Home buying thread


Bronze Squire
No one would get back to you until someone actually knows whats going on. No one is going to talk to you until they know what is what.
Okay, so you think it is okay for them to completely ignore a phone call and not just answer and say "hey, we don't currently know what's going on, but this is how things generally work..."

And exactly how long is Elurin supposed to sit and wait with no responses? Hours? Days? Weeks? At what point of no contact IS it okay for him to go down there because he is getting zero returned phone calls? Is he only supposed to talk to the loan officer/bank and if the only answer he gets from them is that "the paperwork was sent to the escrow company" tough shit, that's all he gets to know about where he is in the process?

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
And exactly how long is Elurin supposed to sit and wait with no responses?
4-5 hours would have probably been sufficient. Depends on when his first phone call was placed. And you think calling a client and telling him you know nothing will do anything other than irritate that person? Escrow company calls when they have information, until then, they wont. There is zero reason to call.


Bronze Squire
Here is the original quote:
Loan docs were sent to escrow today. Was calling them all fucking morning and they wouldn't answer or return my calls. So I said fuck it and drove to their office (where they didn't seem pleased to see me). Apparently they're so busy(?) that they won't be able to get us in until "hopefully" tomorrow.

I'm so sick of anyone involved in this process. Real estate seems to harbor the worst kinds of people.
Now I don't know how many hours "all morning" entails, but sounds pretty damn close to your acceptable timeline. And it also sounds like once he got there the answer he got was a.) something they knew sight-unseen of his paperwork and b.) could have been answered in less than 2 minutes over the phone had they picked the damn thing up, which brings me to this:

There is zero reason to call.
Yes there is, because he called them and returning a phone call is a very standard business practice and a basic part of customer service (something you seem to think an escrow company is immune from providing).

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
Here is the original quote:

Now I don't know how many hours "all morning" entails, but sounds pretty damn close to your acceptable timeline. And it also sounds like once he got there the answer he got was a.) something they knew sight-unseen of his paperwork and b.) could have been answered in less than 2 minutes over the phone had they picked the damn thing up, which brings me to this:

Yes there is, because he called them and returning a phone call is a very standard business practice and a basic part of customer service (something you seem to think an escrow company is immune from providing).
Returning the phone call within a reasonable time frame is standard. Do note the word "reasonable."


Mr. Poopybutthole
Also, this whole "he isn't their client" line you keep spewing doesn't fly. Just because there is an intermediary between Elurin and the Escrow company doesn't make him not their client. Ultimately it is his transaction that is providing the escrow company their business and they should treat him like a customer.
This right here is why I don't think wormie will ever drop this argument. He doesn't see his escrow/title company as a customer service based business. To him, it's business to business exclusively.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
This right here is why I don't think wormie will ever drop this argument. He doesn't see his escrow/title company as a customer service based business. To him, it's business to business exclusively.
How many hours did you wait before going to the company's office?


Mr. Poopybutthole
4. I left a message at 8, 10, and 11. Never got a returned phone call. Went on my lunch break around noon.

One of those messages was with the secretary to have her call me back, so it wasn't like I was just leaving tons of voicemails.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
So because no one got back to you in 3 hours they are useless cunts that must be fired? Fucking lol.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The completely competent escrow company sent my grant deed to the country assessor today. So I should have my keys today! Oh wait, they fucked up and forgot to date it. Maybe Monday. I guess on the plus side, it has to finish by next week because that's when our contract expires.

This is all despite the fact that everyone (including the escrow company and even the notary) said that it's literally just faxing the documents over and it'd happen the day after signing everything (same day as loan funding). And yet, 48 hours later and we don't have a house. It's now two weekends in a row where we should have had our house that we're sitting here without closing (originally were supposed to close before Memorial Day since I'll be on travel for all of June). Honestly, I'm glad I pushed them to try to close early, because had I not, there's no way we would've made it on time.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
The completely competent escrow company sent my grant deed to the country assessor today. So I should have my keys today! Oh wait, they fucked up and forgot to date it. Maybe Monday. I guess on the plus side, it has to finish by next week because that's when our contract expires.

This is all despite the fact that everyone (including the escrow company and even the notary) said that it's literally just faxing the documents over and it'd happen the day after signing everything (same day as loan funding). And yet, 48 hours later and we don't have a house. It's now two weekends in a row where we should have had our house that we're sitting here without closing (originally were supposed to close before Memorial Day since I'll be on travel for all of June). Honestly, I'm glad I pushed them to try to close early, because had I not, there's no way we would've made it on time.
Again, ask your real estate agent who picked this shit stain of a company and if it's the seller tell them you're not paying for the fees related to their services. The agent will probably end up having to pay it themselves but fuck it.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Picasso must work for a title company.

The absurdity continues. Our agent worked it out where we're essentially "renting" our own house over the weekend for $25/day. I feel like California is partially to blame for this.


what Suineg set it to
Picasso must work for a title company.

The absurdity continues. Our agent worked it out where we're essentially "renting" our own house over the weekend for $25/day. I feel like California is partially to blame for this.
You'll probably get an eviction notice from the bank. Then, despite owning it by that point, you'll legally be required to vacate before returning to residency.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
But you'll have to pay 4000 in closing costs because it'll come in under appraisal value the first 4 times and your agent will really have to work hard.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Ugh, don't even joke about that shit.

1 hour left until the county assessor is done with recordings for the day. Still haven't heard shit from the title company or my agent. What are the odds they fuck this up another day?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Ugh, don't even joke about that shit.

1 hour left until the county assessor is done with recordings for the day. Still haven't heard shit from the title company or my agent. What are the odds they fuck this up another day?
Odds? See that's where you're going wrong. There are no odds. They are going to fuck it up. You forgot they have 10 other fires to put out today. Until you make them put out your fire, they'll be dealing with someone elses.

Literally I feel the whole industry puts 1 employee with 30 clients. And the employees are so overwhelmed, they just keep putting out fires. If you don't give an employee an incentive to be finished for the day they'll never try hard. Oh great, you finished mowing the lawn early? Here mow another one... Now they make sure they mow as slow as possible.

You are 1 client out of 30 who need to get processed today. They can probably process 15 a day. If 15 people complained to them TODAY, those people are getting processed. 16-30 must not be angry enough cause they haven't bitched enough yet.

The reality is, no one cares that YOUR house gets recorded today. The company cares that 15 houses are recorded by that employee. In an industry where they know they have you by the balls they don't need to offer customer service. The fact is, they could lose 1/3 of their clientelle and they'd make the same money but have less angry people. So no reason for them to improve really. It won't make them more money to expand as they'd have to lay all the extra employees off during the winter when home sales are slow.