Summary is the market expected the quarter but they wanted a fed who was still leaning towards cuts. He was more hawkish, being more concerned with inflation than was expected
Yea, this is true. I might decide to put in a bit more. I was mistaken actually, I only want to drop $75k in, keep the rest for a rainy day.
I am thinking to do 80% SPY, 20% VXUS. What do you guys think about that? This is a topic that's been beaten to death but I like having the international exposure.
I thought SPY over VOO due to options liquidity but in reality it doesn't seem very smart to sell options on SPY in case you get assigned and have to realize the gains.. although you could just buy out the option before that happens.
Yea, this is true. I might decide to put in a bit more. I was mistaken actually, I only want to drop $75k in, keep the rest for a rainy day.
I am thinking to do 80% SPY, 20% VXUS. What do you guys think about that? This is a topic that's been beaten to death but I like having the international exposure.
I thought SPY over VOO due to options liquidity but in reality it doesn't seem very smart to sell options on SPY in case you get assigned and have to realize the gains.. although you could just buy out the option before that happens.
Bought $545k of S&P at the close. Totally sane thing to do I think
You might want to look into the various MSCI indexes, they can get you into first world stocks, emerging market stocks or a mixture of both depending on your preference. Personally I hold mostly MSCI World which is the 1500 largest companies in the blue countries, basically the classic Western economies plus Japan, HK and Singapore. US stock market is by far the largest of those so you get like 65-70% overlap with the S&P500.
MSCI index classification and how they divide up the world
Many ETFs track MSCI indices. But who is MSCI and how does its view of the world impact your portfolio?
I'd drop VXUS to at most 10%. Every other market is truly fucked and the headwinds they're facing are only going to continue to get worse. Eventually their valuations will get so bad that they might outperform, but we're not there yet.
I'd also get VTI or some other total US market over SPY. It probably won't make a difference but I think there is a reasonable case where smaller caps over-perform.
RSP because I'm positioning for a reversal of the current trend into big tech. So RSP being equal weight will outperform in that scenario. The RSP/IWM part of the same bet we get a violent counter trend move.Blazin couple questions:
-why RSP instead of SPY or some other equivalent?
-what kind of price target are you looking at for an exit?
70At what age do you start buying bonds in your retirement accounts?