Dude lets keep it academic (akademic?) and say EKG. Its from ?????? = kard?a = heart and better hope your doc has enough intellectual background to know that and is old school enough to use EKG.Dat pnemonia.
And say ECG intead of EKG. EKG is soooooo 1950's.
For 100% serious, say ECG instead. Electrocardiogram. I suppose the thinking was that "EE-KAY" was more distinct a sound than "EE-CEE" but ain't nobody got time for that shit no more!
I, too, rate my doctors by their knowledge of the history of languageDude lets keep it academic (akademic?) and say EKG. Its from ?????? = kard?a = heart and better hope your doc has enough intellectual background to know that and is old school enough to use EKG.