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<Gold Donor>
No one "created" the soap opera effect it's just a result of filming at higher fps. You are angry that high speed cameras exist.
Sorry, but you're wrong. Higher framerate is what we got in those shitty Hobbit films, and while it certainly sucked it isn't the same thing.

Soap opera effect is motion smoothing done via post processing to make something with a lower framerate look like/work with a higher framerate. It is a direct result of TVs going from 60Hz to 120Hz and motion blur becoming more of an issue because of it. Since some people complained of motion blur, they developed motion smoothing, but to me all it does is turn it into complete ass.

So yes, it very much is something that someone created. If everything was just filmed and shown at higher framerates the smoothing wouldn't be necessary and it wouldn't look so shitty (probably).