I am now officially accepting Christmas presents

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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
How often are the new hires threatening suicide and creating uncomfortable work environment?
Often, actually.

In fact, we had someone on my shift threaten to murder 3 other members of the team and nothing was done about it. This person has documented substance abuse problems and a criminal history as well.

But I mentioned being sad and not having a long term plan after my mother dies, the same week that my remaining grandparent died, after my other remaining grandparent had died 2 months prior, and I had to go to a forced 3 sessions of therapy.
Well I work for state gov, so my and everyone's salary are public record- we all know what everyone is making.

Are the "new people" hired for the same job and tier or classification as you? Or are you saying they are hired for jobs tiered above you, and paied more- because they are tiered above you- yet don't do as much work as you? That's not "being paid less because woman" that's life and it sucks- gatta focus on moving up... IF they are higher tiered positions being filled- why aren't you applying for them?

A new hired Tech desk guy is going to make more than the custodian that's been around a few years... etc etc
I work for a private company, not the state. I did not say I was being paid less because I was a woman. I'm being paid less because I'm getting fucked, there's a difference.

These are people being hired for the same exact position as me, with no prior IT experience of any kind, and who clearly aren't capable for the scope of the job.

In lieu of a raise, my boss and his boss have authorized unlimited overtime for me. As long as I am logging my time and actively working tickets, I can literally work infinite hours and work tickets out of any tier's queue for any team.

Also, despite being a level 1 call center agent, I am now a global administrator for all of our Office 365 cloud tenants, which includes our own internal production environment, and could read the CEO's email if I wanted to, because this company makes sense.
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Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
it is retarded that mist is working overtime and get paid shit wage regardless.

working overtime doesn't mean shit if that means you are missing out on other opportunities outside of your job.

This is fucking dumb.


Avatar of War Slayer
K, yes getting fucked. That's why I asked those questions.. Most of the time people complain about wage inequality it's other issues- like new person "makes more" but is actually a higher position and they just suck and do less than someone in a position "lower"- that's job, org and management issues not just "sexist wages" that happens to everyone, and yeah it sucks.

Heheh ohh o360 admin...fun heh..


Step 1. Log into Bosses email
Step 2. Send yourself sexual messages
Step 3. ??????
Step 4. Profit!
  • 1Solidarity
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Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I doubt mist could even fake sexual messages. So change step 2 to, find sexual messages boss has sent to attractive employees, copy/paste and send them to yourself.

Also, find some child porn to forward from his email address in case he tries to fight the sexual harassment.
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
lol now payroll is saying I don't get double-time and a half for working 16 hours on Christmas because the company observes Christmas on the Monday. They're saying its straight time, along with the 12 hours I worked on Christmas Eve, of which at least 4 of which was promised to me as double-time and a half as well.

My boss, his boss and his boss are going to bat for us at least, but if they don't pay me, then fuck this place. Fuck it especially because the people that DIDN'T work any holiday coverage all got their timesheets padded out to 40 hours if they normally worked those days but didn't cover them, so literally if I didn't come in on Christmas I would have been paid the same as if I worked the whole thing, if they don't pay me the holiday pay.
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  • 1Picard
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Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
lol now payroll is saying I don't get double-time and a half for working 16 hours on Christmas because the company observes Christmas on the Monday. They're saying its straight time, along with the 12 hours I worked on Christmas Eve, of which at least 4 of which was promised to me as double-time and a half as well.

My boss, his boss and his boss are going to bat for us at least, but if they don't pay me, then fuck this place. Fuck it especially because the people that DIDN'T work any holiday coverage all got their timesheets padded out to 40 hours if they normally worked those days but didn't cover them, so literally if I didn't come in on Christmas I would have been paid the same as if I worked the whole thing, if they don't pay me the holiday pay.
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Krugman's Fax Machine
<Gold Donor>
@Amod requesting thread title changed to

'I am now officially accepting
I am disliked and worthless'

to better reflect the thread actual contents.


The Big Mod
lol now payroll is saying I don't get double-time and a half for working 16 hours on Christmas because the company observes Christmas on the Monday. They're saying its straight time, along with the 12 hours I worked on Christmas Eve, of which at least 4 of which was promised to me as double-time and a half as well.

My boss, his boss and his boss are going to bat for us at least, but if they don't pay me, then fuck this place. Fuck it especially because the people that DIDN'T work any holiday coverage all got their timesheets padded out to 40 hours if they normally worked those days but didn't cover them, so literally if I didn't come in on Christmas I would have been paid the same as if I worked the whole thing, if they don't pay me the holiday pay.
if true that's pretty fucked


The Big Mod
Chances that anyone else where Mist works tells it that same way?

The entire tale of the life of Mist would make complete sense ..... if it was all happening in Mumbai.

yeah that's the problem here. Mist essentially paints the picture that this company she works for her is treating a lesbian with a stuttering disability as a slave labor which is no way consistent with how corporate America works.

if half the shit is true that she claims she would have an easy workplace discrimination suit on her hands.
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