companies. NY uses attorneys and FL just uses title for instance. Again, I'm not defending anybody but the lender has nothing to do with those services on a purchase transaction.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I had a title and escrow company, maybe that's not common or illegal in other states? Dunno. Once lender prepared paperwork approving the loan and prepped disbursement, I received information from the title & escrow company for payment. I had my bank wire the money.
I think California is strange. We had a title and escrow company as well, and we signed all our loan paperwork with them. I've never even met my lender, but I've had to go to the escrow company a few times. Maybe this is why wormie is getting all spun up; in whatever state he lives in, going there isn't customary. But even discounting my drop in that he's upset about, I've had to go there 3 different times for legitimate reasons (4 if you count my wife dropping off a cashier's check). Hell, one of my coworkers just bought a house and is using the same escrow company, and when we were signing everything I saw her husband there. He must be some giant asshole to show up their offices too.