A $1600 payment on $3500 is not much under 50%. I know your range tops out at 4 grand, but when you plan for these always take the lowball to be safe. The magic number is roughly 30% of your income, and with you being single I"d definitely shoot for something smaller or more economical. I"m not going to go as far as say "you are the reason for this mess..", but really a household making ~$50k should not be looking at houses that cost a quarter million dollars. There are just too many variables that can happen real quick that could cause that 50% of your income to balloon to even higher percentages. You may be getting it for a steal, but I guarantee you the local municipality doesn"t take that value off their appraisal for taxes, plus you have upkeep and repairs, and if it"s in a neighborhood any HOA fees. You are doing good for yourself at this point, I"d hate to see someone in your position sink in over their head because you jumped the gun. Personally, if I were in your shoes I"d find as cheap ass of a place I could to rent, buy a used car cash, and pour every last bit of my income into savings. In 2-5 years you could buy a house like that, and have enough of a down payment to have sizable equity, and you"d be what? 28?