Well, he killed a major government official and made a fool of Iran. They are all about revenge in the middle east.I mean the show established his popularity in Iran and when a popular hero is suddenly labeled a murderous enemy of the state and in the span of three days is arrested, judged and executed, it sounds seriously fishy.
She did but it wasn't a big deal. I don't think she was ever going to convert to Islam or anything, she was just feeling conflicted about her dad and sort of acted out a prayer.Did she end up using the mat? If so, what was the point of that scene?
Okay I watched the rest, mainly since I've been off work ill and had 20hrs a day to fucking waste.Season 3 is fucking terrible and i doubt it can be saved however if any writers are reading then try killing carrie and brodie's entire family, preferably very painfully and horribly. That may save this shitfest but i doubt it...
Was there an actual point to the family stuff this season? First half the season is the family BS while Saul is trying to figure out the Iranians/setting up Carrie. Then they just abandon the family and go gung-ho with the rest.I don't even think it was bad, I think you ladies are overly sensitive to anything involving the family. But yeah, the family was the weakest part of the season.
The thing that keeps saving Carrie's ass is that she's always right in the end. The CIA was going to have the Mossad agents kill Brody, but Carrie screwed that up by informing him, which led to Brody actually finishing his mission. She consistently proves to have insight to things other people miss... which is becoming a little tiresome. It gets to the point where anyone who disagrees with Carrie or gets pissed when she flagrantly disobeys order is beginning to look like Sculley doubting the existence of the supernatural after repeated encounters with it. It's not hard to see why Carrie gets away with some of the things she does, but the more you inch that way, the less easy it becomes to see why everyone constantly questions her.My only major annoyance is that fucking Carrie wasn't gotten rid of somehow. She blows ops, disobeys orders and generally is a fucked up explosion waiting to happen every minute of the day and she gets what? promoted? Bleh.