Investing General Discussion

Sanrith Descartes

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From the JPM trading desk...

"it's not wise to try to fight this inertia, so investors may consider moving to a tactically market-neutral or tilting net short if they have not done so already"
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Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
here we go batman GIF

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
I need the big orange man to rally to $28 and I can get out completely unscathed and keep my profits, I’ve already exited all my positions and holding out hope that I can get back to break even on the last one.

My retarded ass will be lucky to not have lost my piddly 20k.


Mr. Poopybutthole
So I'm confused why this is having such a big impact on the US markets.

It's one thing when the US fucks it all and everyone else who owns massive US debt and trades everything in the reserve currency gets fucked along with us.

But why in the world does the Yen collapsing (again) impact us whatsoever? This seems a bit retarded to me and seems like a sell off with no apparent reasoning behind it.
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Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
How do you get out if you have been in a long time and have a lot of capital gains? Even if I wanted to sell everything and hold cash for the time being, it would result in absolutely ridiculous taxes that I intend to structure out to minimize taxes in retirement.

I guess in your 401k/roth accounts you could do that since you don't get cap gains on those until you retire/withdraw but how do you do that on taxable accounts?

Maybe you should, you know, pay capital gains taxes on your vast gains that you made with 0 effort.

Or just eat shit with the plebes.
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Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
So I'm confused why this is having such a big impact on the US markets.

It's one thing when the US fucks it all and everyone else who owns massive US debt and trades everything in the reserve currency gets fucked along with us.

But why in the world does the Yen collapsing (again) impact us whatsoever? This seems a bit retarded to me and seems like a sell off with no apparent reasoning behind it.

Isn't it the stonk answer? The market can remain irrational longer than you can stay solvent?


Vyemm Raider
So I'm confused why this is having such a big impact on the US markets.

It's one thing when the US fucks it all and everyone else who owns massive US debt and trades everything in the reserve currency gets fucked along with us.

But why in the world does the Yen collapsing (again) impact us whatsoever? This seems a bit retarded to me and seems like a sell off with no apparent reasoning behind it.
My understanding is basically a bunch of leverage existed in the Yen "carry trade" where Yen was borrowed then used to purchase US assets. Yen gets stronger and that trade unwinds. If the leverage is significant enough and held by the wrong people the whole thing falls apart. See the Bill Hwang thing w/ archegos a few years back as an example

I'm a moron about this stuff though, just parroting what I've read
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<Silver Donator>
I'm sure it's completely coincidental but it looks like all the Schwab trading platforms have gone offline for the moment....