The need for speed I believe comes from all the startups who have all their cash tied up and they need to make payroll next week. The super rich mega investors can probably survive a while.Govt normally does too much, not too little. Shareholders NEED to be whipped out. Unless people are currently robbing the coffers which I don't see how with govt already taking over people are going to get their money the question is how long does that take? I would think they are going to move quickly and try to resolve by end of next week. I think the powers that be like to flaunt their power in these type situations. Compared to FED intervention with COVID this is such a nothing burger we really need some other saying than nothing burger, a drop in the ocean. The Fed has a 6T balance sheet this is a rounding error.
There are a shitload of rumors of some ultra wealthy having lots of money in there. No proof of true. But if it is true I expect lots of phone calls and lobbying DC for "exemptions" to the 250k limit. This part will be interesting to watch since I believe it would take Congress to adjust that 250k hardcap.