Anyone here use IBKR? Specifically their TWS platform?
I am considering a switch from fidelity(separate conversation), so I downloaded TWS just to get a feel for it. Holy crap it's different. I'd be afraid to make a trade over 100$ until I understand the app better! But like anything I'll use it for a month or two and probably be fine.
However one thing I cannot figure out in the demo version of the application is half the tools open in a completely new window. Literally new Windows window(alt-tab style window) and the rest open up as "tabs" or "frames" in the main window. I WANT the tab/frame style because then I can organize my entire screen and link things so when I change a ticker, all the tools switch to that new ticker. I cannot for the damn life of me figure out why some open in a new window and some in a tab. This happens in "Mosaic" and "Classic" modes. Example screenshot below.
Only other complaint is that when I link two windows, but click on any option, it switches my chart to a chart of the damn option instead of staying as the underlying. Only way I found to stop this was to delink the windows, but then I need to type the symbol in twice.
Anyway, my problem(no, this is not an actual layout I would use, it's just their starter set):
Never mind. Apparently it's something about the starter tab. If I make a completely new tab then when I select the exact same window it puts it in the main frame/tab instead of popping it out to a new window. Damn this thing is confusing.