Independence Day: Resurgence (2016)


Molten Core Raider
Yeah it's no less ridiculous than the first one. Maybe less so as city sized ships didn't destroy the planet when they crashed. It was all good fun.


The end battle had me laughing at the sheer ridiculousness of the whole thing. Aliens Queen copy.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
The end battle had me laughing at the sheer ridiculousness of the whole thing. Aliens Queen copy.
I was thinking

Hey it's a Cloverfield movie now

at the end.

That and I'm not sure I really want to go 2 more movies down this rabbit hole, ugh.


This is the dumbest movie I've seen since Jurassic World. I went with my wife and a 15 year old, and no one came out having enjoyed it, so that should say something. Even if you go to see this for the special effects and action...your going to have to suffer through 95% of terrible writing, acting, horribly forced jokes every couple minutes, stupid romance no one cares about, and trying to mimic every scene from the original movie but in a dumber more obnoxious way. Save yourself the money and just pirate this steaming pile, or better yet, save yourself the headache and just enjoy the original and pretend this doesn't even exist.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This is the dumbest movie I've seen since Jurassic World.
And this is why your movie opinions like a few others on this board are treated the exact opposite of what you say. I'd think you and the few others would of learned this by now. I feel bad for your 15 year old, unless of course he is as much joy as you are.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This movie was ok. It is essentially a very expensive B-movie. They spent 165 million dollars to make this movie but could not bother paying a person worth a damn to come up with better dialogue. If they had just thrown a million at that, it would have been a lot better. I loved the concept of gaining technology from the original war. That alone could have been the first movie. You could have used that to establish the characters more so that when they came a knockin, you knew them already. I liked that the people of earth came together. Now why these same people could not have gotten the intact ship going or at least have made it into a city(Please see the city of Macross in Robotech for reference), I do not know. Science went out the window even more than the first movie, though I loved how they gave a shout out to science with the whole "This ship is so big it has its own gravity well" line.

Maybe taking the fight off our planet will make the next one better? It is sad that a person could enjoy this movie just about as much if it were in a foreign language.

5/10, only for the "what if" idea of a continent size ship invading our planet. Next up, an earth sized ship will devastate the pacific but of course will have no effect on the other side of the planet.


And this is why your movie opinions like a few others on this board are treated the exact opposite of what you say. I'd think you and the few others would of learned this by now. I feel bad for your 15 year old, unless of course he is as much joy as you are.
The movie didn't have a press screening...gee I wonder why?

It scores a 34% among critics, and a 40% among movie goers.

I mean...if you can enjoy terrible movies, more power to you, but I'm not in some minority by calling this movie bad.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
40% movie goer review is a bad sign because you can basically knock 10-20% off movie goer reviews to get your average movies actual quality rating.


Yea, I was really surprised about the movie goer ratings. I won't lie I enjoyed this movie a lot but knew exactly what it was, but they played right to my nostalgia of really enjoying the first one as a 14 year old. I think there has just been too many big dumb summer action movies spawned by ID4 that younger audiences today just don't care.


Molten Core Raider
Yea, I was really surprised about the movie goer ratings. I won't lie I enjoyed this movie a lot but knew exactly what it was, but they played right to my nostalgia of really enjoying the first one as a 14 year old. I think there has just been too many big dumb summer action movies spawned by ID4 that younger audiences today just don't care.
Yeah, I think you nailed it.

I was thinking this weekend how the reviews are outright strange, even the 10% that aren't written by competitors parent companies. The main complaint is that it's too "silly", and yet it's far, FAR less silly and slapstick than the films it has spawned the last 20 years, including CGI fests like Marvel movies which are insanely "silly" at inappropriate times the death of a major character in the recent X-Men filmed was followed with absolutely no sadness and a few jokes.

End result though is a shame. I genuinely wanted to see more crazy ass Brent Spiner.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
If you liked the first one, you will like this one. It really is as simple as that. Science was iffy in parts, but this is not Interstellar and there was nothing as ridiculous as the MacBook saving the world from the first one. The move did lay the groundworks for some interesting follow ups, if they continue making them.

As for the reasons the harvester left:
Impression I got was that the invaders were simply not used to losing in a major way. The first fleet is the lower investment and the Harvester one was the follow up if they actually met with real resistance. It also seemed like the race was both a telepathic hive and that they essentially took their whole ecosystem with them, rather than living on planets (the guys who got trapped inside commented on this), which would mean the harvester recall was a sort of emergency protocol. I would tend to think that they would not want to risk losing essentially one of their probably hard to make giant space cities and all of its tech to a group that somehow managed to overcome one of their ruler queens, especially since the drones would be likely too disorganized to finish the job without risking the loss of such a valuable craft. This is especially true if they are worried about the Ipod sphere guys cornholing them for the tech, even if they destroy earth. They seemed pretty scared of the Ipods for some reason. Some of this probably should have been better fleshed out in the movie, but this was an action centric movie like all R/E projects.


<Bronze Donator>
This movie was Wild Wild West. Yes they fight a giant spider in the 3rd act. If you like that movie as a mindless entertainment flick, you'll probably like this movie for the exact same reasons.

except no will smith.

same kinda bs soft reboot as many movies nowadays cause hollywood is so bereft of original ideas. use aging actors to introduce a new cast for a new shit trilogy of films.

I almost forgave this movie for being so fucking terrible, since they got so many of the original actors to come back, even people you wouldn't even think would matter, came back. But no Will Smith basically killed that little bit of nostalgia "well that's neat, everyone came back" factor.

Basically this is like a michael bay quality movie, except the stunts, special effects, and cgi isn't quite up to michael bay standards. Thoroughly mediocre, and yeah I loved the original, watch that shit any time its on. This I will never watch again.

4/10, knees too sharp, would not bang.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Ho Lee Shiet. What am I watching, this is much worse than the original (except for the CGI). I'm about 1/3 through, and out of fingers to count how many cliches and dumb crap is in this movie.
They should give a Nobel prize for economics to the guy who invented torrents.


Were you expecting Oscar bait or something?

You people are completely misunderstanding what this movie obviously is for some alien reason.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
Went to see this yesterday. I was hesitant at first due to the low ratings but I loved the first one and, well, Jeff Goldblum is in it. I have to say, I thoroughly enjoyed it and don't understand the gripe. It was a good sequel to ID4 and didn't shit itself by trying to take itself too seriously.

If you liked ID4 you'll like this. If you didn't, you probably won't like this. If you expect serious science then don't go either. I'll give it an 8/10. Brent Spinner was awesome!


Bronze Knight of the Realm
And this is why your movie opinions like a few others on this board are treated the exact opposite of what you say. I'd think you and the few others would of learned this by now. I feel bad for your 15 year old, unless of course he is as much joy as you are.
Yeah, no shit. Jurassic World was very enjoyable entirely because Chris Pratt is in it. There's no bad Chris Pratt movies, you could put him in a Jean-Claude Van Dam B-movie and it'd be a blockbuster.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Went to see this yesterday. I was hesitant at first due to the low ratings but I loved the first one and, well, Jeff Goldblum is in it. I have to say, I thoroughly enjoyed it and don't understand the gripe. It was a good sequel to ID4 and didn't shit itself by trying to take itself too seriously.

If you liked ID4 you'll like this. If you didn't, you probably won't like this. If you expect serious science then don't go either. I'll give it an 8/10. Brent Spinner was awesome!
Brent Spinner is a pretty underrated actor. Have you seen his impression of Patrick Stewart? It's fucking hilarious.

Brent Spiner imitates Patrick Stewart... again. - YouTube

I phoned his wife once... one of them anyway. I said, "Daaarling, I won't be able to make it home for dinner." Pure gold.