This bed in the corner between my 2nd garage / woodshop and the house / primary garage has been giving us issues since we bought the place. It is downhill to this area, water floods my shop and it honestly is just a mess 99% of the time. So today got a bug to go clean it out and strip it down. Initially was going to just pull everything up, put down a new layer of fabric, and put river rock over it rather than mulch, but as I pulled back the existing rock, weed, and crap found out the previous owner(s) had installed a drain around the edge.
Well, that drain looked shot to shit, full of soil and rocks, roots growing through the flex pipe, and nothing actually connected together.
This is the area in the middle of me clearing it out, just to get a view of it. May be hard to tell but from the top right to the bottom left downspout is a pretty good grade.
Blue is existing 4" flex pipe. There's a 180'ish coming off the downspout to a "red" pipe that goes under my shop and out the other side in to a union in the backyard that runs it away from the house. This does function as I've followed it and seen it work. However, my bet is 90% of that is coming off the gutter and not this drain.
The rain dead ends on bend and connects to nothing, it just stops. It also stops in the middle of the bed and seemingly connects to nothing. Still have a little excavating to do.
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Here is the T on the right side. No connection between the pipe and the about 1.5' PVC that then isn't actually connected to some more corrugated that runs down and stops.
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Here's the end point on the bend of the driveway:
View attachment 533011
I've dug up almost the whole thing. My plan now is to replace all the existing 4" with new. Put a 9" catch basin where the green is. That is where water flows across my driveway and empties in to this bed area. Put an actual T-junction in and connect it up, run that branch down to the underground. And carry that other branch around the rest of the perimeter and Y it in to the downspout in to the underground (that was hard to draw from this angle so left it out).
View attachment 533015
Then I'Ill put down a new layer of fabric, hardscape it, and come back with some Hostas and a few other things to liven it up.
Thoughts? This is all based on Google and me not knowing wtf I'm actually doing, and some ChatGPT.
I'm not really counting on this to solve my flooding issue, it just kind of spiralled and took off as a father's day weekend project.