I do not believe in equality


Buzzfeed Editor
What an embarrassing display. Khane asked for an explanation. Was given one. Reacted like a child when he got an in-depth explanation instead of a platitude, then threatened to quit the forum. Multiple people declare him the "winner" so he will stay.
lol, he's been like this for a while. Dude needs more fiber or something, seems like he's constipated and pissed off all the time.


Buzzfeed Editor
OK, to recap:

We are not allowed to state a simple axiom (in this case, that our successes are built partially on things that are out of our control) without some perpetual victims claiming it is a personal attack against them.
In a thread debating the subject and looking for nuance on that specific subject? No, axioms and platitudes are fucking retarded. I'm so sorry people get butt hurt about being specific about inequality in a threadliterally titled"I do not believe in equality".

I have to wonder what the people whining are doing in here then? Like what did Khane and Tan here expect when they opened this thread. "Durr, this crap has ruined the forum in these specific threads we don't have to participate in but are so we can bitch and complain! Why can't I make general statements and not be challenged and seem really smart!'

You two deserve each other lol.


Got something right about marriage
The thread is entitled "I do not believe in equality"


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Khane is right. Several posters here have gone way off the fucking deep end with the war against SJWs shit. Many have lost all ability to argue objectively or dispassionately on the subject, and will immediately jump on anything that sounds 'lefty' or 'feministish' regardless of the veracity of the argument. It's gotten quite bad lately.

Might be time to take a step back, and Make ReRolled Great Again.
This right here. Fucks sake you guys are worse than the fuckin SJW's themselves at this point! We get it! They are wimpy, lazy, whiny, crying fucktards who want nothing more than to have you acknowledge you had an advantage, that doesn't exist. Who cares at this fuckin point. Move on. Go fight for a real cause that people give a fuck about...Like my sneakers.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Please keep this argument between 10 - 12 pages(default posts). If more evidence of Cad lying about his tuition is discovered, I approve 3 additional pages of ad hominen attacks.


Got something right about marriage


Got something right about marriage
You're pretty good with those smilies. Too bad you're married, you would probably kill on Tinder.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
This right here. Fucks sake you guys are worse than the fuckin SJW's themselves at this point! We get it! They are wimpy, lazy, whiny, crying fucktards who want nothing more than to have you acknowledge you had an advantage, that doesn't exist. Who cares at this fuckin point. Move on. Go fight for a real cause that people give a fuck about...Like my sneakers.
What did ya'll think this thread would be about when you opened it man? If you don't like the topic of inequality, gtfo. If you want to discuss it, wade in. But to take this "omg to even discuss this you guys must be butthurt SJW-clones" is asinine.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
What did ya'll think this thread would be about when you opened it man? If you don't like the topic of inequality, gtfo. If you want to discuss it, wade in. But to take this "omg to even discuss this you guys must be butthurt SJW-clones" is asinine.
That's the problem...How many of these fuckin threads do you need to talk about the same pissy shit? Don't make me go Sean in here!