privileged excrementlord
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i'm not talking about telegraphing his death, i'm talking about building up him giving a shit about the girl. The film had plenty of ambiguity and unresolved story threads, and had at least a half dozen opportunities to play it up, it just forgot to do so. Hell you get more backstory and care more about the random rancher family that gets wiped out than you do of Logan realizing he gives a shit about the girl and decides to do something about it. He cares more and connects more with the rancher father, than the girl.
The entire conversation Prof X has with the girl via telepathy that is not revealed, prof x and logan talking about it afterward, could put a scene in there
Prof X reminding Logan about when he found him and took him in, he was nothing more than an animal too, could of added a bit of exposition there to connect to the two.
Logans suicidal ideations, could of connected that too it, him deciding this was worth dying for, could of played that up
The innocent rancher family getting wiped out at the farm house, could of easily put something in there about the cost of sacrifice, etc etc. The father's last words about his dead son, making logan think about his daughter, as actually his daughter and not random paycheck.
plenty of events in the film could of been called back during Prof Xs death scene, making Logan realize why he needs to give a shit. Any one of those things, or any other variation would of worked.
Instead, we get him giving a shit about Caliban, Prof X, the ranchers, random gas station attendant for 2 hours. Then in the last 10 minutes he does a 180, decides he doesn't want the money, does give a shit, and dies for it. It was just, off, compared to the character for the first 2 hours of the film.
Like I said, the movie is this close to being a solid 9/10. It's really only missing a handful of dialogue, maybe 1 extra scene, to connect it together and make it work as a hit straight in the feels + ultraviolence fan service last stand of wolverine film.
Don't know what to tell you, seemed like they accomplished it to me. From the moment he charged the phone up and finished watching Gabriella's video about her. You know that was making him think real hard about his time with Stryker. He wasn't acting on it really until after Professor X died, but it didn't seem forced to me. I'm glad they didn't get heavy handed with it.
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