That's fine if you aren't also charging $150+ just to drive to my goddamn house.
I've been on that side of things, so I understand what is going on.
If a contractor is booked solid, why would they pull a guy off a scheduled/active job to go to your house for free? They could have just told you they were booked and hung up, but at least they're giving you the option.
If a company has dedicated service guys or estimators, that might be all they do. How are they supposed to cover that labor cost if they don't charge to show up? People will say "they should cover that labor cost from future work" but let's be honest here...if your A/C is out, how likely is it that you'll be willing to wait 6 weeks with no A/C while they work through their backlog just because they showed up to give you an estimate for free? They know the odds are good that you're just gathering quotes on the front end, there's no guarantee you'll even choose them, and no one is going to just go around giving away free quotes unless they're fucking desperate.
If you are charging then you should be willing to give me a rough estimate based on the previously quoted work over the phone. I'm not asking for anyone to commit an actual quote, I'm asking for you to say "Based on that quote this is what I would charge, but I still need to see the unit myself before committing to pricing". That way I have a basis of comparison.
The problem is when you have an unwillingness to have a candid conversation with customers and combine that with ridiculous service appointment charges you're just being greedy and practicing business in bad faith. But when literally everyone does it, customers have no choice and it makes it way easier for the really nefarious types to essentially scam people.
Places I've worked have told me, in no uncertain terms, that I am not to give ballpark numbers under any circumstances. It doesn't matter if it's binding or not.
I once told someone I thought it would be "just a motor" at Cost X, based on what I was hearing from him over the phone, and when we actually got there it was way worse than what the guy had thought and ended up being 3 or 4 times the cost I had told him (as a nonbinding ballpark number). I never should have listened to that guy. He bitched an absolute shit-fit with the company FOR MONTHS, and I had to fucking hear about it from management every time he called.
It also doesn't matter what someone else has told you or quoted you. That could be from your buddy, some shady guy working under the table for cash, or it could even be completely wrong based on a fuckup on that guys end.
I would never use someone else's quote to base anything of mine on. Holy shit. There's way too many tards out there in the trades. I'd rather chew glass.
The only way I'd do what you're asking is if you were a friend of mine, that I'd be willing to eat some cost for and lose a few bucks on.