House of the Dragon


Potato del Grande
Here let me TLDR:
Sylas: turbo-autistic encyclopedic recall of the books, posts scene by scene line by line show to book changes and argues that the show is completely shitting on the book. Backed up by all evidence, media, the author and even the show runners themselves.

Chris: disingenuous faggot who admits he hasn't read the books in over a decade, barely skimmed the book hotd is based on, and doesn't even consider it a book. Argues the show is a faithful adaptation of the book and if it isn't, it doesn't really matter hurrdurr.

You decide who's right.
What is disingenuous about speculating that the knights of the vale get to winterfell in the next books without teleporting and things broadly play out as in the show?

Either they show up without teleporting as every other person in the books has done, or they don't show up and it was a plot invented for TV or the result of character merges.

I'm not going to argue if you think it won't happen in the books, this isn't a political stance I'm taking. Why the fuck would I choose this of all things to hypothetically troll people about? I liked the books and I liked speculating about them 10 years ago and those posts will be here somewhere.

You don't need to have an autistic meltdown because the details of a supporting point are slightly off in a way that doesn't change my point.

By all means inform us of the number of ships Cersei had built and their troop carrying capacity, that would actually be a way to end this line of speculation, instead of nitpicking things that don't matter to the point.

Bald Brah

Lord Nagafen Raider
He wrote the novels when he was a relatively poor unknown writer. Cranks out a dozen in a few years.

Hollywood starts throwing buckets of money at him to produce racy fantasy series.

Suddenly has writers block for over a decade.
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FPS noob
he posted earlier today a long entry about things he didn't like about HotD season 2, then a few hours later took it down. It does spoil major events for season 3 so don't read the archived post if you haven't read the book (or give a fuck), its 2 years till season 3 anyways you'll probably be dead before then

Wonder if HBO called him and said "get that shit down you fat fuck"

  • 1Worf
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Was reading it as it got taken down. Cant argue with anything he said. They keep removing very impactful scenes that alter the story a ton. Oddly enough listened to the official HoD podcast this morning with Condall where he said him and George didnt agree on a lot of things too lol.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Condal's "The book is the book, the show is the show" approach isn't working. If S2 was a smash hit he'd have more leg to stand on.

Bald Brah

Lord Nagafen Raider
Was reading it as it got taken down. Cant argue with anything he said. They keep removing very impactful scenes that alter the story a ton. Oddly enough listened to the official HoD podcast this morning with Condall where he said him and George didnt agree on a lot of things too lol.

Makes sense though, George's ideas aren't restrained by an actual budget and time slot. This show is dragging ass as is.

Throwing another baby in there and a big convoluted plot about Aegon's retard wife killing herself wouldn't make it any better.

Needs more titties and more dragons. Not regurgitated Sophie's Choice.

As long as the titties are on natural born attractive women. Not trannies and strange looking non-binaries. Bring the original 2 chicks back.
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Potato del Grande
he posted earlier today a long entry about things he didn't like about HotD season 2, then a few hours later took it down. It does spoil major events for season 3 so don't read the archived post if you haven't read the book (or give a fuck), its 2 years till season 3 anyways you'll probably be dead before then

Wonder if HBO called him and said "get that shit down you fat fuck"

Thanks. That's not as negative as Sylas posts and he wrote it lol.

Clearly they have 10/10 material and are making worse with the Hollywood writer meddling. You can't tell me that showing a toddler in two scenes would break the budget.