I don't think we are in a bubble. At least not for equities. Not overall. Were there bubbles like SPACs? Yeah. But in general? No. Were some metrics like PE stretched? Yes, but bubblefied? No. My belief is that easy money made companies sloppy in terms of management. They got fat. Even the bigs. Look at GOOGL. PE of 19 on EPS of $110 with little debt. META has a 12 PE on $13 EPS. Revenue growth is still moving. Those aren't bubble numbers. They are go long numbers.The really bad shit ya but all the little bad shit still to come like earning revisions and weak housing market. And we are still tightening and the market has priced in at what the fed has said or a bit less so it depends on if you think a 3% is a fed rate can stop inflation. Personally I don’t and think we have the risk of rate shocks like we had in June every month as CPI continues to run really hot.
I still go back to the analogy of 2000 since I think that is such a similar bubble and back then the s&p took forever to chop its way to the bottom though we did have 9/11 in there. Most recessions see bottoms in the -30 to 40 percent range and I just can’t see it not being the case this time. And that’s my optimistic view.
My pessimistic view is this will be way deeper as we pumped so high and wouldn’t so much say the fed is out of bullets rather they have turned the gun on the economy.
Do we have zombies? Yes. But we always do. This tightening by the FED will not only eventually slow inflation but also hopefully kill the zombie companies as funding becomes too expensive and better options appear. I think what we are going through is healthy in the long term even if it sucks in the short term.
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