its interesting having 3 episodes of The Boys drop and then 1 episode of House of the Dragon a few days later, and i guess the acolyte too same week. 2 years ago it was HotD and Rings of Power (lol) at the same time.
honestly they are all very mid so far, which is a bummer. This episode was fine, writing was good but it was basically "emotional loss trauma: the episode" and I didn't really feel that sad at any moment. They were all well done but just didn't really care. Haelena's stuff was saddest because she is one of the only innocents but we barely know her or her kids.
Have to agree with nerdist, they really botched blood and cheese
Ending with Cole/Queen was just dumb and unnecessary. Healena walking down 3 flights without a single guard around is silly. Cole is Commander of the Kings Guard and responsible for their safety, will it come up at all why he was derelict in his duty or what he was personally doing at the time? Probably not. So why show that final scene that way... just for more shock value without much thought about what it means for the story, which is a sad problem for a lot of writing nowadays.
For me the best scene of the episode was all the Winterfell stuff, that shit was really, really great. I honestly thought it was Jon Snow narrating (lol) but I guess its the actor playing the Stark boy we saw.