I have liked HDV for my mom's account for many years. Currently interest rates and inflation make it less good. That being said, it is a steady performer but the 3-4% yield is not pretty in today's environment. If you see rates coming back down then riding it through isn't the worst idea.I think essentially the Fed has realized the markets are so deperate for a reason to go up that they know "Oh, we need to goose stocks for a few days/a week? Say no more fam, get MC Powell up there for a vague statement about reducing rates we can mostly retract a few days later without actually changing rates at all!"
Now, following up with the fact that I agree withSanrith Descartes on the fact that the strangers on the internet here are probably better than a number of the pros overall. I have my current small quandary I'm debating... Within the realm of my investing/assets/retirement world I have around 7-8% of that which is in a brokerage account I manually direct. (The rest is in a 401k, RSU stock from my company, my personal residence, and other real estate) We're not talking about earth shattering money, this is less than 10% of my asset layout. I go with a "if you like something find a low cost ETF that lets you invest in that space" theory because I'm no day trader and just using this as a way to grow some money for what I call "project peaches." Right now it's split pretty evenly between :
$ITOT - base "invest in the market" ETF
$HDV - Your grandmas ETF for some dividend income (which has been really stable through volatility for me)
$SPY - Sofi select ETF so a slightly more focused "invest in the market" angle
$XLK - "Invest in what you know" and I know technology and cybersecurity, so this looked like a good ETF in that space.
$URNM - My "Bet on something" ETF because I firmly believe that in the long run we as a society are going to realize nuclear is the easiest "clean" energy option.
I've had this bundle going around 2.5 years. All are in the green comfortably and I'm around %17 up on my portfolio in that time with a very lazy "set it and mostly forget it" approach. $HDV as you might expect is the laggard in terms of growth (just into the green), but I have harvested a good amount of dividend income off it. Of them @URNM has been my favorite child as in the last 2 years it's up over 30%. Which I consider good for the extremely low tier of effort I put in.
My question has become what to dump more into of that spread, or if I want to add another ETF. Target is really performance over the next year or two. I work in sales and that means lumpy commission income, but we live so comfortably off my base salary that all commissions can go into investments, toys, and "fun".
Mitigating thought is the fact that if I pull the trigger on "Project peaches" I'll probably liquidate a lot of this to cover that. "Project peaches" is the plan to buy land away from town and build the "we're going to live out our days on this land" house for @Mrs. Haus and I, turning our current house into a rental.
So, strangers on the internet, how much of an idiot am I? And what do you think?
I like ITOT but it has perennially underperformed SPY marginally. Having it and SPY is really only the thing if you are just getting some exposure to smalls and mids if this is the reason then I agree.
XLK? You already own big tech in ITOT and SPY, this addition could be sending you into very heavy weighting in AAPL, MSFT, GOOG, GOOGL etc. if you are good with this then it's fine.
Not familiar with SURNM.
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