100 years, 10% average return, 20% standard deviation
This is what to expect.
From all the data of all stock markets over the entire world and entire recorded history of these markets, thats what you get. 10%/year, 20% standard deviation.
Anything significantly different and you are either very lucky, very unlucky, fraudulent or doing some insider trading. Sorry you are not a genius.
Assuming of course you are not dumb enough to pay too much in fees/advice or use to much leverage.
One line equals one year of your life investing. As you can see 7 years is too short a time period to have any confidence in your edge.
PS its fucking hard and a fools game to look out of for 'bear raids' or downswings in a market that only goes up. If you want to try some timing, the best way to do it is to wait until the whole world is shit scared of investing, and the markets are crashing. Miley Cyrus has been pushed off the front page of the weekend newspaper/news websites and replaced with some scary stock market propaganda. Then is when you should try some market timing and Maybe alittleleverage.