I know this is far fetched, but I feel there could still be a way The Mandarin could still be used. Killian thought he was using an actor to give a face to his terrorism, but what if it was the other way around. Everything is there for it to be possible.would you be okay with going to see a Batman movie and The Joker being turned into a piece of shit character? Or how about your favorite video game/anime made into a movie and the main villain being turned into a joke?
Absolutely! If it was done as well as it was in this movie. It was an unexpected twist from a Hollywood that has been doing remake after remake because they ran out of new ideas. I'm not attached to "cannon" from comic books because they are made up cartoons.would you be okay with going to see a Batman movie and The Joker being turned into a piece of shit character? Or how about your favorite video game/anime made into a movie and the main villain being turned into a joke?
Seriously?Matter Rearranger
This ring can rearrange the atoms and molecules of a substance, or speed up or slow down their movement, so as to produce various effects. The ring has been used to condense water vapor in the air to liquid water, to solidify gasses, to create lethal poison gas from the air, to turn a group of men to stone, to turn a man into a beetle, to turn a mountain into a rock-monster, and to make a stone hand large enough to engulf Iron Man's body erupt from the floor. The ring cannot transmute elements or rearrange the atoms and molecules of Iron Man's magnetic-beam reinforced armor. The gem is shaped like a small purple circle.
Yeah like I said earlier, I would have been ok with the Mandarin having just been a fabrication by Killian, but when he goes HAHA IM THE MANDARIN CAUSE I GOT DRAGON TATTOOS BITCH it just took it too far.Yeah, Killian's "I was the Mandarin all along mua ha ha!" *shows dragon tattoos* pretty much killed any chance of actually getting a proper Mandarin.
I don't think anyone is suggesting that the Mandarin should have been identical to how he is in the comics (i.e "magic" rings, crazy powers). The annoyance is that before the big reveal halfway through the movie, the version of The Mandarin they had created (as this terrorist mastermind) was really, really awesome. The look, the voice, the mystery...it was all really cool and I was looking forward to seeing him go against Iron Man (perhaps by using Extremis himself, rather than having "magic" rings). Then they pulled the rug out from under us and ruined that awesome character.To be fair, The Joker has very little in the department of super hero comics mythology retardation. He is a disfigured and insane man, so a character with much potential in any fiction. The Mandarin on the other hand is littered with it. We are talking about a guy who found an alien spaceship. A spaceship that was somehow powered by 10 rings. 10 rings that each provide its wearer with a power more retarded than the next, that offer absolutely no coherent narrative structure whatsoever and that force the writers to dance around.
I mean here is one ring (I picked the worst):
Other aspects of the character are more interesting like him being the head of a state within the state in China or him being originally on the losing side of the chinese revolution. Apparently, some comic book writers managed to write good enough stories with the character. But for a movie where you have to introduce the character and cannot capitalize on the audience being used to its wonky nature, you are forced, if you decide to use it, to rewrite it to the point of being unrecognizable. It's a catch 22, because at some point you are sorta forced to use him as he is one of the main antagonist of the hero. What they did is certainly iconoclast, but at least they went all the way with it and put the story above the mythology,
Correct. Which is why I as well as others are so annoyed. If it was a minor villian whatever but this is -THE- villian for Iron Man.If there is a future for Ironman, I don't think you toss the Mandarin by the wayside. He's considered Ironman's primary ("arch") nemesis correct?
They didn't even need to mention The Mandarin's name in this at all and I feel the only reason they did was to pull a quick one over on those who knew the comic.
"You will never seeeee me cooooming."
No, know what I didn't see coming? Marvel raping your character.