I work for a company whose bread-and-butter product is a Silverlight app. For obvious reasons we've been researching which technologies to use to re-write it from Silverlight+WCF to some standard web technology. Actually, this has been tasked to another team who has spent the better part of a year now researching and working on a demo to show off their choices.
So, the final decision they chose is Angular2 client-side and ASP.NET Core (yes, Core) WebAPI for the backend. Two VERY new frameworks that are still in pre-release states.
The lead architect guy insists on this complete separation between the backend and frontend. In other words, he wants to be able to in the future, hypothetically, code an entire new UI that would use this new WebAPI. Or, conversely, code an entire new WebAPI that the client could use without changes. Makes sense, but in practice I'm skeptical.
Part of the problem I see is that we are primarily a Microsoft shop. Our knowledge of Javascript is minimal and no one has much web technology experience (e.g. HTML, CSS, proper layout, etc.) beyond some really basic old-ass ASP.NET WebForms stuff. The other team has been practicing with all the new Javascript tools like Gulp, Bower, etc. but they are far from experts. The demo they've been working on for months is, sadly, laughable.
It's obvious to me at this point that this will be a disaster of Biblical proportions. I think we would've been better off simply re-writing our product in ASP.NET MVC5 with minimal Javascript for validation purposes. The thing is, our product isn't a highly interactive one. Most pages consist of some sort of filter and a data grid. Fairly basic stuff.
Just curious what other's thoughts are on this. Has anyone here had experience with this sort of combination of JS framework client-side / webapi backend and how difficult or easy it was to marry these together? Tutorials and simple stuff I've created wasn't too difficult, but architecting an enterprise-grade, highly secure application using these technologies is, in my opinion, far beyond the skill and talent our teams possess.