House of the Dragon


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
like literally this dog is shit, wtf

(i wouldn't watch this faggot shit either)

damn galadriel sucks. she was on screen for 1 second during that clip and was easily the worst part of it.

cringe-inducing lead role is another reason not to watch


<Gold Donor>
That 56 minutes went very quickly, was moderately surprised it ended when it did. Decent first episode

Although this show is gonna need a canon explanation as to how all the blacks of kings landing got killed off along with the dragons before the start of GOT.
You know I addressed this 2 years ago, at least as far as the Velaryon's are concerned. Since Targaryan's inter-wed Velaryon's for hundreds of years yet all Targaryans remain white as snow and by the time of GoT, 130 years or so after HotD, all the Velaryon's are white as snow, then clearly Targaryan DNA is just super strong and it elminates black DNA within 1-2 generations.

However since they now decided that there's a bunch of commoners who are now black in HotD time but none remain by the time of GoT, then canonically, In game of thrones universe black DNA is just super fucking weak, regressive genes and it disappears within 1-2 generations regardless of who they interbreed with.

which TBH seems extremely likely since it's how it works in the real world as well:

1st Generation


2nd generation, blonde hair blued aryan


<Silver Donator>
You know I addressed this 2 years ago, at least as far as the Velaryon's are concerned. Since Targaryan's inter-wed Velaryon's for hundreds of years yet all Targaryans remain white as snow and by the time of GoT, 130 years or so after HotD, all the Velaryon's are white as snow, then clearly Targaryan DNA is just super strong and it elminates black DNA within 1-2 generations.

However since they now decided that there's a bunch of commoners who are now black in HotD time but none remain by the time of GoT, then canonically, In game of thrones universe black DNA is just super fucking weak, regressive genes and it disappears within 1-2 generations regardless of who they interbreed with.

which TBH seems extremely likely since it's how it works in the real world as well:
View attachment 533414
1st Generation

View attachment 533413
2nd generation, blonde hair blued aryan
OIG4 (82).jpeg
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I was surprised at how empty the corridors were as well. This is the royal family, the heir to the throne, and there's not a guard at his door or anywhere in the vicinity. A couple of dudes come in through the sewers, stroll right through the throne room where the king is drinking, and manage to get to and kill the heir without anyone raising an eyebrow in their direction. Pretty wild.

I know the Kingsguard is split up, because they've chosen sides. But one of the twins is on a mission to go find the White Snake, or whatever her name is, when he's sworn to protect the lives of the royal family. Seems really odd for him to be doing that when they're already short-handed and there's so many members of the royal family that even if they were a whole 7 kingsguard, they couldn't cover everyone with a guard.

Definitely agree about Winterfell being the high point of the episode. "Do you think my ancestors built a 700 foot wall of ice to keep wildings?"
This was fucking ridiculous. Allowing random rat catchers to freely roam the castle makes no sense. Are you kidding me? The episode was decent until that point, which defies all logic

Bald Brah

Molten Core Raider
This was fucking ridiculous. Allowing random rat catchers to freely roam the castle makes no sense. Are you kidding me? The episode was decent until that point, which defies all logic

Yeah really stupid. Not one guard posted at the doorway to the queens bedchamber? Not a single challenge to an obviously large burly outsider no one recognizes? Like the inner bailey is just full of random strangers? That whole sequence was some piss poor writing.


Tranny Chaser
Yeah really stupid. Not one guard posted at the doorway to the queens bedchamber? Not a single challenge to an obviously large burly outsider no one recognizes? Like the inner bailey is just full of random strangers? That whole sequence was some piss poor writing.

It's wednesday, acolyte writing is going to wash away the gay. Wait. It's going to make it worse, isn't it?
  • 2Worf
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Yeah really stupid. Not one guard posted at the doorway to the queens bedchamber? Not a single challenge to an obviously large burly outsider no one recognizes? Like the inner bailey is just full of random strangers? That whole sequence was some piss poor writing.

So in the book, Blood and Cheese managed to bound and gag Alicent without anyone noticing and waited in ambush for Helaena and the kids only having to kill one guardsman (not described as a Kings Guard). Really all the show did was skip the Alicent part and make Sir Douchenozzle into a useless Lord Commander because obviously they should have had a guard. Its not like the best written thing, but being down so many Kings Guards Cole really should have made it a point to get Aegon to appoint new ones to properly protect everyone but he sucks.

I think the two main complaints everyone has are that Helaenas actions after this will have to be changed since the kids were not awake when she chose, and that Daemon was not shown to specify what to do if they could not find Aemond


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
So in the book, Blood and Cheese managed to bound and gag Alicent without anyone noticing and waited in ambush for Helaena and the kids only having to kill one guardsman (not described as a Kings Guard). Really all the show did was skip the Alicent part and make Sir Douchenozzle into a useless Lord Commander because obviously they should have had a guard. Its not like the best written thing, but being down so many Kings Guards Cole really should have made it a point to get Aegon to appoint new ones to properly protect everyone but he sucks.

I think the two main complaints everyone has are that Helaenas actions after this will have to be changed since the kids were not awake when she chose, and that Daemon was not shown to specify what to do if they could not find Aemond

Matt Smith said the tone of the show was mostly Sapochnik (as I suspected).

Any defects in these scenes are a contribution of his departure. Not off to a great start.




<Gold Donor>
So in the book, Blood and Cheese managed to bound and gag Alicent without anyone noticing and waited in ambush for Helaena and the kids only having to kill one guardsman (not described as a Kings Guard). Really all the show did was skip the Alicent part and make Sir Douchenozzle into a useless Lord Commander because obviously they should have had a guard. Its not like the best written thing, but being down so many Kings Guards Cole really should have made it a point to get Aegon to appoint new ones to properly protect everyone but he sucks.

I think the two main complaints everyone has are that Helaenas actions after this will have to be changed since the kids were not awake when she chose, and that Daemon was not shown to specify what to do if they could not find Aemond
Finally got around to watching this shit show. so much character assassination, continuing from season 1 where all the characteristics and flaws of one team is flipped and given to the other. I see they still doing my boy Cole dirty as shit, not only a manwhore but now he's an incompetent as well. completely flipped the script on daemon/white worm's relationship of course just continuation of more shit writing. But I guess they had to do this shit writing to explain away all the other changes they made to the characters.

Daemon is the drunken degenerate that spent his life and time in King's landing drinking, gambling, and whoring around flea bottom, he was even briefly the commander of the city watch. (as a bit of trivia, it was Daemon while he was commander of the city watch who outfitted them and gave them their gold cloaks, hence forth why they are called Goldcloaks) He the used that power and position for free wine, drinks, and whores, brothels would save all their fresh maiden virgins for him to deflower, he liked them very young (all these qualities they transposed on to Aegon II). He is the one who had spies and informants throughout king's landing (Mysaria, ie the white worm, being one of them. called the white worm because of her porcelain skin but of course race swapped because its 2024) and blood and cheese were his plan along with Rhaenyra. I get it, they want to add several layers of distance between the murder plot and Rhaenyra so they can excuse it as a misunderstanding or not intended, but it's bull shit and is going to fuck up several plot points later on, him having to rely on Mysaria instead of his own contacts in the underbelly of King's Landing.

They keep doing everything they can to make the fat tranny bitch a sympathetic character. lol, they changed her revenge scheme to be against Aemond, which of course would of been well within reason and understandable since he killed her son. Except of course in the books it was never against Aemond, she planned all along to kill Jahaerys, her nephew, 7 year old son of her brother. That was always the plan, a son for a son. not a son for a brother.

"Cheese" the ratcatcher was chosen to guide blood in because he knew all of the secret tunnels and passages in the red keep. He was able to sneak into the red keep completely undetected not because there was no guards but because they used secret tunnels and never were in any main hallways, much less just meandering around the goddamn throne room. (FFS this is such bad writing).

They couldn't get Aegon's wife or kids because the queen and her children lived in Maegor's Holdfast. The royal family lives there, not in the red keep. nobody knows the secret tunnels of Maegor's holdfast. (Maegor's holdfast is where Cersei took Sansa and all the ladies during the battle of blackwater while the battle raged on).

The plan was always to sneak into Queen Regent Alicent's room (this is the same room seen in GoT when Varys sneaks in through a secret door behind the fireplace), tie her up and hold her hostage. Yes there are armed guards outside the room the whole time, patrolling the castle the whole time, etc. This is why they had to sneak in via secret escape tunnels. They knew that Haelana brought her children to see their grand mother Queen Regent Alicent for afternoon tea every day hence this was alway sthe plan and the only way to get Aegon's son.

Instead we get this dumb and dumber half brained plot to just meander around the castle, dude doesn't know where to go, can't get to the "royal chambers" because rat catcher union rules or some other such fucking non-sense? so then they accidently end up in that room. I mean what the fuck is this garbage writing? Why even mention the secret tunnels or his knowledge of them as a ratcatcher if they are just going to meander around the throne room in front of armed guards carrying rat catcher gear. There was no need to sneak in to the castle they could of walked in the front fucking door. And there's no guards or anyone in the castle at all.

it was bad enough they made Haelana a simpleton autistic retard (she basically becomes that, a shell of a person, after her son is murdered) but goddamn they did her character so dirty too.

Anyway if they do the story any justice blood gets tortured to death and every single rat catcher in the city gets hung, both in an effort to kill cheese as well as ensure only the targaryan royal family knows about the secret tunnels throughout the red keep. They bring in 100 cats to handle the rat problem from this moment on which is why there's so many cats for Arya to chase when GoT Season 1 starts.
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<Gold Donor>

this thing is some sort of demi-pan-sexual tranny bitch.

I mean she's biologically a woman but is one of those they/them's who claims it's her excellent acting ability that allows her to play women's roles so well.
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<Gold Donor>
she's chubby yes. She's gorlock level in the books.

also to answer your question about black people earlier in this thread. Some trivia for you, the scene with all the black people on the docks of Driftmark, the black dude that Lord Corlys the Sea Snake is talking to is Alyn, he is one of his bastards, though he claims they are bastards of his Gay son. He mentions his brother Addam.
Alyn ends up as the sole remaining Velaryon who continues the bloodline. Addam and Alyn are both made Velaryons after all of the sea snakes family is killed (including all his "grandchildren" from his cucked gay son and Rhaenyra). Addam becomes a dragonrider and dies in one of the last dragon fights, Alyn ends up inheriting driftmark when the sea snake passes 1 year after the dance of dragons.