I started investing in real estate tax certificates, also called tax liens or tax deeds depending on the state, seven years ago with much less capital than you're talking about. I purchased eight tax certificates at the second sale that I went to for about $3,500 total, and paid about $7,000 over the next three years in subsequent taxes due. Of the eight, five were redeemed, netting an average return of 17%. Three were not redeemed and I filed suit to quiet the tax title and subsequently sold each. The rate of return on the sales was in the 100-200% range.Anyone have any real estate investing advice? I am 35, debt free and have about 600/month to do whatever I want with. I want to try and make my money...make me money....
Tax certificate investment is not safe and is not easy. At the first tax sale I attended I purchased three certificates that were completely worthless, losing about $1,500. Before purchasing tax certificates research the laws and procedure regarding them in your state and research every certificate before bidding or purchasing. The investment is highly illiquid because your money is tied up until redemption or suit to quiet title, so anywhere from a day to five years.