Home buying thread

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
There's always a 3rd party involved no matter what state it is that is supposed to be neutral and not put pressure on you. Nobody ever closes at a lenders office anymore unless they willingly choose to go there to sign.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
I think California is strange. We had a title and escrow company as well, and we signed all our loan paperwork with them. I've never even met my lender, but I've had to go to the escrow company a few times. Maybe this is why wormie is getting all spun up; in whatever state he lives in, going there isn't customary. But even discounting my drop in that he's upset about, I've had to go there 3 different times for legitimate reasons (4 if you count my wife dropping off a cashier's check). Hell, one of my coworkers just bought a house and is using the same escrow company, and when we were signing everything I saw her husband there. He must be some giant asshole to show up their offices too.
I am not upset that you went to the escrow company. I am annoyed that, instead of waiting for them to return your call within a reasonable amount of time, you decided it wasnt soon enough for you and ran over there to get answers that no one had. You yourself said the people there seemed annoyed that you showed up, did you stop for a second and wonder why? Did you stop for a second and tell yourself that maybe you do not know how the process works and maybe assuming shit isnt the best course of action? Nope, you did not, you just assumed that since no one seemed to drop everything they are doing and answer your every question the second you came in, that these people are all useless and lazy pieces of shit who cant multitask and hence are dumb. In your ignorance, you took your (most likely very valid) frustration out on people who had zero to do with the your problems and a bunch of people here seem to think this is an acceptable way to treat others. And thats just fucking annoying.


Got something right about marriage
You mean treating people like garbage like this:

1) Not answering your phone or returning calls
2) Acting annoyed simply because someone showed up at your place of business
3) Not giving a shit about deadlines and not affording even 1/10 of the same courtesy you expect to be given
4) Pretending just because someone has questions they are "treating me like garbage"

Even though all they are trying to do is buy a house and have done nothing wrong. You mean like that?


A Mod Real Quick
Can you point me to the text where he treated them like garbage and took his frustrations out on them?

Was it just the part where he showed up?


Got something right about marriage
Can you point me to the text where he treated them like garbage and took his frustrations out on them?

Was it just the part where he showed up?
No he can't, because that didn't happen. He just assumed and since it's his only fallback he's doubling and tripling down on it.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
You mean treating people like garbage like this:

1) Not answering your phone or returning calls
2) Acting annoyed simply because someone showed up at your place of business
3) Not giving a shit about deadlines and not affording even 1/10 of the same courtesy you expect to be given
4) Pretending just because someone has questions they are "treating me like garbage"

Even though all they are trying to do is buy a house and have done nothing wrong. You mean like that?
Once again you know zero about the process and yet have stupid fuck opinions. Lets see:

1) They just received the package. They have nothing to call him about as they did not have a chance to look at anything
2) See (1). They had nothing to tell him and when he showed up they either have to tell him to get fucked (which they did politely) or to drop other people's closings and start examining the docs for his closing which would waste tons of time.
3) They are not under any deadlines. There are no fucking deadlines set for the escrow agent. They receive the documents when the bank is ready to close and they make sure the docs are in good order. They have zero to do with the time line of the deal. Maybe if i repeat this a few more times you will finally get it.
4) Not affording people any time to actually gather up all facts about what they have to do and expecting answers at the drop of a hat is not having any respect for those people. Like I said in a post a day or two ago, no one shows up to other professional offices unannounced, why is this one so different?

Can you point me to the text where he treated them like garbage and took his frustrations out on them?

Was it just the part where he showed up?
I dont feel like finding his post about it. He said he found out the escrow company received the docs, called them, didnt get a call back in whatever time frame he thinks is reasonable and went over there to ask questions. He promptly got told to get fucked and wait his turn. He then comes to the conclusion that the people at the escrow company are useless pieces of shit which I am sure was very visible on his face while he was in the office.


Got something right about marriage
Once again you know zero about the process and yet have stupid fuck opinions. Lets see:

1) They just received the package. They have nothing to call him about as they did not have a chance to look at anything
2) See (1). They had nothing to tell him and when he showed up they either have to tell him to get fucked (which they did politely) or to drop other people's closings and start examining the docs for his closing which would waste tons of time.
3) They are not under any deadlines. There are no fucking deadlines set for the escrow agent. They receive the documents when the bank is ready to close and they make sure the docs are in good order. They have zero to do with the time line of the deal. Maybe if i repeat this a few more times you will finally get it.
4) Not affording people any time to actually gather up all facts about what they have to do and expecting answers at the drop of a hat is not having any respect for those people. Like I said in a post a day or two ago, no one shows up to other professional offices unannounced, why is this one so different?

I dont feel like finding his post about it. He said he found out the escrow company received the docs, called them, didnt get a call back in whatever time frame he thinks is reasonable and went over there to ask questions. He promptly got told to get fucked and wait his turn. He then comes to the conclusion that the people at the escrow company are useless pieces of shit which I am sure was very visible on his face while he was in the office.
Hahaha. His "probable" facial expressions trigger wormie. We got a straight up mortgage SJW on our hands boys.

Go to your safe place bro.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
Hahaha. His "probable" facial expressions trigger wormie. We got a straight up mortgage SJW on our hands boys.

Go to your safe place bro.
Dont be mad just because you are an ignorant fuck. Most people are, you are in good company.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah, I'm not sure where he got that from. I'm very cordial about pretty much everything during this process because I don't want to go pissing someone off. I showed up and asked to speak with the woman, because I hadn't been able to reach her. She gave me a bit of attitude about how busy she was, "We got a bunch of loan documents in this morning, and yours is last. I don't know when we'll get to it." was the gist of it.

Had she just returned my fucking phone call like a normal business and said, "We got slammed over the weekend, but we'll contact you later when we can set up an appointment" I would've just said ok and moved along. But no, I had to go there to get that answer. And worse, she was a cunt about it. By saying "you're last on my list" it basically gives the impression that you don't matter. Do I understand first in, first out? Absolutely. Do you want to hear that your multi-hundred thousand dollar purchase is the lowest priority of someone? Fuck no. That's why I was pissed when I posted (among all the other delays and nonsense).

There's this thing called "tact" that most people, especially those in the service industry, should have when they deal with other humans. So far, most people in real estate seem to be lacking this trait.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
Yeah, I'm not sure where he got that from. I'm very cordial about pretty much everything during this process because I don't want to go pissing someone off. I showed up and asked to speak with the woman, because I hadn't been able to reach her. She gave me a bit of attitude about how busy she was, "We got a bunch of loan documents in this morning, and yours is last. I don't know when we'll get to it." was the gist of it.

Had she just returned my fucking phone call like a normal business and said, "We got slammed over the weekend, but we'll contact you later when we can set up an appointment" I would've just said ok and moved along. But no, I had to go there to get that answer. And worse, she was a cunt about it. By saying "you're last on my list" it basically gives the impression that you don't matter. Do I understand first in, first out? Absolutely. Do you want to hear that your multi-hundred thousand dollar purchase is the lowest priority of someone? Fuck no. That's why I was pissed when I posted (among all the other delays and nonsense).

There's this thing called "tact" that most people, especially those in the service industry, should have when they deal with other humans. So far, most people in real estate seem to be lacking this trait.
See this is what I mean. She is a cunt because she told you the truth? You think your purchase is somehow more important then everyone elses's is? Your package came in last, it gets reviewed last. Thats how things work. Thinking people that have no control over this situation are cunts, worthless, lazy and stupid is exactly why when people like you leave the office, they get called assholes by everyone present.


Bronze Squire
Did you stop for a second and tell yourself that maybe you do not know how the process works and maybe assuming shit isnt the best course of action?
Let's just assume he really was ignorant to how the whole process works for a second. Don't you think it would be good customer service for a company to pick up the phone and I dunno, inform him of how the process works so he just doesn't sit there in the dark? That seems like something pretty much any other business would do. Do you really just expect him to sit down and shut up and wait around not knowing anything with possibly thousands of dollars hinging on looming deadlines?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Nah, fuck that. They're a business. They probably should've just shredded everything the second I called the first time. Out of spite, for not being patient with their "process."

Oh, and kept the money we're paying them (about $1800, by the way, although I have no clue what they keep; Settlement fee, title insurance, e-document fee, 8.1, notary fee, courier fee, and another $400 for who the fuck knows). Because capitalism or something.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
Let's just assume he really was ignorant to how the whole process works for a second. Don't you think it would be good customer service for a company to pick up the phone and I dunno, inform him of how the process works so he just doesn't sit there in the dark? That seems like something pretty much any other business would do. Do you really just expect him to sit down and shut up and wait around not knowing anything with possibly thousands of dollars hinging on looming deadlines?
The company doesnt even know who he is. He is not their client, they know nothing about him. This is what no one seems to want to understand. The escrow company gets a package from the bank for person A and is told to executed everything and then pay appropriate parties with money wired to them. They know nothing about the deal until someone sits down and reads all the shit that the bank just dumped on them. They know nothing about deadlines, they didnt create any problems that took place before the deal was ready to close, they know 0. They had no information to tell him until they actually sat down and examine what information they do have. This is why when he did show up, they told him "too bad, we will talk to you tomorrow." He thinks they said this because, and i quote, "the lady is a cunt". When in reality she just did not know anything about his deal. The assumption that the people working at the escrow company are cunts, lazy, stupid, worthless and should all be fired is based entirely on Elurin's ignorance of the process and not reality.


<Bronze Donator>
Wormie do you work at this escrow company and were just to big a coward to say this to his face? Cause you butthurt son.


Bronze Squire
The company doesnt even know who he is. He is not their client, they know nothing about him. This is what no one seems to want to understand. The escrow company gets a package from the bank for person A and is told to executed everything and then pay appropriate parties with money wired to them. They know nothing about the deal until someone sits down and reads all the shit that the bank just dumped on them. They know nothing about deadlines, they didnt create any problems that took place before the deal was ready to close, they know 0. They had no information to tell him until they actually sat down and examine what information they do have. This is why when he did show up, they told him "too bad, we will talk to you tomorrow." He thinks they said this because, and i quote, "the lady is a cunt". When in reality she just did not know anything about his deal. The assumption that the people working at the escrow company are cunts, lazy, stupid, worthless and should all be fired is based entirely on Elurin's ignorance of the process and not reality.
So you are telling me that if I called an escrow company and actually got someone to pick up the phone and said "Hey, I'm Mr. Opiate and my loan paperwork should be with you guys, can you let me know what is going on in the process?" they can't plug my name into a computer and figure that out? Even if it is just a matter of "yes, your paperwork is in a giant pile of stuff and we will get to it in X amount of time." or perhaps even "we have paperwork from your bank but can't confirm that it is yours Mr. Opiate but odds are it is and if so it should take X amount of time."?

Also, this whole "he isn't their client" line you keep spewing doesn't fly. Just because there is an intermediary between Elurin and the Escrow company doesn't make him not their client. Ultimately it is his transaction that is providing the escrow company their business and they should treat him like a customer.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
So you are telling me that if I called an escrow company and actually got someone to pick up the phone and said "Hey, I'm Mr. Opiate and my loan paperwork should be with you guys, can you let me know what is going on in the process?" they can't plug my name into a computer and figure that out? Even if it is just a matter of "yes, your paperwork is in a giant pile of stuff and we will get to it in X amount of time." or perhaps even "we have paperwork from your bank but can't confirm that it is yours Mr. Opiate but odds are it is and if so it should take X amount of time."?

Also, this whole "he isn't their client" line you keep spewing doesn't fly. Just because there is an intermediary between Elurin and the Escrow company doesn't make him not their client. Ultimately it is his transaction that is providing the escrow company their business and they should treat him like a customer.
If you called them when they dont even know that they have your package and asked them for information then the same thing would happen that happened with Elurin. No one would get back to you until someone actually knows whats going on. No one is going to talk to you until they know what is what. No one can talk to you because they know absolutely nothing until they get to your package. And its not some data base that has this information that you can search through. Its an email with a PDF or two that contains documents. I wish it was some easily manipulated database but these things dont work that way.