Season 1 was far different than any other show though. It was a spy thriller with real world politik and a bad guy with interesting motivations and it felt very nuanced and "right". Brodie was decent but Abu Nazir was just awesome, you felt his rage as he relived his family being killed by drone strikes. season 2-3 just moved into soap opera territory and were not good. season 4-5 have gone full on 24 mode, with spies acting like rambo or retards, and the bad guys basically turning into comic book villains. They attempt to make the conflict a little more grey with good guys doing bad things and more bystanders caught in the middle (the doctor, the hezbollah guy, etc) but most of it comes off as eye rolling.
i still have enjoyed this season, cuz its ISIS vs. CIA vs. Russia vs. Israel vs. Hezbollah and its fun to see how that stuff shakes out, but man so many stupid things keep happening to move the plot forward in the way the writers want. It would be a better show if they sketched out the entire season ahead of time and had more interesting bad guys and more quality over major action beats, but oh well. and yeah, whoever decided that Carrie's quivering face is her superpower needs to be fucking fired