You might lose money on every trade, but you'll make it up in volume no problem!My portfolio has now tanked so much that my previous worst investments are now my best longterm investments.
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View attachment 409815
My portfolio has now tanked so much that my previous worst investments are now my best longterm investments.
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View attachment 409815
I don't think many people are running around with green portfolios for the year. We had a great run but the bears deserve to eat for a while too.I could say the same if not for...
A few more weeks and we'll be past bears and into A Feast for Crows.I don't think many people are running around with green portfolios for the year. We had a great run but the bears deserve to eat for a while too.
Re Archegos: portfolio from $1.5 billion to $35 billion in a single year.
What a hustle.
You don't make money like that without taking it from someone who has a lot more secret police than you. Here comes the boot of Gibs dat. RIP in pieces hwang.Re Archegos: portfolio from $1.5 billion to $35 billion in a single year.
What a hustle.
Absolute fucking Chad.
Buy indexes and don't look at them until retirement. Problem solved.
Lots and lots of less old folks never experienced the '08 recession or the Dot-Com crash. It can be sobering to realize stonks can go down. And then down some more. And then down some more. It is the number one reason I only focus on blue chips of varying degrees. They have the best chance of coming out on the other side and not going to zero. I get laughed at now and again for saying how much I focus on financial fundamentals (income statements and balance sheets) when picking targets but the days we are experiencing are why I do it.Someone a few pages back mentioned how they thought they were doing so good and wondered why they were still going to work. Then market U-turn and said "well need to keep that job".
That is 100 percent me (well not exactly, I dont "need" to work but there are still some things I want in life besides just existing until death). 2020 I was raking in the money, some of 2021 too. Then gave it ALL BACK and then some to date.
Now im in that resignation feel "well I'll just keep putting my paychecks into my 401k and we will see whats up in a few years".
There are no get rich quick schemes. Can't believe I fell for it all, at my age. My only defense was I never was in a position like that before. Wish I fell for a smaller "get rich quick scheme" years ago, so I was more prepared for 2020/21, wall street bets, victory disease and all the rest.
p.s. Blazin, you said you'd come here and announce when you think we've reached the cliff. I keep watching for that post before I liquidate the last of my holdings (all will be at a loss of course)...